And so we Meet Again

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Tubbo pov:

"Wait here, I'll bring you a ladder!"
Niki says when we arrive at the castle.

I nod and wait outside for Niki to come back. I look at Ranboos window, imagining him poking out his head and smiling when he sees me. I smile at just the thought of it.

Niki eventually comes back carrying ladder and saying,
"I'll have you know I got a lot of weird looks and had to tell the queen herself that I was helping get a cat out of a tree so that she wouldn't be suspicious of me carrying this outside!"

I laugh and we prop it up against the wall, sliding the rest of it out so the ladder reaches the window.

"When you get up there, drag the ladder back inside his room and hide it in his closet. He can set it up whenever you come by so you don't have to sneak through the castle."

"Why didn't you just bring the ladder to Ranboos room?"
I asked.

"Too many guards, too suspicious. I didn't have a good enough excuse for why I would need to bring a ladder inside of his room."

"Aaaah okok."

"Now get up there already!"
Niki says smirking.

"I am I am!"
I respond, smiling back at her.

I climb up the ladder and when I come face to face with the window I knock on it, waiting for a response. Almost immediately Ranboo opens up the window, his face inches away from mine.



I dive through the window to tackle him into a hug. We lay on the floor, hugging each other and laughing.

"You- you need to stop making us fall over on the floor!"
Ranboo says in between laughs.

"I know I know! But it's so much fuuuun!"
I respond.

We stay there, still laughing for a while. Until eventually Ranboo gets up to get the ladder I had used to climb up here.

"Did Niki give you this?"

"Yep, she said to hide it in your closet so we can use it whenever I come over!"

"Oh nice."
Ranboo says, opening his closet and putting the retracted ladder inside, covering it with a couple of coats and hoodies.

"So what's up? You said you wanted to talk to me in your letter, I'm sorry your parents are ignorant pieces of shit who don't accept gay people."

"Yeah...I just don't know what to do now."

"I suppose we can keep our relationship a secret, and eventually when you become king or something you can tell them."

"I don't even want to be a king."
Ranboo mumbles, I nod in understanding.

"Same, in that case we might as well run away."

"Hm yeah, if only it were that easy."
Ranboo whines and flops onto his bed. I come sit next to it, my back against the mattress and my head turned to face him.

"It is pretty wouldn't happen to know how to build houses would you?"
Ranboo chuckles at my dumb sarcasm.

"No...Oh but you know what?"


"There are still those old small houses..."


"Well, there's this area that isn't owned by anyone. It's like in between a couple of the kingdoms out in the middle of no where. The area was fought over by the two kingdoms so the people that lived there moved away to escape the danger. In the end the kingdoms decided it was best to keep it as neutral ground to avoid further conflict, since it likely would've ended in both of them being severly hit and destroyed. That was centuries ago when the kingdoms were still fighting over land, but some of the old houses are still standing."

"A quiet life with you...out in the middle of no one waiting over one regonizing us as royalty...just me and you, and the nature surrounding us. Sounds nice."

"We can always go to your kingdom as well, your parents are accepting right?"

"Yep, but I don't want to live there. I'd rather leave and go somewhere new! Of course we can visit but I like your idea better."

"We'd have to fix up a house, and that's if we find one."

"We can do it! Niki could help too, and we can do research and stuff on how to fix it up! I'm strong, I bet I could make any house look perfect in seconds!"
I say as Ranboo laughs at me.

"Then...ok. It'll take a while though, we can go on horse and try to find one."

"Oh yeah, where would we find one?"

"Mmm, if we go in the direction the path to the clearing is going then...Well actually I can just grab the book."

"The book?"

"Yeah, there's a book on it that's how I know. Well, less of a book and more like a record of some of my kingdoms history. It should be in the small library if I remember correctly..."

"Oooo ok! Then lead the way!"

"Pfft, no. You aren't coming with, I'll be back soon just wait here."
I pout but Ranboo just rolls his eyes at me and leaves.

After just a few moments Ranboo comes bursting back in, he closes the door behind him before looking at me panicked and saying,

"My mom has to see you."

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

Hope you guys enjoyeddddd let me know what you thinkkkk the house thing is kinda random I'll admit, and I don't know anything about fixing up houses but then again I don't know anything about royalty.

Hope you guys have a good morning afternoon or night :D

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