A Peaceful Ending

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Ranboo pov:

It's been three years since me and Tubbo made our great escape from my castle. For a while, we were scared that we had sparked a war. Niki told us that my father's guards recognized the guards helping us as the ones in Tubbos kingdom, and my father took the fighting as a sign of war. But after some heated discussions with Tubbos parents and mine, no war actually happened.
Niki also told us that my father believes Tubbos parents are hiding me in their kingdom, and he's sent spies to try and find us. So for a while we couldn't go into town, but thanks to Niki and her friends we were told when it was safe to visit Tubbos kingdom.

Now, it's all behind us. Of course my parents are still thinking about us, but after years of searching they've seemed to have given up.
Now, me and Tubbo can enjoy everything to a new level.

And with the lovely weather today, me and Tubbo decide to take a walk and maybe do some shopping in his kingdom.

We walk down our cobblestone path and into the forest, the walk to his kingdom is a bit long but neither of us care. Honestly I enjoyed being able to just talk with him while also getting to  explore and see all the trees and plants around us.

Eventually, we make it to the part of town in his kingdom that has loads of stands and shops.

"Where to first?"
Tubbo asks.

"No clue, your the one that used to live here."

"Fair enough. OOO!! Let's go here!"
Tubbo points to a random shop and we head towards it.

The rest of the day is filled with the two of us exploring everything in town, pointing out random things and making jokes. I honestly loved it, it's been a while since me and Tubbo had been able to go out like this.

After a while of walking we both got a bit tired, it was already a long way here and we had spent the entire day just running around.

The two of us crash on a nearby bench, and I would've been happy to stay there for a while if it weren't for Tubbo shouting,


I groan as Tubbo forces me up and runs down the road, eventually making it to a dock and sitting at the edge of it. Taking off his shoes and kicking his feet in the water.

I take a seat beside him and cross my legs, looking out onto the lake and enjoying the view as the waves crash against the shore.

"Yknow what this kinda reminds me of?"
Tubbo says.


"The time we first met."

"Oh yeah, you had taken my favorite spot to hideout in."

Tubbo laughs and shoves me slightly.

"How was I supposed to know? I thought you were super creepy for just appearing out of no where and staring at me!"

"Well apparently not cause you invited me to sit right next to you even though there was barely enough room for the two of us so we totally squished!"

"Yeah cause you were cute! And hey, you also decided to sit right next to me."

"Yeah cause you were cute!"



"HaHA I knew it! You're cute too bossman."
Tubbo responds, looking out at the lake and leaning his head on my shoulder.

As the sun started to set, Tubbo finally got up and announced,
"Well, it's getting late. We should start heading back!"

I respond as I stand up with him, but I hold both his hands to keep him in place for a second.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, I just- um..."

"Wow can't keep your eyes off me, can you?"
Tubbo giggles at me and a laugh a bit nervously. My god three years and he still manages to make me blush.

I look down at him and seeing his gentle smile, and the way his face and hair brightened from the sunset, made me really want to kiss him.

I reach out and hold his chin, gently lifting his head up towards me as I lean down and kiss him. We had kissed before, but this was different. Something about the moment and the knowingness that all the fear we had felt before was gone added to it. Now all that was left was love and adoration. No more pretending to be a girl, no more anxiety that my parents will find out, no more panicking about the future.
Just us.

After what could've been hours, or just a minute, I lean back and stand up straight again. Tubbo wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes tightly.

"Thank you."

"Hah, I should be the one thanking you! You were the one who dealt with acting like a girl. All I had to do was be myself."

"Not really, you had to act too! And you had to leave your parents, I know that was tougher for you than you let on."

"It's been years Tubbo, I've moved on."


"I promise I have! Now come on, let's get some donuts or something for the walk back home."

Tubbos head shoots up to look at me, I can practically see sparkles in his eyes.

"I know the BEST place for that! C'mon, Puffy's got the best strawberry frosted donuts!"

"Oooh, sounds good. Lead the way!"

Tubbo smiles and holds my hand, interlocking our fingers as we make our way to the donut shop.

Our arms swing and I sigh while looking back at the beautiful sunset, and the beautiful boy next to me getting excited over a donut.

Even with all the stuff we had to go through, I couldn't have asked for anything better.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

AAAAND THAT'S IT! I was procrastinating so much with the ending but it's ok cause now it's done!

Honestly, I really enjoyed making this and I'm so glad that you guys enjoyed reading it! I love reading through all your comments, and yes I do read all of them, because you guys are always so sweet and fun.

I can't wrap my head around the amount of people that have read this but holy shit it's a lot! also #1 in beeduo wtf?? thank you guys so much!!!!

I did write another book if you want to go check that out if you haven't already!

If you guys are getting tired of beeduo tell me, I still love the content and everything but I can try branching out if you guys want me to.

I don't have any ideas for a new book so I might be taking a break from making them but who know, give me your ideas and maybe I'll get inspiration to write another one!

And finally, I hope you guys liked reading this and have a good morning afternoon or night :D

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