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Ranboo pov:

They saw us, oh god I'm an idiot. I should've known after the ball was over my parents would send one of the guards to find me! Although no one is exactly homophobic, no one talks about being gay in general. Now the guards going to go back to the castle and out me and Tubbo! How would my parents react? How would Tubbos parents react? This is all my fault, I shouldn't have suggested we dance so late into the party...
Tubbo sees the look of distress on my face as I panic.

"What? What is it?"

I don't respond right away, I'm looking at the person who caught us. But they're already running away before I have a chance to call out to them. Tubbo turns his head to see where I'm looking and sees them too.
He turns back to me with a scared expression.

"Do you think they saw us?"
He asked worried.


"Shit, what do we do? Go after them?"

"They're too far it's no use."

"So do we just have to wait and see if they say anything?"

"I guess so...Or..."

I thought for a moment before coming up with an idea, not a great one but it was better than nothing,

"You go run back inside to find your family, ok? Try to stay away from the guard, I'll handle them. I know a short cut to the castle, I don't know if I'll make it before them but it's worth a shot?"
I said it more like a question if anything.

"Sounds good now RUN!"
He says, even though he's the one keeping me there for a few seconds longer as he gives me a hug before running away.

I run a different direction, through trees and bushes and eventually reaching the castle wall which has an open window. Whenever it's warm outside my father likes to keep some of the windows up, including this one.
I go through holding the top bit and swinging in legs first, landing semi-gracefully. I remember me and some of my cousins would do this all the time when we were younger, but I haven't done it in a while.

I continue running, weaving my way through the crowd to find the guard that saw me and Tubbo. I finally spot him, he's speed walking towards my parents! But I bet I can reach him before he gets to the-

"Hi Prince Ranboo!"

Just before I reach the guard Anabelle pops up in front of me.

"Oh um hi, excuse me-"
I try to push past her but she stops me.

"Thank you so much for hosting this ball! It was so much fun!"

"It was my parents who hosted it, I didn't do much to help. Now if you could please-"

"Oh don't be so humble!" She laughs as if I had just said a really funny joke, "We must meet again soon! You can come visit my castle anytime, or better yet, I could visit yours!"
She laughs again, I hate her laugh. It sounds so fake and forced.

"Yes, maybe, just please I have to-"

"Well goodbye my dear Ranboo! I hope to see you again soon!"
She leans in for a hug but I grab her shoulders before she can.

"Thank you, goodbye!"
I say quickly as I move her to the side to continue walking, I don't care if I'm being rude right now.

I hear her scoff as I walk towards my parents, but I'm too late. I can see the guard whispering in my mother's ear. It's too late to stop him now, and it's too late to run, she already sees me.

She gasps, "Ranboo!!"
I prepare myself for the worst as she opens her mouth to speak again,

"Who is she?!"
She asks excitedly.
I stare at her in confusion.

"Um...What? You mean her?"
I point behind me to Anabelle.

"No, no, not her! I mean the girl you were dancing with! Did you really kiss her too? The guard told me everything!"

I continued staring at her but this time it was in shock. My parents thought Tubbo was a girl? I guess he was wearing a skirt, and he had his back facing the guard so they couldn't have seen his face and regonize him as one of the princes.


"I can't believe this Ranboo! This is amazing!! I didn't think you were actually going to take my advice and talk to someone! Have you known each other for a while? Or is this the first time you two have met?"

"Today was the first time we met but-"

"Oooo okok, have you asked her out yet? The guard said you kissed her head!"

"Well I did but I haven't-"

"Oh my goodness my little Ranboo has a crush on someone!" My mother says as she turns to my father who's just been watching this whole thing unfold, "Isn't this amazing?"

"Yes, I'm glad to see you being social for once!"
My dad says and chuckles a bit as he smiles at me proudly. Would he look at me differently if he found out it was a guy that I had a crush- I mean, I had danced with?

"Ok but-"

"Tell us who she is! We can arrange more meetings for you two!"

Meeting up with Tubbo more would be nice...or would she immediately ban seeing him ever again if I told her about him being...well a him.

"I- I don't know..."
I'm conflicted, do I tell them or not? No one ever talks about this kind of stuff so I have no idea where either of them stand on it.

"Well it's ok to be shy about it for now, but I do want to meet her soon!"
I cringe everytime she says 'her' or 'she' when talking about who I was with.

She continues talking,
"Get some rest! Tomorrow I want to hear more about you two!"


I walk upstairs, a million thoughts running through my head. Do I tell them?
I look down at them from the steps, both of them are smiling at me. My mom is practically shaking from excitement. I didn't want to take that away from them...
So do I lie? How would they react? I couldn't lie forever. Is it better to leave Tubbo? No, I can't do that...

All I want to do now is talk to him about this, but I don't know when I'll ever be able to see him again. So instead I flop onto my bed and cry a bit, I don't usually cry but this was something I never previously had to deal with before. It's so new and confusing, I hate it.

Eventually I stop crying and just lay there, staring at the ceiling. I haven't even changed into pajamas yet, I'm too busy trying to calm myself down.

But my anxiety spikes again when I hear a *THUD* from my window.

Someone had threw a rock at it.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

DOUBLE UPDATE BITCHES I'm so amazing, I know.

I'm enjoying writing this as I said before and I hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much!

Have a good morning afternoon or night guys :D

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