Lying to Parents and Finding Houses

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Ranboo pov:

"What? Why?"
Tubbo asked, clearly confused and concerned.

"Sh- She thinks I'm dating Anabelle!"

"Who the fuck is Anabelle?"

"She's this girl who tried hitting on me at the ball, and I made it clear that I wasn't interested." I say reassuringly after seeing Tubbos face. He looked almost jealous, cute. "Anabelle must've heard my talking with my mom at the ball because I was just with my mom and she said that Anabelle sent her a letter saying that SHE was the one I was with! And when I told my mom that it wasn't her she didn't believe me, saying that I didn't have to be shy and there's no use hiding it! And I blurted out that it wasn't Anabelle and I could prove it...god I'm an idiot. Now my mom wants to have dinner with you. I told her your name was Tanya..."

I looked down, ashamed of myself. When I did look at Tubbos face I could tell he was processing it and thinking of solutions.

" now what?"

"I have no idea."

"Hmm...well I can't go to dinner with her obviously..."

I was shocked at how calmly he was speaking, I guess he's better than me at dealing with tough situations. I just freak out and blank completely.

"Unless..." Tubbo continues, "I could!"

"What? How are you gonna have dinner with my parents?"

"Easy, disguise! With a convincing enough disguise she might overlook my voice, which isn't super deep to begin with so we don't have to worry about that too much anyways..."

"Wait, really? You'd be willing to do that for me?"

"Of course! You owe me one after this but I don't mind cross-dressing. It'll be easy!"

I wasn't completely convinced but I slowly nodded.

"Alright, if you're sure then I suppose it'll be ok..."

"Don't be nervous, everything will be fine! Now go back out and find that book!"

I nod and head out the door to the small library.

When I get to the room I look through the different titles,

Lets Bee Better: A Guide to Beekeeping
How to Farm for Dummies
The History of The End
Flowers From 1970-
Wait, The History of The End! That's the one I want. I reach over and grab the book from it's shelf. Flipping through the pages of information until I came upon a map of where the unclaimed territory was. Using this, me and Tubbo could find it and start searching for a house!
I head back to my room and find Tubbo laying on my bed, obviously bored from having to stay here and wait for me to come back.

"I'm back!"
Tubbo props himself up on the bed so he can look at my better.

"Took you long enough!"

"Yeah yeah, do you think if we found a house today then we wouldn't have to do the dinner?"

"Didn't you literally say a few minutes ago that they're like, centuries old?? We have to get supplies and help make it actually liveable again before we can officially run away and live there."

"...So we still have to do the dinner?"
I ask disappointed, Tubbo laughs.

"Yep! It'll be fine, gives me a chance to meet your parents!"

"I don't think I want you to meet them."

"You spoke pretty highly of your parents when we were at the pond."

"But that was before I found out that they were homophobic."

"Fair. That fucking sucks. You'll have to meet my parents soon!"

I felt a twinge of jealousy, I'm sure Tubbo didn't mean to make me feel bad, yet I can't help but feel a bit of envy towards him for having these 'perfect parents' that he can introduce me to easily. Meanwhile he has to pretend to be something he's not just so my parents will shut up about me dating someone I'm not.

"Yeah, we should set up a time."
I say nonchalantly.

"Definitely! But for now, do you wanna go on horse and check out the unclaimed land thingy?"

"Sure, we can go down the ladder to get to the stables without accidentally running into somebody."

"Sounds good!"
Tubbo responds, already going to the closet to get the ladder.

After setting up the ladder outside my window, we climb down it...obviously. When we get to the bottom we retract it and hide it in a nearby bush. It isn't great but it'll do for the time being. We head toward the stables and find my horse, and since it's my horse I'm the one that gets the go on the front and actually direct him, much to Tubbos disapproval.
We head off, I had ripped out the map part of the book earlier and gave it to Tubbo. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held the map up so I could see it and make out where I was going.
And eventually, we got there. You wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't have the map to show you, but we were here.
We rode around the area a bit, which took a while since there as a lot of ground to cover.
The villages that had once stood there were destroyed during the war, leaving the cobblestone path cracked as well as the houses. They had all long since been destroyed beyond repair. It was a bit eery, but plants had started to grow around all the old houses. Giving it this weirdly peaceful vibe as the glowing sun reached the villages. But we were beginning to lose hope of finding a not totally demolished house.

Until we came across the perfect one.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

again, I have no idea what I'm doing. I like it but I'm scared it makes literally zero sense so let me know if you guys enjoy it

otherwise have a good morning afternoon or night guys :D

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