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Tubbos pov:

Ranboos uncle's are staying for another day to celebrate their victory again. Today was the family celebration, tommorow is the kingdom celebration. Which meant that practically everyone in the kingdom would be in the castle, great.

Since tommorow's going to be filled with yet another day of lying and talking to a ton of random people,  I decide to take advantage of the little free time me and Ranboo have tonight.

"Hey Ranboo?"
I asked once we had gotten into our pajamas.


"We should go swimming!"


"Yeah! Why not? You guys have a pool and I haven't been in it yet, that should be like a crime."
I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Pffft, fine. Most of the guards should be occupied with my uncle's." He sighs. "Alright, c'mon let's go!"

Ranboo stands up and pulls me by my arms to help me up as well.

We sneak around the castle until we reach the pool room. To make sure the water stays warm, a whole separate insulated room is dedicated to it. It even has another room inside that's a sauna!

I cheer once the door closes. I throw off my shirt and bra and cannonball into the pool, Ranboo laughs.

"C'mon in, don't just watch weirdo!"

Ranboo rolls his eyes at me and sits at the edge. Kicking some water at me.

"There, happy?"
He smirks teasingly, knowing full well that I'm not satisfied.

Instead of complaining I grab his arms and pull, forcing him inside the pool with me.

He screams as I successfully get him to fall in the water.

I yell triumphantly



The two of us laugh and splash each other with water, eventually dissolving into peaceful swimming and talking.

"I'm gonna go into the sauna I think."
Ranboo says, lifting himself out of the pool and walking towards the sauna room.

"Alright! I might join you in a bit."

He gives me a thumbs up, opening then closing the door to the sauna.

I sit in the pool and enjoy the quiet for a moment. There's something peaceful about chilling in a pool by yourself.

But soon it just got boring.

I swim to the edge of the pool and pull myself up. I start heading towards the sauna room, but that's when I hear the door open.

My heart stops and I'm frozen still looking at the door, begging internally that it was Niki. I had no such luck, because the one who had opened the door was Ranboos uncle Jason. And I was a second too slow in covering my chest.

He yells out, making me flinch.

"Please, we can talk about this..."
I approached him calmly, but I'm so anxious that I feel like throwing up.

"What is there to talk about? You've been lying to me and Ranboo!"

"No it's not like that, you don't understand!"

Jason turns to run away.

I desperately cry out, but I can't chase him. Not yet.

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