The Preparation Begins...

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Tubbo pov:

I woke up that morning happier than I've ever been in the morning cause I was still clinging on to Ranboo. He had set his book on the nightstand beside him and was asleep peacefully, so I took the time to stare and admire him. He had this long, slightly bushy black hair. It was clear he had taken the dark hair from his mom and the bushy texture from his dad. I haven't seen him so peaceful before, it's nice.
God damnit why does he have to be so dang beautiful.

Ranboos eyes slowly flutter open, and he looks down at me. He's still half sitting up with one of his arms wrapped around my shoulder while I have arms holding into his waist. I can see him blush a bit, I just giggle in response.

I say.

"Mmm...morning. I didn't take you to be a morning person?"

"I'm not big man it's 12pm, also I'm not usually this happy when waking up."

Ranboo looks at the clock on the nightstand next to me which reads 12:07pm.

"Huh...guess I shouldn't have stayed up reading for so long. But anyways, why are you so happy about waking up today?"
He grins at me, already knowing damn well what my answer is.

"Mmmmcause I'm with you or something I dunno..." I mumble, burying my head into his chest to hide my blush as he just laughs. "You're such I prick!"
I say as I lightly punch him. He just laughs more.
Eventually he calms down though, and his smile falters for a second.

"Hey probably have to leave now. There's the dinner tonight so I'll see you then! But you have to get ready for it, I'm sorry I'm pulling you into all this by the way."

"No worries man! It'll be fine." I say reassuringly, but I can see the doubt on his face. I kneel beside him and face him, gently reaching out my hand and cupping his face. He leans into the touch. "After this dinner your parents will let us hang out whenever so we won't have to sneak around like this! And then when we have the house ready to move into, we can tell them the truth. And when I get home today my sister's will help me out, after I tell them about us and everything."

"Ok...and you're sure it'll be alright with them?"


Ranboo smiles and hugs me.

"Thank you so much, I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend."

"Same here!"
I respond, and hug him back.

Ranboo pov:

A few minutes later we reluctantly got up. I had to stay and have lunch with my parents to explain that I slept in during our usual breakfast meal together. I later went to find Niki, thankfully it was her day off so she was able to take Tubbo back home.
After he left I got changed and went downstairs to see if my parents were having lunch, and to my disappointment they were.

"Wow he's alive!"
My dad says. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and instead smile.

"Haha yep. I just slept in, sorry."

"You never sleep in, are you alright?"
My mother asks concerned.

"Yeah I just read a lot last night."

"Alright...don't be staying up too late."
She warns, I just nod in response and take a seat at the table.

We sit there and eat for a while, my mom and dad talk to each other every now and then but don't say much. Eventually though my mother talks to me again,

"So Tanya knows she's coming over for dinner today?"

"Yep, I sent her a letter about the time and stuff. Niki sent it out to her and she said Tanya could make it."

"Lovely, I can't wait to meet her!"

I cringe slightly but just smile and nod.

This'll be interesting...

Tubbo pov:

I hop of Nikis horse when we reach my castle, thanking her as she heads back for Ranboos.

I walk in and I'm immediately greeted by my mother,

"Tubbo! I was wondering when you were going to come back, I heard you went to Ranboos. I suppose you slept over then, I had no idea you and him were so close!"

"Yeah we met at the ball and we've been talking ever since, it just sorta happened."
I laugh nervously.

"Alright...well I have to go, next time you leave to see him let me know ok?"

"Ok! Oh but I have something to tell you about us..."


" and Ranboo...are kinda sorta dating now."
I say, I look her in the eyes to let her know that I was serious!...And to see her reaction. She seemed a bit surprised.

"Oh! Alright, he can come over whenever he likes then. I have to meet him soon too! I'm so happy for you, make sure you're being safe, but I really have to go." She gives me hug. "We'll talk about this more at dinner, bye!"

"Bye, oh wait! I'm going over to Ranboos again for dinner!"
I call out to her as she walks away. She gives me a thumbs up and continues walking away.

Even if I was pretty much 100% sure she would be cool with it, it was still relieving to know she supported us. And I smiled knowing I had a pretty awesome mom.

But next on the agenda was to find my sisters. If I'm going to go to Ranboos I need a dress and some makeup.

I knock on their doors, since their rooms were right next to each other it made it easy to get them together quickly.

Lani opened the door first, followed by Teagan shortly after. They both stared at me confused so I explained the situation,

"Hey uh so long story short I met this guy at the ball and now I'm dating that guy but that guys parents are homophobic but I'm going to dinner with them so I need you to do my makeup and shit!"

They stared at me with even more confusion.

"So...what you're saying is...we get to dress you up? And do your makeup?"
Lani asked.

I nod reluctantly.
"Yes that is what I'm saying."

The two of them look at each other and grin widely, and I suddenly regret asking them for help.

They drag me into Teagans room and sit me down at her vanity. The two of them were running around debating over different outfits and makeup.

This'll be interesting.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~


hey so I may have sorta kinda possibly made an Andrew Garfield x reader fanfic called 'A Web of Love' as a joke and the first chapter is out so go read it if you want to. It's on a different account since my friends want to read it and I don't want them to see these other stories I've made-

But anyways hope you guys enjoyed and have a good morning afternoon or night! :D

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