Red Stripe

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No one's p.o.v

Chompy does as said and just headbutts the gate before he kept running and hit some of the lizards along the way as he runs. "Ahh, run away!" One of the lizards yell out as Chompy kept hitting whatever lizard was in his way. Mikey jumps off of Chompy with his nunchucks in hand "booyakabungala!" He yells out as he's in the air. He easily took down some of the lizards as the Shellrazor came in and hit some of the lizards too. Baxter jumps up from the hatch before using his fists to take out what lizards came at him.

Sam hops out with Kit as they ran at random lizards, Louisa and Donnie came out last as they just watch the group take out the surrounding lizards. There was only one left and he tried to run, so Baxter aims his fist at him- basically about to use a rocket-fist. Mikey was scared as he lifts one foot up and puts his hands by his mouth- would be biting at his nails if he could. Though Baxter shot out the fist and it easily got the lizard, then he got his fist to come back. "And that takes care of that" Baxter says as he adjusts his arm a bit, Mikey's now amazed at how that was.

Donnie on the other hand lifts up his mask as he says "woah, I knew that would be cool!!" He was about to fanboy at the build. Though Mikey spoke up saying "Bax-bot, can you do a scan-y thing for Raph? Beep-bop-boop, beep-bop-boop." When he said that he starts to do a bit of the robot dance, so Sam rolls her eyes and Louisa chuckles. Donnie and Kit deadpan at him as Baxter just says "I don't 'beep-bop'..." though he starts to scan the place. Once he got done he pushed the side of his head while doing a high pitched "boop!" Which made Louisa bust out laughing.

Sam softly facepalmed as Baxter ignored them and still looked around "this way, dummy's" Chompy stayed in his place as the rest follow Baxter. Louisa and Donnie stuck to the back of the group as Donnie chuckles saying "that would only happen in a show." With that we're back with Raph as he has still working on dodging the two that are trying to fight him. Reptilicus tried to jump on him from behind, so he screamed as he extended his arm and grabbed his chin. Somehow easily shoving him down to the ground as Verminator runs from what used to be Raph's front, but is now his shell.

Verminator easily tackled Raph down to the ground and has him pinned as he grunted at the landing, but he's trying to keep his head. The chainsaw hand being held right near his face as he grunts while glaring at Verminator. It didn't take him long to realize that he wasn't paying attention to his feet, so he lifts up his leg. Raph easily kicked Verminator where the sun don't shine which made him groan and fall back. Raph's panting as he stands up, but Reptilicus got back up as he screams and runs at Raph.

With this advantage he was able to hit Raph with the side of his axe- sending Raph skidding across the ground and he's on his plastron again. Mira holds her hands together as she looks down at Raph sadly "Raphael" she says softly. The crowd is still cheering as Raph lays there, panting and he moves his arm to try and get up. He's struggling as he groans and tries to push himself up, but both Verminator and Reptilicus are up. They knew this would be it as Verminator put his foot on Raph's shell, forcing him down to the ground again.

Then he punched him one last time on the shell before kicking him down into the mucky water, Mira tried to go and help him. She was being held back though, so she struggles in their hold as she growls a bit. "Let me go, you Scalies!" She threatens before looking forward again, the lizards start pulling her back a bit. She starts to yell out the nickname Verminator gave him "Red Stripe!.. Red Stripe!" She yells out. With Raph, he's sinking down as he's hearing this "Red Stripe!" Mira yells out again and this time he woke up.

His eyes are wide as he's still sinking, but he screams before he starts swimming up to the surface - Verminator and Reptilicus are loving the praise. Though they could hear Raph getting out as they turn around, Raph's now standing there as he's still panting. He looks at them as his eyes are half open, so the two slump their shoulders before running at him again. Raph dodged Verminator with his chainsaw, now he's on his shell though as he looks at him. Verminator went to hit him with the chainsaw, but Raph grabbed the twig and actually used it.

He shoved it right into the perfect part of the chainsaw to make it stop, so Verminator looks at Raph shocked for this. "What?! That's cheating!!" Verminator yells out before Raph stands up with the chainsaw in hand. He tore it right off of Verminator before he starts to punch him which ended up with him flying back a bit. He almost hit Reptilicus too, but he dodged as he looks at Raph, then he screams as he just now noticed Raph's close. Raph does a bit of a scream too as he punched Reptilicus, making him drop down onto his back.

Raph tiredly laughs in triumph, the crowd's quiet now though at seeing this, a lizard with glasses was the first to speak up though. "By word of Wasteland Decree, the Turtle Warrior wins!!" He yells out, Mira smiles at this. The lizards let her go as she raised a fist saying "yes! Red Stripe" she starts to chant the nickname at this. The crowd starts to chant the name too, so Raph looks around a bit shocked that they're actually chanting for him. Reptilicus and Verminator stand up now though, Verminator was anything but happy at hearing this.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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