Sleepovers are the Key to a Mans Heart

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Ranboo pov:

After somehow getting through Tubbos sisters, (who wouldn't stop relentlessly asking me questions), we made it to Tubbos room. Unlike my room, Tubbos had lots of decorations and was a bit messy. I loved it. It gave the room a more cozy vibe to it, I already feel disappointed for when I have to leave.

But that was the least of my worries right now; I was still thinking about what Stacy had said about me and Tubbo. I know even Techno stood up for us, but still....

"D-do you think she was right?"
I murmur softly as I sit on his bed. He takes a seat beside me.

"Hm? Do I think who was right?"

"My aunt Stacy, do you think she was right about us rushing things?"

"Ranboo. You love me, right?"

"Yes, more than anything else in the world!"
I answer dramatically, giving Tubbo a quick hug as well.

Tubbo laughs softly but blushes.
"Yknow that's like, the cheesiest line ever right?"

"Whatever, just continue!"

"Fine, you know I love you, right?"

I nod my head but he isn't satisfied, "Then say it Ranboo, say you know that I love you!"

"Okkkk. Tubbo, I know wholeheartedly that you love me just as much as I love you!...If that's even possible."
We laugh and he gives me a soft punch on my shoulder.

"Then...we both love each other. We're both committed to this relationship. We're both willing to grow and learn together. So fuck it, there's no reason we shouldn't be in a relationship! Other than maybe you're family but they're idiots and we know how to deal with them. Plus it's our relationship, not theirs!"

I slowly nod,
"Ok...if you think so."

"I know so, but you have to believe in this relationship as much as I do!"

"Okok, I know so too."

"There you go!"

Tubbo tackles me into a hug and we cuddle together on my bed. At one point I feel him braid my hair, and when he's done he nuzzles into my chest. It makes my heart beat out of my chest, so loud I'm convinced he can hear it. But I hug him tight.

"Your heart beat's going at about a million beats per second king."

"...Shut up you're cute ok?"
Tubbo let's out a big laugh in response.

The next morning I don't feel like waking up, not when I'm cuddling with someone as lovely as Tubbo.

Everything about this morning feels perfect too, the sun is rising so the light is pouring through the windows, giving the room a sort of glow. There's birds outside chirping happily as well. I can smell the faint scent of food being cooked, I believe it's cinnamon rolls. And when I look down I see the man I love laying peacefully on top of me, I can even hear him softly snoring.

I expect one of his guards or maids to knock and wake us up for breakfast. But after a while of preparing myself for the moment to be ruined, I realize this is Tubbos castle. Not mine. And his parents don't force him awake and out of his room for every meal. Huh.
Guess that means I can go to sleep again.

I hug Tubbo a bit tighter and just as I'm about to drift into sleep, I can feel Tubbo shifting.

"Mmmmwhat time is it?"
Tubbo grumbles in his morning voice.

"Mmmmmmnot sure, like 9 maybe?"

"You've got a hot morning voice."
Tubbo mutters as he lays back down on my chest to fall asleep again.

"Wh-wha? O-ok, yeah sure..."
I respond, now too flustered to fall back asleep. Thankfully Tubbo has trouble falling back asleep too.

"Uuuuuuuuugh I can't sleep when I smell cinnamon rolls." He whines, "C'mon, get up. We're going to eat some cinnamon rolls and then go to sleep."
He announces as he slowly gets off the bed and reaches out a hand to pull me off as well.

I take it, but when I stand he doesn't let go off it, instead we hold hands all the way to the kitchen. Tubbo is still clearly too tired tired to care, meanwhile I become a blushing mess. God I get flustered easily, it's embarrassing at this point.

"Morning mum."
Tubbo yawned as we reached the kitchen.

"Morning you two! I just made some cinnamon rolls, take as many as you like!"
Tubbos mom gestures towards the top of the oven, which holds two trays full of freshly baked cinnamon rolls. It was strange that his mom made it instead of a maid, but it was mostly nice. The idea of his mom letting the maids take a break in the morning was a sweet thought.

And Tubbo was immediately broken out of his tired daze when he set a couple of cinnamon rolls on his plate and took a bite. It looked as if he was in heaven.

"Ranboo oh my GOD you have to have some, my mom makes the best fucking cinnamon rolls!"

Tubbo holds out his fork for me, which holds a small piece of the cinnamon roll. I eat it and immediately feel amazing. It was the best possible flavor and texture combination! It felt like my mouth had been blessed.

"Oh my god this is amazing. I need more."
I announce as I get up to grab a plate and put three cinnamon rolls on it.

Tubbo and me spend the rest of breakfast eating cinnamon rolls and talking about how amazing they were, which Tubbos mom clearly liked.

At some point a guard came in to whisper something in her ear, but me and Tubbo didn't think much of it. It was probably just boring Queen stuff.

When we were done, she cleared her throat to get our attention.

"So...I've just received word that your mother wants you two back for a lunch barbeque with Ranboos uncles."

"WHAT!?" I blurted out, immediately covering my mouth and apologizing, "Sorry! I didn't mean to yell, I just wasn't expecting it...My uncles...well...they aren't great."

Tubbo doesn't seem worried though, perhaps he's faking it but I can't tell.

He puts a comforting hand on my leg,
"It'll be ok. We got through the dinner, we can get through this!"

I nod, feeling a bit better.

I smile at Tubbo, and he smiles back. His mom clears her throat again.

"So- I would suggest you two get ready now, and tell me how it goes afterwards! Ranboo, you're always welcome in this castle so you can come back here when you're done if you want."

I nod in response, eager for any opportunity to get out of my house.

Tubbo sighs.
"Alright, Ranboo I'm going to find Lani and Teagan to get them to do my makeup and find me another dress. If you don't want to get changed at your castle, ask the maids for clothes. Sound good?"

"Sounds good."
I smile at him adoringly.

"Pff, stop looking at me like that dickhead!"
Tubbo says as he puts his hand on my face to cover it. I laugh.

"Awwww is someone blushingggg?"

"Gross, no! Stop stalling and let's get this over with already!"
Tubbo giggles and gets up, rushing off quickly to find his sisters. But I catch a glimpse of his red face as he leaves.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

hey uh, did I say Ranboo had long hair a few chapters ago? maybe in the beginning? I don't remember but I think I did...

anyways I hoped you guys liked this chapter!

aaand as always have a good morning afternoon or night :D

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