And Secret Letters

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Ranboo pov:

Once the sun started to rise, Tubbo took that as his cue to leave. And that morning I prepared myself for any reaction my parents might have, I wasn't coming out to them but this would determine whether I did or not.

I went over what I would say to my parents as I make my way downstairs for breakfast. My mother always makes us eat meals together, I used to hate it but I've grown used to it at this point.

I enter the dining room and sit at my usual seat at the long table. My parents are at either side of the table as always, leaving me in the middle.

"Good morning Ranboo!"
My mother says.

"Morning mom."

It stays silent for a while as we eat our freshly made eggs and toast, so I decide to go with my plan and say casually,
"Hey, I met someone else at the ball yesterday."

"Oh really?"
My mom says, my dad isn't much of a talker. Especially when he's eating.

"Yep, I didn't get her name but she asked to dance. When I said I wasn't interested I guess she thought I meant dating-wise and she said she had a girlfriend."

"Hm? That's strange..."

"What is?"

"Well, she's a girl who has a girlfriend?"


"I can't believe people these days..."

"I wish you would've gotten her name, I would've told their parents immediately! That kind of shit is so unnatural."
My father adds, suddenly joining the conversation.

"Honey! no swearing at the dinner table."
My mother scolds.

"Alright alright, but you gotta admit it's weird!"

"True, such a strange thing to choose to be."

I was shaking with anger but I tried my best to calm myself down. I quickly finished my breakfast and walked as calmly as I could to my bedroom. Once I closed the door though I flopped on my bed and screamed into my pillow. Tears started to fall down my face, mostly in anger.

But anger soon turned to sadness as reality set in. What was I going to do with Tubbo? I could just run away with him, get as far away as we can get from this place. No Ranboo what are you thinking, don't leave your whole life behind for a guy you met two days ago!

I stood up and started pacing across my room as I thought, but it was useless. I had to talk about this with Tubbo. I would take a horse and ride to his house myself but I've never been on a horse that long, I wasn't even entirely certain where to go. But I can't rely on Tubbo to want to meet me again randomly after only being apart for a few hours...

If I really wanted to I could send him a letter...but who can I trust to go to his kingdom and deliver a letter for me and not tell anyone?

As if a lightbulb had switched on in my brain I got the the perfect idea of who to talk to. Of course! Niki!

Before Tubbo I didn't have any friends, there's the obvious issue that I'm a prince so no one here treats me as an actual person, but I also hate talking to new people. I get super anxious so it was always easier to just stay quiet and not make any friends. When I was little though, I had someone who would watch over me like a babysitter when my parents were busy. Niki. She was always really nice and so even when I could start taking care of myself and be on my own I would still talk to her. If I'm going to trust anyone with this it would be her.

I grab a paper and pen and quickly write out a letter for Tubbo. Then I walk out of my room and find a nearby guard.
"Hey, can you tell me where Niki is?"

"She's stationed in front of the castle gates your highness."

"Thank you."
I say and quickly make my way to the front gates of the castle.

I soon find Niki and motion for her to follow me inside the castle. She does so and we make our way to a small room that we used to always go to whenever we wanted to talk alone. It serves as a mini library since all the walls are shelves that are filled with all sorts of books.

"So...what is it? Is this about the ball?"
She asks calmly.

"Well yes and no. Niki I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone about this. Not even my parents."

I can tell Niki had to think it over a bit, I mean I was talking about the king and queen themselves. But nonetheless, she nodded.

"Ok so, I met someone at the ball, someone I really like. And I want them to come see me again. T-they met with me last night. I need to talk to them so if you could please go to his kingdom and give this to him? It's- It's Prince Tubbo."

I hold out the letter I had written earlier. She takes it and puts it in her pocket, covering any part of it that sticks out with her coat. Then she looks at me and nods.

"I'll get it to him as soon as I can!"
Niki says, and she's about to leave but I stop her and give her a hug before she can.

She seems a bit shocked but soon returns the favor and hugs me back. I back away first to let her leave and she smiles as she walks away.

Now all I have to do is wait.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

Might do Niki's perspective next chapter who knows¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter let me know what you thinkkkk

Have a good morning afternoon or night guys :D

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