The Final Preparation...

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Ranboo pov:

I held onto Niki as she road us through the streets of the town to the bank.

Right now, word of Tubbo and me was only being talked about at the party since not many people, if anyone, had left yet.

So I took off my helmet when we got there and confidently walked up to one of the men at the bank, giving him a blank expression as I announced,

"I'll be needing all my money."

"A-All of it?"

"That's what I said, isn't it?"

The timid man gulped and scurried away, supposedly to get my money.

I let out a small sigh of relief, I hated using my title as a way to easily get what I want; but this was sorta necessary. Plus, it was my money! parents money that they had given as allowance and in hopes that I would use it to buy something nice for people and make friends that way. Which I didn't do, and thank god I didn't because I'd much rather rely on myself for money instead of leeching off Tubbo and his parents. Plus, I have to pay back everybody who helped with the house!"

The man soon came back, carrying several bags of money.

"H-here you go, your high-highness!"

"Thank you."

With that, me and Niki take the bags of money, turn around, and leave. The bags are heavy but I try my best to keep a straight face as we walk out the door.

"Good job."
She whispers.

"Thanks, I was terrified."
I whisper back.

Niki giggles quietly and hops onto her horse, I put on my helmet and hop up behind her.

Niki starts to head back to the house so we can meet with Tubbo and his guards.

On the way there I mention,
"That was surprisingly easy..."

"Well what did you expect to happen? They just deny you your money?"

"Well, no but I figured it was a bit suspicious..."

"Not at all. And even if they were suspicious of you, the guy was definitely too scared to call you out for it."


"We're almost back at the house, you think Tubbo got the guards?"

"Oh he'll get the guards I'm sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if it takes him a while to get back. He has to find and talk to his parents, then arrange the guards and leave with them."

"Mhm, guess we'll have some time to kill then."

When we get there, me and Niki spend said time exploring the abandoned village, (after putting the money in a safe underneath some boxes in the closet). I had already looked through it with Tubbo before, but it was still cool to get a closer look of it. Imagining what it must've been like to live here. Soon though, we head back to the house and wait a minute for Tubbo to come back.

When he does, I see him come back with about 15 guards surrounding him.

"Hey guys!"
He shouted as he got off his horse and tied it to a tree.

"Tubbo, you're back!"
I say as I run up and hug him.

"I know I know, must be unbearable to be separated from me for a whole fourty minutes!"

"It was like an hour..."
I grumble.

"Yeah cause the ride is long as fuck!" Tubbo responds, punching my arm playfully. "I know it's not much of an army, but we don't want to come off as threatening like we're trying to start a war. Some of them will be stationed around here to see if we're followed, and some will be coming with us to stop anyone from directly attacking us while we're there."
Tubbo announces.

"Alright, this'll do."
Niki says with a satisfied nod.

"Then what're we waiting for?"
I ask anxiously.

"Nothing, let's go!"
Tubbo responds.

Some of the guards station their horses around us but spread out, for now we don't want to attract much attention. After our speech they can get closer to us just in case, but either way we want to be able to stay a pretty small group so it's easier for us to get away.

The rest of the guards are hiding in various places throughout our whole path back home. They're hiding in trees, bushes, some of the abandoned houses, anywhere that they won't be clearly visible.

Even with the protection though, I'm nervous. And I can tell Tubbo is too by how tightly he's gripping me as we ride our horse towards the castle.

"You nervous too?"
I ask.

"Hah, is it that obvious? I know we'll be fine, but it's still pretty nerve-racking."

"I know, I'm sorry for making all of you guys do this for me."

"No problem, it's perfectly reasonable that you'd want to say goodbye. If I was in your situation, so would I! So don't feel bad about having us do this. Hell, we're doing this because we want to. You aren't forcing us to do anything."

I nod slowly,
"Yeah, you're right. Thanks Tubbo, I'd give you a kiss right now but I'm kinda focused on seeing where I'm going."
I laugh a little but Tubbo gives me a peck on the cheek.

"There, that'll do!"

"Pff, you're so dumb..."

"And you're totally blushing!"

"Am not!"
I defend myself as I blush more.

"Are too!"

"Oh my god would you two stop being so sickeningly cute for two seconds?"
Niki asks suddenly.

"Oh, I forgot you were here-"
I reply honestly.

"Yeah I could tell!"
Niki rolls her eyes at us and smiles.
Tubbo laughs in response.

But our moment is cut short by the castle in the distance. We're here.

I take a deep breath and look at Tubbo,
"Are you ready?"

"Not really but, I'm ready enough."
Tubbo shrugs

I say as we tie our horses to a fence and run towards one of the lesser used entrances.

I take a deep breath as I grab Tubbos hand and follow a guard through the door.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

ANOTHER UPDATE you can thank local_space_rat_ray for thattt  

more of a filler chapter if anything but needed to be added.

also for clarification if you need it, I imagined Niki and Ranboo putting the money in like a chest or something that's on the horse. Like a donkey in minecraft.

Hope you enjoyed and as always have a good morning afternoon or night guys :D

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