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Tubbo pov:

I let Ranboo do the explaining to Niki. I've been quiet this whole time. Mostly out of fear of misspeaking, and I'm also just really anxious in general.

"-so now we're stuck trying to come up with a solution."
Ranboo finishes explaining to Niki.

She responds with excitement.

Me and Ranboo stare at her dumbfounded for a moment before she starts explaining,

"Sorry, it's just I have the perfect solution and the timing worked out amazingly! You guys have to come with me."

"How? Guards are everywhere, there's no way we won't be spotted."
I comment.

Niki thinks for a moment, turns around, and walks out and closes the door without a single word.

Ranboo looks over at me,
"...Did she just?"

"Yeah, she really just left us here."

"B-but why?"

"I have no clue."

The two of us stare at the door for a few minutes, as if she'd come back right away. But she didn't so we crashed on Ranboos bed for a good 10 minutes before the door opened again.

"I'm back!"

"Finally, where the hell did you go?"
I asked confused.

"Had to grab you guys these." She tosses us two guard helmets and two folded up cloaks. "You can wear those to disguise yourself, now c'mon hurry!"

"Where are we going anyways?"
Ranboo questions as he puts on his helmet.

"You'll see soon."

That's all Niki says before we head off to the stables to get some horses. I rode with Ranboo on one while Niki took another, she instructed us to follow her lead.

"Niki, I fully trust you and all that but could you tell us what's going on?"
Ranboo questions again once we're both on his horse.

"Like I said, you'll see soon."
She responds as she hops onto her horse.

I wrap my arms around Ranboos waist as the horse starts to gallop and follow Niki through the forest.

The path is vaguely familiar but I can't quite but my finger on it.

"Ranboo, have we gone this way before?"

"I think so? Looks familiar but then again it's all just trees."

"Yeah true."

It isn't until we reached a certain abandoned village that we realize what's going on.

"WAIT A MINUTE! Ranboo, isn't this the village we saw that one house in?"

"Oh yeah...wait...NIKI NO WAY DID YOU ACTUALLY-?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."
She states calmly as she turns and smirks at us.

At this point I'm practically shaking with excitement. There's no way she actually fixed up the house for us, right? Surely not...

But I'm proven wrong us we head up the somewhat familiar cobblestone path to the house. But it wasn't the same as when me and Ranboo had last saw it, it was ten times better.

It didn't look abandoned anymore, but the charm it had held when we first saw it hadn't gone away. It looked straight out of a fairy tale, or a dream!

I let out a scream of excitement and jumped off the horse, which admittedly was dangerous but I don't care.

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