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Louisa's p.o.v

He looks at us and stands up saying "fools, you think you're some heroes?" Now he's walking towards us- and I see how big he is. I try to ignore my fear as he goes on "you think you're going to take down a desert warlord who's destroyed all in his path!?" He yelled out. Raph was the one who answered him "less talk, King" so I smirk as I make an unbreakable ice-kunai. "More fighting!" We both say as we look up at him, he roars out in anger as he goes to hit Raph. With that I take a step back and let Raph deal with him as I try to see his fighting technique.

Try to see if he has any places on him that he's leaving open- but Raph yells out "a little help, Weeza!?" I softly roll my eyes. Going to the side I instantly punch him in the side of the face saying "I was seeing if he had any weak points." Raph jumped back a bit at that before going to punch at him too, but Kong caught Raph's fist. My eyes widen at this, but he starts to twist Raph's arm a bit making him grunt in pain. Then he easily picked up Raph by just his fist and throws him, so I avoid that and just try to fight him myself as Raph is there.

From how big he is and how small I am compared to him I was able to use that against him- until he grabbed me by my throat. I cough as he lifts me up and glares at me "Maximus Kong is your master now, runt and reptile." "Ice Dragon/Red Stripe.. has no... master!" Raph and I both yell out before I shot some icicles at his face. He grunts as he goes to get it off of his mask- but the mistake he made was that he dropped me. Once I landed I jumped up again as Raph tackled his legs and I jumped off his shell to kick at this guy's chest.

That would have worked if he wasn't going to punch at Raph's shell- I took the punch and ended up rolling a bit from how hard it was. Groaning is all I could do for a second before I heard a loud thud that got me back to my senses. I power up and instantly look up to see that Raph was thrown before Kong tried to run at him. Using my speed I run over and kick at his leg which made him falter for a second before glaring at me. We start our bit of a fight- me getting some good hits- at least until Raph came up from above and got on Kong's back.

He was thrown off of him and hit down, so my eyes widen as I go to check on him since Kong would probably go down there anyways. Raph is on his hands and knees as I rest my hand on his forehead- a loud thud happened somewhere in front of us. We both look to see Kong right there as he looks at us, he grabs Raph by his throat as he grabs me by my shirt. "Your lives end, outlanders" Kong says as he extends his arms and starts walking. We struggle in his hold as the sound of loud metal thunking got closer- "booyakabungala!!" A familiar voice yells.

Now I'm under Raph's shell, I grunt a bit as Raph screamed a bit at the random shove- though I notice where we are. My eyes widen as I push off of the thing and barely saved us both, now Mikey and Mira are here with us. Something got my attention though, I tug on Raph's hand before he could go and try and fight Kong. He looks at me before I hold up this wrench that's here, so he smirks and accepts the tool. Me on the other hand, just makes an unbreakable ice-bat and we both run at Kong once he threw Mira and Mikey off.

Raph does a bit of a battle scream before hitting Kong right in the helmet with the wrench while I hit him right in the stomach with my ice-bat. With the wrench he hit him two more times, so I smirk as I give him one good uppercut with the bat. His helmet flew straight off as he's now on his back, I smirk as I see that he's panting a bit. That was before... I got a good look of his face, we both gasp as we drop our weapon. "It can't be" we both say, I feel tears well up in my eyes 'Leo... I forgot that he's here- that he got turned to this.'

"L-Leo?.." I ask as I take a small step back, but he just screamed out in anger before standing up "Leo" Raph says as we look at him. He grabs his head before punching Raph and I look at him fly before I look back up at my older-brother figure. Then he hit me and I felt my glasses break- a shard went into my forehead as I fly and hit into Raph. I groan as I shake my head and power up, my body instantly pushing out the shard as I don't have blood coming out anymore. We both look up to see Leo running at us- and we were hit, the floor beneath us broke.

Everything hurts as I lay here, but I barely power up as I go by Raph's side as he grabs his blaster, Leo just dropped down behind us. We turn as I lift up a bone-kunai, not wanting to hurt him with anything else- shell, I don't even want to hurt him at all. "Leo, it's us!" Raph yells as he aims his blaster at Leo's face, we're having to walk backwards as he advances towards us. "Raphael and Louisa!" I yell out as I raise my bone-kunai, but he's still walking towards us. "Look at us, man - we're siblings!" We yell out which made him stop for a split second before screaming again.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now