Quicksand Pits

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No one's p.o.v

"A bargain - ten thousand gallons of filtered, non-radioactive aqua.. if you help me take revenge on a turtle warrior and capture a meerkat mutant." Reptilicus steps up a bit saying "what if we just decide to take this aqua from you instead, yes?" The lizards cheer for that. Verminator raised up some type of remote which made Reptilicus raise his hand and the lizards stopped. Verminator laughs since he has a plan "I can blow the whole stash of the and the Scale Tail Clan gets nada. But if we succeed... there's another ten thousand for ya - got ourselves a deal, Reptilicus?" He asks.

Reptilicus narrows his eyes at Verminator as he hums a bit in thought, then his eyes go back to normal as he smiles a bit at him. "You drive a hard bargain, Rex... okay, boys - looks like we're going on a turtle hunt." The metal things move and some vehicles drive out as some lizards are laughing crazily.

Louisa's p.o.v

I do little tricks with my hand before Donnie softly nudged me with his hand, so I let one of the ice figures go over his mouth and I melt it. He drinks it with a smile saying "thanks, honeybee" "Weeza, hit me up" Sam says which made me chuckle. I make ice go towards both Sam and Raph, so they open their mouths and I melt the ice. Mira finally accepted me and asks for water, I smile as I let two different ice spheres go over to her. She drank it instantly and opened her mouth again as I melt this sphere and she drank that too.

She hums in satisfaction before asking out "do you really think he could be your brother?" Donnie chuckles a bit as he crossed his legs. "A mad hermit living in the wild who calls himself the Holy Chalupa?.." Donnie asks with a bit of a smile. I smile at this and my tail wags as I say "sounds like Mikey to me!" Sam just sighs a bit annoyed. "I want to believe it too, guys - but don't get your hopes up" Sam says to us as she glares at us. Raph was next to say "this is an apocalypse, not a cartoon" Donnie and I share a look at that.

Though we don't say anything as I just float over and onto his lap as everyone else got quiet, Donnie hugs me close though. "Before my clan was destroyed, they taught that the Holy Chalupa was the only one who could translate the map to Oasis." Mira's words got Raph to groan annoyed, but I get comfy in Donnie's hold as Raph tells Mira off. "Oasis is just fairytales and campfire stories, kid" Raph says, but Donnie set me on his shell. He gets up and looks at Mira saying "Mira, can I see this map you keep talking about?" I deadpan at him.

'Seriously, stopped cuddling to look at a map that he probably wouldn't even understand...' I think as I drop down from his shell. I look at Sam saying "is there a place to sleep?" She hits the wall and a drop bed pops out. She points at it saying "knock yourself out" I start to climb up on it as Mira says "we were all marked so we could find our way. But I'm the only one left" I got on the bed as I cover up and sigh softly, it's not as comfy as it could be, but it'll do. "Doesn't resemble any language I've ever seen, just looks like... gibberish" Donnie states out loud.

Mira instantly responds with "the Holy Chalupa will know what it means and the only way to find him is crossing the Impossible wasteland." Sam just sighs saying "just another desert to me!.." I heard someone walking over as someone poked me. "Louiiiissa... I can't fit up there" Donnie says, so I groan as I turn to look at him and open an eye. He smiles at me before saying "sorry, I just wanted to see the map" I sigh and roll into his hold. He softly chuckles saying "you know you can't resist me" I playfully roll my eyes as I look forward at Raph.

"Dude, I heard that the wasteland is miles of the harshest desert imaginable" I say which made Mira get one of her legs onto the seat. She looks over at Raph saying "the wasteland is said to drive men mad" "oh, here we go" Sam says knowingly. Raph just says "heh, I'll show them mad" though he gasped and slams on the breaks. Donnie barely stayed on his feet as he holds me close, so I hide my face in his neck. Once we were fully stopped we look forward and I take off my mask to get a better look.

Up ahead is what looks like random pools of quicksand, so I nervously bite my lip a bit at the sight of all of the little pools. "Quicksand pits!" Me and Donnie say scared which made Raph say "hold on to your tattoo, kid." With that he adjusts the stick-shift and the Shellrazor starts moving slowly forward which made me hang onto Donnie tight. We go over a small bump which made Sam say "oh, I am so not gonna like this" "you and me both." Something feels off though... Sam just says she'll go up top to give us a bit of a warning for some of the turns.

We're getting along great though as Donnie takes Sam's old seat and I still stay in his hold, basically squeezing his hand a bit scared. It felt like we were going so slow in a big land of what could be our death from just sand. "Watch it!!" Sam yells out before she yells out more "left!- no, you're other left, idiot!!" It feels like we're about to fall. Donnie yelped as he shakes our hands which made me look at our hands and see I froze my hand within his. Sighing I just say "sorry, Don Don" I unmelt my hand and let go of his hand as Raph says "I see it, ya she-beast."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now