A Wonderful Last Dance

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Ranboo pov:

I stare at him for a while, not really knowing what else to do. He had fluffy brown hair and a long green skirt that just barely stayed above the pond as he kicked his feet around in the water. His shoes were on the grass just off of the dock. The natural sunlight made the water sparkle and gave his hair this beautiful glow to it. Even the music from the ball could be heard quietly, only adding to the wonderful effect. Everything about it was just so... stunning. Maybe that's why I continued to just stare at him for a bit, admiring the scene before me.

Eventually though, I yelled at myself internally for being creepy and just staring and built up the courage to call out to him.


The boy jumped a bit and turned around to face me. He stared at me for a second before responding,

Shoot, I didn't think this through. Now what do I say?

"Heh, are you hiding out from the party as well?"
I cringe at my awkwardness, but the boy smiles.

"Yeah, hey isn't this like your ball? I mean your family is the one hosting it right?"

"Mhm but that doesn't mean I like it... it's just too many people. This spot is where I hide out all the time."

"Oh, sorry I can go-"

"No! I- I mean it's alright really, I need to start talking to more people anyways."

"Well...alright then."

He scooches over on the dock and pats the empty spot next to him. I quickly take off my shoes and sit there, also dipping my feet into the cool water. Our arms brush against each other due to the limited space on the dock, which makes me blush a bit. But he ends up chatting like everything's normal, I guess I should be thankful that it's not up to me to carry the conversation. Otherwise we might just be sitting here in silence.

The conversation starts out with him talking and me listening, but eventually I start to talk more and slowly get more comfortable with him. It's crazy how easy it is to talk to him. We end up talking for hours about our favorite foods, our families, our castles, our favorite memories, basically anything and everything. We even make each other flower crowns!

"Oh wait I didn't even get your name!"
Tubbo says suddenly. I giggle a bit.

"It's Ranboo, what about you?"


"I like that name."

"Well I like yours!"

We both laugh a bit and then fall into a comfortable silence. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of the leaves rustling with the breeze, and the faint sound of music starting to play. I recognize the song though. It's the song they always play at the end of the ball, the last dance.

"Hey, do you- um- want to dance?"
I say as I stand up, holding one of my hands out to him while I cross the other behind my back. As if we were in the ballroom right then and there.
Tubbo laughs at that, I really do like when he laughs.

"Why of course!"
He says in a fake posh accent while giggling.

He takes my hand and I pull him up and lead him to the middle of the grass clearing. I put one hand on his waist, and hold the other. And then we start to dance, well it was less of dancing and more so just swaying and twirling each other every now and then. But I loved it. I loved the feeling of dancing with him, even if he was incredibly short and stepped on my toes sometimes. We danced, and laughed, and blushed. It was the first time I think I ever enjoyed dancing with someone, and it felt amazing. I wish I could freeze this moment, and stay in it forever. I felt the happiest I've ever been! And even though we've only known each other for a few hours, it felt like I've known him my whole life. We clicked so well and,I had to admit, I liked him a lot.

But eventually the song came to an end and I dipped Tubbo, he laughed and leaned so far back that he dragged me down and caused us both to fall on the grass. We layed next to each other and just laughed. I thought I couldn't be happier than I just was dancing, but I was instantly proven wrong.

"Tubbo...honestly this is the most happy I've ever been in like my entire life!"

"Yeah! Best day of my life, you're fucking awesome!"

We ended up becoming giggling messes again. My stomach was starting to hurt from all the laughing and my cheeks were starting to hurt from all the smiling, but I loved it.

Tubbo turned on his side to face me.
"Y'know you're really pretty...tall. Pretty tall!"

"Pfft, well you're pretty short! And pretty in general..."
I didn't mean to say the last part out loud but I do. He stares at me in shock and I'm afraid I've messed everything up, until I see him smile and a wave of relief washes over me.

"You're pretty too!"

He shoots up and grabs my hand to make me stand with him and gives me a big hug, his back facing the path we took to get here. I hug him back and with my last bit of confidence give him a quick peck on the top of his head. He giggles and buries his head in my chest.

I don't care if this was quick, I've never been more sure about something in my entire life. And besides, as of right now we're still just friends. We don't have to rush anything.

But thinking about today and hugging him in the middle of the clearing, aka my hiding spot, I'm sure I like him.

Our moment of pure happiness and peace is broken when I look up at the path I took to get here, still hugging Tubbo, and see one of the guards down there staring at me.

Someone saw us.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

I actually feel really good about this story so I hope you guys are enjoying it!

Have a good morning afternoon or night guys :D

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