Totally Normal Family Dinners

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Ranboo pov:

Me and Tubbo both nod and take our places at the table next to each other. The table had been elongated so that all my family could fit. As far as I know, the people who would be attending were:

Aunt Sheryl, Uncle Ben, and my cousin Alli
Aunt Stacy and Aunt Kally, who are twins
Aunt Kristen, Uncle Phil, and my cousins Tommy and Will
And Uncle Techno

All of them were from my mom's side except for Techno, since all the other people from my dad's side were in distant lands fighting wars. My father prided himself in having a family full of real men, but he had to stay here to rule the kingdom after his mother died of old age and his father died in battle. It was lucky we even got Techno here, ever since I was 10 he was always off fighting in wars or training for them. My dad told me he was one of the best men out there.

I filled Tubbo in on all them,

"So Kristen and Phil should be fine, they're my favorites! Tommy is a bit chaotic at times but overall not awful, he argues with Will too but they aren't that bad. Will's pretty chill otherwise. Alli is pretty young and can be a bit annoying. Everyone else is like my parents. Although I don't know about Techno...I don't remember much from him since I've only ever seen him when I was really little."

Tubbo nods slowly,
"I will remember none of that."

The two of us laugh.

"Yeah, well, you don't have to. You shouldn't have to worry about much, just some of my aunts can be a bit nosey."

With that, the doors open. Tubbo gives me a small thumbs up. It's almost embarrassing that I'm the one who has to be reassured in this situation.

My Aunt Sheryl comes in first, her blonde hair up in a bun and wearing a form fitting ruby red dress. It sparkles a bit in the light. My uncle Ben is following her, he's wearing a black suit with a red tie that matches Sheryls dress. And my cousin Alli, who's holding Ben's hand, is wearing an equally red dress, the only difference from her mother's being that hers has a much poofier skirt.

Aunt Stacy and Aunt Kally come in next, the two of them wearing pale blue dresses. Their brown hair is down, but elegant nonetheless. As soon as they see us Stacy starts whispering in Kallys ear, which only makes me more nervous.

But nervousness turns to relief when I see my aunt Kristen and Uncle Phil come with their two sons. Kristen has her hair down with two braids forming almost a crown around it, and you could tell she was my mom's sister because she had equally dark hair. Except hers was more wavy. Phil also had a braided crown around his hair but his hair was much shorter, and brighter due to the fact that he had blonde hair.
Their sons were on either side of them, Will next to Phil with a polite smile, and Tommy next to Kristen with an expression that suggested he would rather be anywhere else in the world right now. Tommy clearly got his bright blonde hair from his father, while Wills matched Stacy's and Kallys brown. Kristen wore a dark black and purple dress while Phil wore a black suit with a green tie, so did Tommy and Will except their ties were red and yellow.

And then my Uncle Techno came in. He immediately stood out from everyone else, making me instantly want to talk to him more. He wore a white blouse with dark pants and boots, while also having a red cape wrapped around him. His pink hair was in a single braid, and his face had many scars. He gave off the vibe that you weren't to mess with him, and that he was superior. Yet I felt like he wasn't as scary as he seemed for some reason.

They all took their seats at the table, my parents sitting together on one end of the table, Sheryl and Ben sitting together on the other end, Stacy and Kally sat across from me and Tubbo, with Alli next to Stacy and Will next to Kally. Tommy sat next to Tubbo, across from Will, and Techno sat beside me.

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