Maximus Kong

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No one's p.o.v

"What?!" He yells out before some badgers and lizards run out and go towards Raph, he thought they were about to attack him. Raph could only gasp as they do this and surround him, but they lift him up to praise him as they still chant. Verminator wipes at his mouth a bit before glaring back at the group that hold him up. "No, that's not fair! He cheated!! He cheated!!" Verminator yells out in anger before he starts to run out. He was barely able to be heard over the chanting crowd, but he had his last words before he ran out.

"I'm telling Maximus!!"

Louisa's p.o.v

We finally got to the place where I seen Raph and Mira, but that's when we see that they're holding up Raph in the air. "Oh no, they captured him!" Mikey says scared, so Baxter gets in a fighting stance, but I look around. It doesn't sound like anyone's mad, but I say "wait a second, guys...  it sounds like they're celebrating." A lizard heard us as we walk over towards him which made him say "yes, Red Stripe has beaten us in battle. And that means he is leader to both clans now" he smiles as he looks at us, but my jaw dropped at that.

"You gotta be kidding me..." I mumble as I look up at him "so what's next, Red Stripe?" Kit asks a bit teasingly as we look at him. He was still smiling before he looks a different way, he looks back at us saying "to Oasis." I smile at this 'hm, everything seems like it's going alright' I think before smiling up at Donnie. He's smiling right back at me before holding my hand "looks like everything's gonna be okay." "Yeah..." I trail off before we start to get ready to find wherever Oasis is by using the map on Mira.

No one's p.o.v

Verminator, angered by that defeat, got onto a vehicle and instantly drives with his one good hand with only one destination in mind. As he reached his destination the lighting changed from the regular light to a green hue of light. "Maximus Kong!" Verminator yells out as he gets off the vehicle and goes straight onto his knees. He looks up at whoever he's talking to as he says "I seek an audience!" Now we get to see why everything's green. Whoever Maximus Kong is he has a gigantic green skull-ride and we barely get to see how he looks.

He has a bucket over his head as he's huge and muscular, sitting in the driving seat as he's just... breathing, but it sounds echoed thanks to the bucket. "Why do you disturb me, Verminator Rex?" Maximus asks, his voice deep as he looks down at Verminator. He still is on his knees as he looks up at Maximus saying "it is the map, sire!.. the map to Oasis. It is tattooed to the arm of a meerkat, but she is protected by the warriors of great skill and cunning." Maximus glares forward as he says "they are nothing to me.. I have been seeking Oasis for countless years."

Maximus is shaking his head a bit as he continues "I've eradicated legions to find that map, if the green place exists. It belongs to Maximus Kong, lord of the wasteland!" He yells out before laughing evilly.

Louisa's p.o.v

We're travelling to where Oasis is when I start to get another headache, so I groan as I sit down and lean against a wall of the Shellrazor. "Hermana, are you okay?" Baxter asks as I feel a hand on my shoulder, I don't bother to look up. Something is telling me to meditate, so I say "guys, give me a second..." with that the hand left. I close my eyes as I sit here, concentrating on only silence when I start to feel a great anger. A small gasp leaves me as I see a giant green skull, I growl as I bare my teeth a bit.

Grabbing the sides of my head I see a giant figure before I couldn't see it anymore, so I open my eyes to see Donnie looking worried. "What is it, Louisa?" He asks, so I look down saying "it's... something's coming, you guys. Something big" Raph only chuckled "if it's as persistent as those honey badgers or lizards, we'll be fine." That was the only thing I got to say since he decided to change the subject back onto Oasis. "So how far are we from Oasis?" He asks Mira, so she starts to explain "the map doesn't give distance, just landmarks."

Kit softly scoffs saying "wow, that's helpful" Mira ignored her though as she says "next we should find this strange antenna stuck in a fork in the road." It took a long while of driving, but we got to the fork in the road and went to check out the antenna. Donnie stayed in the Shellrazor as I walked out with Baxter, Raph and Mira to see this. My jaw dropped at this "that's not an antenna..." I say shocked as I see this out of everything. "It's a tree!" Raph says happily, but Mira was confused "a tree?" Baxter walks up to be by my side.

"It's an elongated perennial plant tha-" Baxter tried to give the scientific explanation, but Mikey pushed him away as he walks up to Mira. "Yeah yeah yeah, thanks for getting all science-y, Baxter" Mikey says while making Mira walk a bit. He smiles down at her saying "a tree is beautiful and green and perfect" I walk up to them. I pick off a leaf and hand it to her as Mikey adds "and Oasis will be filled with them." Mira holds the leaf close as she looks at us saying "wow... I've only known sand and dust and death my whole life."

'That's what living an a deserted apocalypse will get you...' I think to myself as she looks up at the tree saying "I've never seen green things." Raph walks up as he sets his hand on her shoulder saying "come on, let's keep moving." I smile at this, so we get back into the Shellrazor or on Chompy in Mikey's case as we keep going to Oasis. A yawn leaves me, so Donnie sets his hand over mine saying "you can sleep now if you want, honeybee. I'll wake you up when we get there" I smile and nod as I get comfy with my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now