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No one's p.o.v

Raph's at the wheel and tries to start up the Shellrazor, but it didn't start as it just revved up a bit which annoyed him. "You gotta be kidding me" Raph mumbles as the sound of bullets hitting the Shellrazor got Sam's attention. Raph starts to get some wires to hotwire the Shellrazor into working as Sam starts going up this ladder. The Shellrazor finally gets started up before Sam got to the top of the Shellrazor with a smirk. "Time to kick some badger butt!" Sam says as she went to this one part of the Shellrazor.

On there is a bit of a built in gun as she starts to aim and shoot at the badgers, two motorcycles exploded as they all kept going. One of the badgers sped up and went near Sam's side and starts to aims a missile launcher. "Shoot- a really big missile launcher!" Sam says a bit scared before moving the gun to aim at the guy with the launcher. The badger shot the missile though which made Sam have to shoot it within midair. That caused a bit of an explosion that made the Shellrazor start to be on two sidewheels instead of being on all four.

Raph struggled for a second, but he ended up making the turn and they're now on a bit of a narrow bit of ground as they progress. They forced some other badgers off of the narrow ground and to the ground down below- making them explode within the fall. Sam's still shooting as she looks at the guys behind them, but there are some from above is one of the badgers. When he got right over the Shellrazor he drove off to attack Sam from above. She noticed though and powered up her hand and shot some of the fire towards the guy.

The motorcycle exploded from the gas tank getting on fire, she had to do the same thing to a different motorcycle before she focused on the ground again. The ride got a bit bumpy which made Raph grunt a bit as he fumbled in the seat a bit. "Well, I was saving this for a rainy day" Raph says as he holds out a bomb with a taped teddy bear head on. Sam rolls her eyes as she yells out "news flash, it hasn't rained in years... use it!" With that he pushed the button. Out the window the bomb went, clanking as it bounced a bit and even making a weird noise.

The bomb went off right near most of the badgers making one of them scream as it explodes and took out some of the badgers. While the smoke clears Sam sees the giant gape in the ground that no one could clear. "Woo! Kiss those idiot badgers goodbye!!" Sam yells out happily as she reclined in the seat. The leader screamed out in anger as Raph just kept driving the Shellrazor away from the scene.

-short time skip-

Sam groans as she stretched in the back "I'm going back to sleep, Raphie" she barely mumbled as she laid down in the back. Raph didn't hear her as he found an empty gas station, he opened up a little compartment to see a bit. Though he leans back in his seat as he says "hey, Sam - scan the area" he got no response though. He raised an eye-ridge before turning the seat around to look at her saying "Sammy?" Though he sees her sleeping. Groaning he turns back to the wheel saying "sometimes I really envy how fast you sleep."

With that he started up the Shellrazor again as he drove around the corner saying "better check this place out for supplies" he says to himself. Now he's out and about with his blaster in hand, readied to shoot an enemy if he has to. That's also because he seen a small tent pitched up, once he seen no one he turns around. Then he sees a little water canteen which made him a bit happy as he grabs it and sits down. He hoped for the best as he lifts the canteen over his head to try and drink whatever water's in it.

Barely any was in it, so he wipes at his mouth saying "gotta find more water around here" and he threw the canteen away since it didn't matter. A can moving got his attention, so he got serious real quick before looking around. Then he heard something moving behind him which made him look alertly before raising his blaster. He tried to shoot at the person, but they hid behind what broken part of a building still stood up. With that he looked through a window, blaster still in hand, as he tried to look for whoever is there with him.

The person easily jumped over though before landing right behind him and we see what weapon they have. It's some type of whip as she has it wrap around his forearm, the exact arm that has a blaster. Raph fought back as he glares at her, but she must have pushed a button since the whip is now electrical. It shocked Raph which made him scream in pain before dropping to his hands and knees- dropping his blaster too. He tried to stay up, but that's when he just went flat on his plastron, the girl then put away her whip.

She was looking back at Raph as she did so before smirking, then she went into the Shellrazor and rode off... leaving Raph all alone. He looks at where the Shellrazor was before turning onto his shell and groaning a bit as he looks at the sky. "What a day..." Raph mumbles to himself before adding on "what a lovely day." It looks as if it's been hours, but we're now with Raph as he is walking the direction that the Shellrazor took off to. 'A turtle on its back... he bakes in the hot sun' Raph thought to himself before he has an image in his head of himself laughing crazily.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now