Slightly Awkward Dinners

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Tubbo pov:

Teagan picks out a beautiful blue dress, it was always a bit big on her which meant it would be perfect for me. Lani did a bit of makeup, making my face look less masculine and adding some eyeliner as well. It was honestly a lot of fun, my sister's loved it and it gave us a chance to talk more! The only part I didn't like was when they convinced me to wear a bra and stuff it with tissues since my chest was too flat.

Finally, my sister's gave me an approving nod, and we were done. I made my way towards the mirror and I have to say, I loved it.

"It's perfect!"
Teagan said.

"Yeah thanks to us."
Lani said, nudging me a bit.

"Thank you guys so much! This genuinely looks great."
I say as I give the two of them a hug.

But we didn't have much time to celebrate, it was almost time to meet with Ranboos parents. After thanking my sister's one last time, I went outside towards the carriage the guards had arranged for me. My heels tapping against the pavement as I walked.
When I sat down I anxiously messed with my skirt.
All you have to do is be yourself and pretend you're a girl, it's not that hard.
I told myself to try and calm down.

Nonetheless I was still pretty anxious as I walked towards the front gates of Ranboos castle. I walked in and the guards escorted me to the dining room. In there was Ranboos parents, who were on opposite ends of a long table with Ranboo sitting in the middle. The empty spots between him and his parents were filled with vases full of beautiful purple and white flowers. Ranboos mother gave me an excited smile when she saw me, his father smiled as well but also carefully studied me; so I made sure I was walking as elegantly as I could.
And then I looked at Ranboo, he looked at me a bit shocked at first, but immediately gave me a huge, almost relieved, smile. He got up and walked over to me, giving me a hug once he finally reached me.

"You look beautiful."
He whispered into my ear, making me shiver.

"So do you!"
I whisper back.

Sadly we had to part fairly quickly since his parents were right there. Ranboo pulled back a chair for me and then went back to his own across the table from me.

"It's amazing to finally meet you Tanya! Ranboo was never that social," Ranboo looks down at the table in embarrassment. "so it's nice to see he's taken a liking to someone!"

That did make me feel pretty special, to be one of the few people Ranboo could comfortably be around and talk with.

"Yes! Your son is so nice, clearly he takes after you!"
Obviously I was lying since she's a homophobic bitch but she doesn't need to know that.

"Aw why thank you! See? Isn't she just the sweetest thing?"
I let out a small sigh of relief when she doesn't point out my voice. Instead she looks at Ranboos father. He stares at me for a moment and I make direct eye contact with him, making sure I don't falter and show signs of weakness to him.

Eventually he gives me a nod of approval,
"Yes, very nice. Ranboo should be thankful he found someone like you!"
His father chuckles to himself a bit.

"Heh...I really haven't done much yet, but I appreciate your compliments! You two are lovely people yourselves."

"Yeah and we appreciate you actually spending time with him!"
His chuckles grow a bit louder. I flinch a bit.

"Um...sorry, what ever do you mean?"

"Well I mean sure he's sweet and all but c'mon!" He vaguely gestures to Ranboo, he looks as if he's about to cry. "The guy is weak, and you're lucky if you get more than two words out of him in conversation!"
His dad straight up laughs now, lightly punching Ranboos arm. Ranboo continues to stare at his empty plate, his eyes watering. My hands are under the table in clenched fists out of anger, but I manage to keep a straight face and speak calmly.

"I apologize if you've never been able to see another side to Ranboo other than someone who is meek, because he is so much more. I'm honored to have the privilege to speak to him and call him mine. And you should be honored to call him your son."

Everyone stares at me with a bit of shock, except Ranboos expression is more filled with admiration rather than shock. There's an awkward silence that follows but right on time the waiters come in with our food. They set out a plate of steak, mashed potatoes, fresh bread, and a glass of wine to go with it all. I don't think we're old enough to have wine, but it seems to be a pretty traditional dinner party drink. I don't plan to drink more than a sip or two anyways.

After finishing eating, all tension has pretty much gone. I'm prepared to leave so I stand to say my goodbyes, but Ranboo's mother puts her hand up.

"Oh please stay here for a minute longer, I must talk to you about something!" I nod and sit back down so she turns her attention to Ranboo, "Ranboo? Could you go with your father upstairs for a second? I need to talk with Tanya."

Ranboo looks at me nervously but I smile and give him a thumbs up, he smiles back and starts heading upstairs with his dad.

Ranboos mom scooches her chair next to mine and leans over.

"So, I know you meant what you said to my husband earlier but we really do appreciate you spending time with him. It's always been so hard for Ranboo to meet new people so you're like, a miracle!"
I laugh uncomfortably.

"Hah...Thanks but I'm really lucky to have Ranboo as well, he's been my miracle."
Ranboos mom smiles widely at me.

"Aw you're just too kind! Well, I hope you don't mind but I invited some family to come by and meet you tomorrow! And I was wondering if you would like to stay the night here in a guest bedroom so you don't have to come back again tomorrow? We already have plenty of dresses that could fit you and plenty of maids to help you get ready as well if you need it."

I quickly debated it over in my mind. I don't have a good enough excuse not to, this means I can spend the night with Ranboo, Niki can help with makeup for tomorrow, and also fuck it. I'm bored and this'll be exciting. Or boring. Who knows.

But I smile and nod, she giggles excitedly and shows me to my guest bedroom. Once she's gone though I immediately sneak into Ranboos. Opening the door quietly, and smiling at him as I silently close the door again.
When the door is shut he rushes over to me and wraps me into a big hug. Giving me several kisses all over my forehead and cheeks as well. I laugh in response and pull back a bit to talk to him.

"Well, that went well I think!"
I say.

"Yeah! You didn't have to stand up for me though, I mean I'm used to it."

"Ranboo you looked like you were on the verge of tears! And I couldn't let your dad get away with saying that shit about you!"

"Fine fine," He chuckles a bit at how fired up about this I am. "let's talk about you though. Your sisters did the makeup right? You look amazing."

"Pfft, why thank you!" I curtsy and Ranboo laughs a bit. "Do you prefer it?"

"I prefer whatever you prefer."
He says as he wraps his arms around my waist to pull me into another hug. I scoff at his dumb answer but smile and return the hug.

"Oh yeah, your mom wants me to stay the night."
I say, pulling back from the hug a bit so I can look at Ranboo

"Oh!" his eyes perk up, "Really?"

"Pfft, not in your room! She's giving me my own, she figured since I'm just going to come back tomorrow that I might as well stay."
Ranboo nods.

"But you're probably uncomfortable right?" Ranboo continues talking, "I mean the dress feels kinda itchy and you probably don't want to sleep in it."

"And you'd be right, think I can steal anything from you big man?"


He walks over to his drawers and pulls out some shorts and a baggy shirt. He sets it on the bed next to us and helps me untie and take off my dress, I mean we were both guys it didn't mean anything!
I put on the shorts and I'm about to talk off my bra stuffed with tissues when I hear the worst possible sound,

someone opening the door.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

I actually really enjoy this story so I hope you guys do too!

and as always have a good morning afternoon or night :D

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