One Man's Abandoned Cottage is Another Man's Dream

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Ranboo pov:

Well, not quite perfect. It was pretty old, yet it was beautiful to me and Tubbo. It was a small cottage that was on the outskirts of one of the old villages. I turned around to look at Tubbo and we both nodded. We got off the horse and after tying him to a nearby fence, we walked in eagerly. There was a dusty rug and rotting couches and chairs. The windows were broken meaning any bad weather or creatures over the years got in easily. But me and Tubbo were ecstatic, maybe it was purely out of relief that we actually found a decent enough house. Either way we loved it and excitedly looked around more. Some of the walls were shelves, it reminded me of the library room back at my castle. And I loved it. That room was always the room I liked the most, and it felt so perfect that they had the similar shelf-wall things in this house as well.
We walked through the dining room and into the kitchen. There we found the back door and a window which had a tree growing through it. Yet, we still loved it.
We went back to the living room and went up the set of stairs that was there. Upstairs there were two doors, one being a bathroom and the other being a bedroom.
The bedroom had a dusty bed in the middle that had holes all over it, but the walls surrounding the room had these long windows that were half covered by torn curtains. The view was beautiful though. All the plants and trees outside, untouched by humans for literal centuries.

"Aw man only one bed, guess we gotta shAaAaAaAre!"
Tubbo said teasingly.

"Pfft, as if you weren't planning to do that even if there were two bedrooms."
I responded. Tubbo just giggled, meaning I was right.

We went back downstairs into the living room, sitting on the rather uncomfortable couch.

"So many things that we need to do, but I'm SO excited!"
Tubbo says turning to me and grinning.

"Yeah! It'll be tough but fun. And with the help of Niki and maybe even some of your guards we could totally do it!"

Tubbo gives me a high five and we laugh.

We spend another hour chatting about plans for the house, at first it was serious but it soon devolved to madness as we, (meaning Tubbo) started talking about installing a fountain, adding a ballroom, and having a petting zoo in the backyard.
But we both agreed to add a big garden.

Finally I reluctantly convinced Tubbo to get up so we could go back and report to Niki. I had been following where we were going on the map and already marked where this house is so we wouldn't forget.
We hopped on the horse and road down the path, to the village, out into just forest, and eventually coming back to the clearing and the path back to the garden. After dropping off my horse at the stables we went to where my bedroom window was and found the ladder in the bushes where we had left it. We both got up and I left to find Niki.


"Yes Prince Ranboo?"
She asks, her pink hair is in a braid today I noticed. And I also noticed how the guard who is stood a few feet away from her at the other end of the gates looks up at us annoyed.

"I need you to follow me."

"Of course."

I see the guard roll his eyes as we leave, I'll have to be more careful about calling for Niki randomly. The guards might start telling my mother and then I'd need to think of an excuse.
We don't say anything as we walk, mostly out of fear of being caught. So we let out a sigh of relief when we reach my room.

"Hi Nikiiii!"
Tubbo says waving he's sat on my bed kicking his legs.

"Hi Tubbo!" Niki smiles warmly, "Now what is it that you wanted to talk about?"


Tubbo interrupts.

"Yep! Of course it needs some new paint, new furniture, and all that stuff. There's also a tree coming through the kitchen so we'll need to remove that. Floor boards are surprisingly intact though, still dusty and creaky but not falling apart. We also wanted to do a garden so we would need stuff for that."
I explain, Niki nods in response.

"And will you have other people helping you?"

"Tubbos guards probably."

Niki looks over at Tubbo for confirmation, and he nods eagerly.
"My parents are super accepting! I'll tell them about us and the plan later today or tomorrow. It'll work out!"

"Alright... this'll take a while so I hope you guys can wait it out for a bit."
Niki is mostly talking to me since I'm the one with homophobic parents.

"Yeah, that's alright."

"Ok. Thanks for letting me know, I'll try to get what I can. Ranboo, did you write down where the house is?" I hand her the map. "Thank you. I'll try to get some supplies and get some stuff done but for now I have to head back to my post before I get chewed out by the other guard. Cya!"
She says, and gives us a small wave as she walks out the door.

"Hey Ranboo."
Tubbo suddenly says.


"When is that dinner that you were talking about going to be?"

"Shit." I didn't mean to swear but I couldn't help it when I was hit with a wave of realization so suddenly. I had completely forgotten about that while we were out. "I think my mom said tommorow night, will that work for you?"

"Yeah, I'll get a disguise ready! She won't know anything!! I have my sister's to help me out anyways."

I remember Tubbo talking about his sisters, from the way he talked about them they seemed really nice.

"Do you have to leave now though?"
I ask, already feeling disappointed.

"Nah I don't have to go, it's still decently early. I might take a nap though."

"That's cool, I kinda felt like reading anyways. I just didn't want you to leave heh."
I laugh a bit nervously. Jeez all this time with him talking about moving in together and I still get nervous just asking him to stay a bit longer.
Tubbo laughs

"Would never dream about it Boo, now come here!"
Tubbo leans against the headrest with his arms sticking out and his hands making a grabby motion for me. I laugh a bit and grab my book before joining him on the bed. We get into a comfortable cuddling position and Tubbo falls asleep as I read.
I loved the peacefulness and stillness of it all, I adored it.

And I adored him.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

hOPe you guys enjoyed!

I'm sorry I missed a day for updating it's just been kinda hectic this weekk

have a good morning afternoon or night guys :D

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