Potential Friends

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Tubbo pov:

Ranboo looked at me with a bit of shock. I mean I couldn't blame him, I wasn't expecting to get along with his cousins either. But Tommy was a pretty social guy and easy to mess around with, Will was super cool too.

"U-uh really?"
Ranboo asked.

"Yeah! Is that alright? I don't have to go if you don't want me to."

"No, it's ok! I just wasn't expecting it is all. But yeah sure let's go!"

And with that, me, Ranboo, Tommy, and Will left to go wherever.

Of course me and Ranboo wanted to go to the garden first, Will seemed to enjoy it as well. Tommy seemed to tolerate it at most.

"Ranboo, where's your secret hiding spot? You never showed me or Will it, your own FaMiLy and yet your girlfriend gets to see it?"
Tommy says, his faux offended tone making my eyes roll.

"Tubbo came uninvited!"
Ranboo said defensively, I could tell he was about to say more but stopped when he realized he had used my real name.

Will said confused.

Tommy yells, borderline horrified.

Ranboo scoffs but doesn't respond, which was smart because I could tell Tommy totally took that as confirmation. I let out a sigh of relief, but then noticed Will looking at me a bit suspiciously. He averts his gaze when I look at him back though.

We walk around the garden a bit more before Tommy gets bored and announced we wreak havoc inside.

Tommy calls out to me, he's down this long wide hallway which holds many random rooms. But it's lined with knight armor.

I say, excitedly putting on a helmet.

"I'm ready for battle boys!"
Tommy announces when he finishes putting on the armor, but the armor is a bit too big on him and his awkward stance only adds to his chaotic energy as he yells out what I think was supposed to be a battle cry.

I pick up a sword off the display and start yelling and chasing him.



Finally I catch up to him and put my sword in between his torso and arm, fake stabbing him. He dramatically falls to the ground, playing into the bit.

Ranboo claps.
"Truly stunning performance."
He says.

"The emotion, the drama, the skills, incredible!"
Will adds.

I face them and bow.
"Thank you thank you!"

Tommy gets up and shoves me to the side, bowing to Will and Ranboo as well.

The four of us laugh, and at this point I'm tired. My social energy is going down and that dinner took a lot out of me.

"Welp," I yawn, "I think it's time to call it a night."

"Are you going to stay here again?"
Ranboo asks hopefully, I smile but Tommy groans

"You should come to my castle instead!"
I say, ignoring Tommy's disgust.


"Obviously!! I've seen your place it's only fair you see mine."


"I hate this."
Tommy says, arms crossed glaring at the two of us.

Will yells.

"WHAT!? They're being all lovey dovey and shit it's GROSS!"

"Well if it'll make you feel better you can always come by to my castle too tomorrow."

"And third wheel? No tha-"
Will covers Tommy's mouth with his hand.

"Sure! Sounds good, we've got nothing going on tomorrow anyways."

Tommy pulls Wills hand off of him and flips him off. Me and Ranboo just laugh.

"Sounds good! We should go back down to the dining room and ask all our parents then."
I say, they all nod and we start heading towards our parents.

It took some convincing to get Ranboos mom to agree, but she eventually did. So with that, me and him set off to my castle.

While Ranboos castle was more intimidating and regal, mine felt more like a really big cottage.

"Your castle looks so homey and nice!"
Ranboo says upon arriving.

"Why thank you!"
I say, my parents thank him as well since we took a carriage together and they heard him compliment it.

The four of us are about to walk in when suddenly I remember something, my sisters.

"Shit uh, Ranboo? My sister's are very chaotic and touchy so if you feel uncomfortable let me know and I'll beat the shit out of them. But they'll likely be a bit overwhelming at first, just a warning!"
I whisper yell to Ranboo, he nods.

"Can't be as bad as dealing with my family, right?"
I laugh a bit at that.

"Yeah I suppose you're right."

The gates are opened and as I suspected, my sister's were there. They didn't know Ranboo was coming but the two of them are always here to welcome us back if me and my parents go out somewhere without them. Usually it's just my parents though.

Their eyes land on Ranboo. They look at me, then back at him, back at me, back at him, and back at me. To end their confusion, I hold Ranboos hand and nod. They both squeal and immediately run up to him, asking him a gazillion questions every second. I can tell Ranboo hates the attention and has no clue what to do.

"Um h-hi? You're Tubbos sisters right?"

"Yep! But that doesn't answer any of our questions."
Lani says.

"I...don't remember any of them."

Teagan laughs and Lani repeats some of the questions,

"So you're actually Ranboo?"


"You're the one dating our brother?"

"Mhm, is that a bad thing?"

"Not for him but for you, you could do so much better honestly!"
Teagan says sarcastically.

I yell and punch her in the arm.

"Whaaaaat!? I'm not wrong!"
I punch her in the arm again.

"Anyways," Lani continues, "we've heard so much about you. You're all Tubbo talks about! It's getting kinda annoying honestly."

Ranboo says and looks at me, smirking. I blush.

"Sh-shut up!"

Lani says.

"You sound like Tommy."


"Ranboos cousin, but anyways that's besides the point! Let's go inside already."

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~


another chapter, another braincell lost....BUT hope you guys enjoyed!

Have a good morning afternoon or night!

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