The Grand Entrance and Escape

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Tubbos pov:

Ranboo drags me through the halls with the guard, trying to get to the podium as quick as possible without being seen. Right now, Ranboos parents might be looking for us. I don't know if they've told the kingdom that they still actually don't know if I'm a boy, but I'm not taking that chance.

We're about to turn another corner when we hear someone shout,


I turned my head to see Tommy running towards us with Will following closely behind.

"Where have you guys been? Everyone in the castle is looking for you!"
Will questions, I open my mouth to speak but Tommy yells out first,

"Are you actually a guy!?"

"Uh...well um, that's why we're here. Yeah, I'm a guy but Ranboos known the whole time. We know where the king and queen will stand on this matter so we've decided to leave and live our own life somewhere else."

The two of them looked at us with stunned expressions, especially Tommy.

"Why are you here then?"
Will asks.

"To say goodbye!"
I smirk as me and Ranboo start to run off again.

I should've explained more details to them, but they live with Kristen and Phil who will surely support me and Ranboo. Which means I'll definitely be seeing those two again.

"There's a set of doors behind the stage, we're going to go through those and walk around to the edge where the stairs are. I'd suggest making the speech quick, and then running through the same doors and we'll go down this path. Two guards should have a hold of the horses so you don't have to worry about untying them."
The guard explains in a rough voice.

"What will happen to the guards?"

"They'll hop on some other horses with different guards. Ranboo, you'll be leading the horse on the left with Tubbo, and I'll go on the horse to the right."

"Got it."

Ok, quick goodbye, horse on the left, go home. Easy.

We found the doors and went through, speed-walking to the edge of the stage to where the stairs were. We would've just jumped onto the stage but unfortunately there was a wall made so the queen and king could have a nice backdrop for pictures.

My heart races as we make it to the steps, I squeeze Ranboos hand for comfort.

Just get up there, talk, and then you'll be done!
I thought, trying to reassure myself.

And it might've worked if we didn't run into the king as we were going up the steps.


Ranboo jumps a bit in surprise.

"Where have you been!? I've been looking everywhere for you two, I was just about to make the announcement that we don't know for sure if you're a boy Tanya! Which, to settle this, we were going to bring you to a maid or a doctor if that would be more comfortable for you to confirm your gender."

"Thank you, but we have a quick announcement we'd like to make. Don't worry, it's nothing bad! Just felt like, as the prince of this kingdom I should address my people and congratulate our glorious win!"
Ranboo explains.

"Oh! I...I wasn't expecting that from you Ranboo but, I'm very proud! You two go on up, I won't keep you any longer."
He smiles proudly at the two of us and nods.

I smile politely and try me best not to freak out over Ranboos incredible quick thinking and lying skills.

I follow him to center stage towards the podium, the guard staying close by.

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