Preparation Part 2

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Ranboo pov:

I woke up that morning and immediately went to see Tubbo, but when I opened the door I saw him sitting in a chair with three maids surrounding him. One holding his hand, one looking at his hair, and the final one holding his chin and examining his face. When I entered the room they all looked up at me and stared.

"...What's going on here?"
I didn't intend to sound intimidating, but judging from the way the maids looked at me I must've. They immediately let go of Tubbo and slightly bowed as they apologized,

"Sorry Prince Ranboo, we were just going to get Tanya ready for the evening with your family."
The one who had held his hand said.

"And did she consent to this? Did she ask the three of you to help her?"

I don't know what came over me but I found myself getting increasingly more pissed, Tubbo looked both surprised and thankful.

It was the one who was messing with his hairs turn to speak now,
"Well, it's just such a big night for her and-"

"That wasn't my question."

"We just wanted to do her a favor!"
The one who had held his face chimed in.

"Still not my question. Clearly he- she's uncomfortable," I got scared when I accidentally said he, but it seemed the three maids were too scared to question it because none of them reacted. "so get out."

They all quickly left the room and shut the door behind them, I let out a sigh.

"Thanks king! Or prince I guess-" Tubbo giggles a bit. "But seriously, thanks so much! They weren't leaving me alone no matter how hard I tried to get them to go. I didn't know you could be so intimidating!"

"Hah, only when I need to be. Sorry was I being too much? Did I overreact?"

"Nah it was hot."

"I- uh what, th-thank you?"
Tubbo bursts out into laughter and I hide my face in embarrassment.

Tubbo says still laughing, I join in a bit. Laughing softly in hopes of being less embarrassed by it, it didn't work.

"Sh-shut up! It's not faaair how can you be so blunt like that!"
I whined.

"Simply stating the truth boo!"

Tubbo laughs for a few more seconds before we decide to get ready. I have Niki help Tubbo out while I go to put on my suit. It's nothing too special, just a black suit with a red tie. It's Tubbos outfit that looks stunning. He's wearing a flowy pink dress that looks as if flowers were delicately placed onto it, the matching flowers in his hair tied it together as well. Niki even painted his nails. He was beautiful. Niki took one look at me and turned around, I don't know where she was going but I was focused on Tubbo right now.

"You look stunning! As always of course."

"Why thank you!" Tubbo gives an overly dramatic curtsy. "You look quite handsome yourself!"

"Why yes, I know!"

Tubbo laughs at me and we go to my room to talk for a bit, neither one of us wanting to go downstairs and have to talk to my parents who will likely demand several hundred pictures before the rest of my family gets here.

Soon, Niki opens the door with something pink in her hand,
"Good, you guys are here! Ranboo I went to get this tie so you could match Tubbo."

"Oh thanks so much Niki!"

"Yeah of course, no problem!"

"Yesssss we can match! We'll be so cute and shit."
Tubbo adds, I chuckle and nod in response.

Niki goes back to whatever she was going before which leaves me and Tubbo alone for a few more moments. Our time together being cut short by my mother yelling,


I yell back.

I give Tubbo a sorry glance, he just gives me a reassuring smile. The two of us get up to leave but before we do Tubbo gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. My face flushes red.

"Pff- what was that for?"
I ask trying to sound confident but utterly failing.

"I dunno, you just look cute!"
Tubbo smiles, I scoff but give him a kiss on the top of his head.

I would've loved to stay there in that moment for just a bit longer, but it was time to deal with my mother.

"Wish me luck."
Tubbo whispers in my ear as we walk downstairs.

"Good luck, but you'll need to give me some good luck too."
I whisper back.

"Ok, good luck. You especially need it!"

"Don't say that!!"
Tubbo laughs quietly in response.

Much too soon we reach my mother, who is telling the maids how to set up the dinner table. She turns around and gasps when she sees us.


She forces the two of us into a huge hug.

"Mom please I can barley breathe!"
I say. She finally let's go and looks at us with adoration.

"I'm so happy for you two!"

"Thank you!"
Me and Tubbo say, although he sounds a bit more enthusiastic than I do.

"Now...are you two ready for dinner?"

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

tired tired tired


have a great morning afternoon or night :D

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