Uncle's Suck

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Ranboo pov:

I dreaded going to meet with my uncles. The whole way there I was silent, Tubbo attempted to calm me down but I knew this was going to be awful.

Me and Tubbo weren't wearing anything fancy, it was just my uncle's who honestly could care less. Tubbo was in a simple white button up and long green skirt, similar to the one he wore the night I met him except this one had flowers embroidered on the bottom of it. Meanwhile I wore jeans, a plain t shirt, and a flannel.

"Ranboo...? I know you hate this whole thing but could you maybe fill me in on all your uncle's?"

"Oh uh, yeah sure. You already know Techno, he's probably the best one there."

"Is that the guy who stood up for us at the dinner?"

"Mhm. Then there's my uncle Todd. He mostly just hypes up everyone else and stays in the background. Uncle Brian is the competitive one, he'll challenge anyone to anything he can. It gets annoying pretty quickly. Uncle Chase likes to brag about everything he's ever done. Be prepared to hear a ton of useless information about him that you didn't want nor need to know. Uncle Jason is the worst though, if you want the most basic racist, homophobic, football-playing alcoholic ever, then he's your guy."

Tubbo nods, staring at me blankly.

"You aren't going to remember any of that, are you?"
I sigh.

Tubbo just continues nodding his head as he snickers. I roll my eyes but laugh a little too.

We arrived much sooner than I wanted to, although I just don't want to arrive here at all. But I just have to deal with this, no backing out now. I take a deep breath and hold Tubbos hand as I walk inside. It's a bit anticlimactic since no one was in the castle, turns out they all headed outside to use the grill and make some burgers.

Me and Tubbo head outside into a big open field close to the garden. There were several wooden benches and a grill which already held several burgers.  Chase is the one grilling them while Todd and Brian play frisbee. Jason was playing too until he spots me and Tubbo.

He shouts, shaking my hand and giving me a one armed hug.

"H-hey Uncle Jason"

"And helloooooo...Trisha?"
He asks hesitantly, turning his attention to Tubbo.

Tubbo corrects.

"Tanya! Yes, of course. Lovely to meet you!"

He holds up Tubbos hand and kisses it, it's a sign of respect but Tubbo was clearly trying to hide his disgust.

"Ranboo, Tanya! You have to try my burgers, you know I cook the best food you'll ever have."
Chase announces when he sees us talking to Jason.

"HEY RANBOO!" Brian calls out to me from several feet away. "COME PLAY FRISBEE WITH ME AND TODD!"

I yell back. Todd gives me a thumbs up as him and Brian go back to playing.

Jason smiles and sighs,
"It's good to be back. Y'know after the war all I want is a nice barbecue, some beer, and maybe play some football."

"Two out of three isn't bad."
Chase chuckles.

"Yeah, football will have to wait I suppose."

Clearly the beer didn't have to wait though because I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late."
A voice says from behind me and Tubbo.

I turn my head to see Techno walking in through the door, a book in his hand with a title that I couldn't quite make out.

We spent the next hour chatting a bit, although it was mostly my uncle's taking to me and not with me. Tubbo looked like he wanted to fall asleep, and Techno looked like he despised everyone here.

On paper Techno totally fit in with all my other uncles. He was tall, muscular, had several scars, and gave off an intimidating aura. But Technos sense of compassion, and common sense, was what separated him from the others. The fact that he wasn't nearly as loud or chatty as the rest of them helped too. He would mostly glare and roll his eyes at them.

I was only half paying attention to the current conversation until Brian challenged me,
"Let's do something fun, like wrestle! I'll obviously beat you but nothing better than getting bruised every now and then, you'll need to get some practice in too if you ever wanna be more than just a twig!"

"Uuuh, no thanks. I'm good."

"Ranboo when are you gonna man up? Women don't like a man who's all femenine and weak!"
Jason comments.

"For your information, I love Ranboo for who he is. And if he doesn't want to do traditionally 'manly things' than so be it."
Tubbo argues.

"Well then there's something wrong with you little missy!"
He laughs but me and Tubbo stay silent and glare.

"Hey Ranboo, follow me. Tanya you can come too."

"Hey, where are you taking them?"
Todd asks.

"I'm taking Ranboo to a place where he can train to be a man without so many distractions. Tanya can watch him."

"OOOH! Nice thinkin Techno!"

"YEAHHH now THAT'S what I'm talking about! Don't go easy on him Tech!"
Brian yells.

I gulp, I didn't think Techno was like this. I didn't need to go through a session of humiliation and teasing for not being strong enough for their standards. And it was frickin Technoblade! His standards HAD to be high.

Tubbo gripped my hand as we walked, rubbing circles onto it as an attempt to calm me down. It worked somewhat but I still thought of all the worst possible scenarios.

He could beat me to a pulp, embarrass me, and do pretty much whatever the heck he wants. This man was dangerous, I knew that. And I don't know how merciful he'll be towards me.

But to my surprise, when we were finally out of hearing reach from my uncle's, he sat down and picked at some of the flowers in the grass.

"Uh...is this a part of it?"
I ask uncertaintly.

"No, just figured you two could use an excuse to escape them."

I let out a sigh of relief and flop to the ground, laying back and putting my hands behind my head for cushion as I watched the clouds. Tubbo laid down as well, resting his head on my leg as he laughs and says,

"You had us scared for a moment there Techno, I thought you were gonna make Ranboo do some crazy shit!"

"Nah, I'm nothing like my brothers so don't put me in the same category as them. It's a shame we're even related."

The three of us stay silent then for a moment, just enjoying the afternoon breeze. I finally see what book Technos reading, it's The Art of War. Why am I not surprised.

Only when the sun starts to set does Techno stand up. We follow his lead and stand up us well.

"When we get back, stay silent and let me do the talking. Look defeated and exhausted so it makes our story seem more convincing. Tanya, you can just pretend to comfort him.

We both nod, and sadly start walking back.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanother chapter hope you enjoyed.

have a good morning afternoon or night guys :D

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