Dreadful Fancy Parties

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Ranboo pov:

The ball. The ball I've been dreading for years. The ball today is a big event where nearly every kingdom near and far gather to one castle. It mostly serves as a party that unites all the kingdoms to ensure peace and happiness among us all. The problem is, I hate parties. Whenever there's a ball I try my best to avoid it and use any excuse I can to step away for a minute. But in a ball as big as this one, it'll be hard to avoid people and find time to step away. Especially since my parents are set on me finding someone to date, technically you can rule a kingdom on your own but they've made sure to let me know that it's way harder on your own.

I groan as I get out of bed that morning. At least I didn't have to get up too early, the ball was being hosted at my castle so I didn't have to travel anywhere. Regardless, it was tough to get out of bed.
"Just one ball. One ball and you're done. You can do this Ranboo, get it over with and you won't have to deal with it anymore."
With that little bit of motivation I get dressed and make myself presentable for the visitors.

I walk into the ballroom, basking in the glow from the chandelier and the beauty of the tall walls and polished floors; enjoying it before it inevitably gets ruined by hundreds of visitors.

All too soon, the gates to our castle are opened and guests start pouring in. Each and every one of them wearing far too expensive clothing and talking about pointless, boring, rich people things.

I've grown used to these kinds of people, and I've learned how to tune them out. Just walk with confidence and smile. I excel at that, it's talking that I have trouble with. And the longer I stay the more I get overwhelmed, which makes faking confidence harder. That's why I usually find every way I can to avoid being around everyone for too long.

As more people enter, I eye my usual path to my hiding spot, the garden. There aren't many people out there yet either, perfect!

Before I can find my mom to tell her I'm going so she doesn't freak out if she can't find me, I'm stopped by someone in a poofy pink dress that has as much glitter on her skirt as there is makeup on her face.

"Hi! I'm Princess Anabelle from the neighboring kingdom. I think it would be good for us to get to know each other. Would you care to dance?"

I knew all about the neighboring kingdom, honestly terrible people who spend all their money onto themselves and then don't have any left over to actually run their kingdom. And since my kingdom happens to be the richest, I wouldn't be surprised if she only wants money from me for herself and not for the benefit of her kingdom. Not to mention there would be no benefit for mine. And either way I'm just not interested.

"I'm flattered, but I really must be going."
I turn to walk away but she grabs my arm.

"Are you sure? Not even one harmless dance?"
She says while giving me a sad look.

I sigh, this is just another reason why I hate parties.
I rip my arm free from her grasp.

"No thank you."
I respond and quickly walk away before she can stop me again.

Eventually after looking around the ballroom for a while I find my mom and make my way over to her.

"Hey mom?"
She turns to look at me, her smooth dark hair which matches her equally dark dress flipping over her shoulder as she does so. My mom has never been one for bright colors, but it suits her well.


"I think I'll go check out the garden."
My mother gives me a sad smile.

"Ok...just don't go running off again, ok? At least talk to someone here beforehand if you're really set on going."
I groan in response.

"Oh come on don't be like that, I'm going to stay here in the ballroom and dance with your father a bit. If you must go find another one of your hiding spots please be careful and don't wander too far."
I nod and start walking away from her.

I walk through the main ballroom area, the lights are too bright, the music is too loud, there's too many people, too much talking. It's all too much. I can handle the usual ball or two but this was on a different level, I need to get out of here now.

I find myself almost jogging as I make my way to the garden. I let out a sigh of relief as the cool breeze hits me and the smell of food is replaced with the familiar smell of fresh air and flowers. I look around and spot the forest nearby, thankfully there isn't many people out here now so I quickly run over to the forest before anyone can spot me.

That was easier than I thought it'd be.

I successfully make it to the forest and start walking deeper into it. I've been here a million times to avoid other balls so the path I take through the forest is familiar.

Soon I find the familiar clearing, with the familiar plants, the familiar pond, the familiar fish, and the familiar dock. What isn't familiar is the boy that sits on the end of it.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

Helloooooo! I didn't think I'd be writing another story so soon but I guess that's what happens when you go on a long road trip and don't have much to do.

This is my second story so check out my first one if you're interested!

I'm up for constructive criticism but if you straight up don't like this, don't leave a hate comment or anything just click off. It's as easy as that.

Otherwise I hope you liked this first chapter!

Have a good morning afternoon or night guys :D

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