Horseback Riding Back to You

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Niki pov:

First, I go to the gates to tell the person I was guarding with that I got direct orders from the prince to deliver something. When he nods I rush to the stables to find my horse, but before I get on curiousity gets the best of me and I check to see what Ranboo wrote in his letter. I know it's an invasion of privacy but I'm going all this way, and he won't know I read it. He probably wouldn't even care if he did find out!
With that bit of reassurance I opened the letter and read:

My beloved Tubbo,

my parents aren't supportive. I don't know what to do now, I would never break up with you unless you wanted to so now I'm asking that you come visit me again. I can't leave without raising suspicion. I'm sorry to put all of this on you, and I'll understand if you don't want to deal with all this and instead stay at your castle. But if you do want to come, I'll be waiting in my room.
sincerely, Ranboo.

After reading it I made a mental note to bring a ladder to Ranboo so Tubbo can get to his room through the window easier. Maybe he already has been doing that, I'm not sure. Either way I fold the letter neatly and put it in my pocket before hopping onto my horse.

It took a while to get to Tubbos kingdom, if Tubbo was coming to Ranboos I suppose he'd have to go through this whole path as well. At least it looks nice....wait...if Tubbos going to Ranboo...and I have to go back to Ranboo...I could just bring Tubbo back with me! Well, I guess that'll give me a chance to talk to him more.

I'm almost at the castle, the only problem is I have no idea where Tubbo is. I suppose I don't have to sneak in...I've heard about Tubbos parents and I've seen them at parties. They seem extremely nice, and I'm fairly sure some of their own family members are gay. So I suppose it's best to go up to the guards at the front gate and tell them I'm here on the princes behalf.

I make sure my badge is showing, proof that I'm a royal guard, as I walk up to the front gates with my horse.

"I'm here on Prince Ranboos behalf, I need to talk to Prince Tubbo."
I tell the two guards stationed at the front gates.

They examine my badge before nodding. One of them holds onto my horse and the other leads me to Prince Tubbos room.

Once we're at the door he knocks and yells,
"Prince Tubbo! One of the guards from The End kingdom is here to see you!"
He then looks at me, nods, and walks away to go back to the front gates.

Tubbo opens the door, he's dressed in a baggy green buttoned up long sleeve shirt and jeans, his hair is a bit messy so I assume he was just laying down before I came.

"Tubbo, I came to see you on Ranboos behalf."

I nod.

"He wanted me to give you this letter."
I say as I take out the letter from my pocket and hand it to him.

He grabs it from my hand and opens it. He reads it over, and then looks up at me.

"Thank you for bringing this to me."
He says as he closes the door.
I push it open again before it can completely close.

"If you want to go you can go with me, I have to go back to the castle anyways. As long as you have something that can cover your face so people don't know I'm riding back with a prince, I can take you."
He looks up at me in surprise, I guess he wasn't expecting me to know what the letter said. He hesitantly nods.

"Alright...give me a second."
He goes back into his room and comes back wearing a black cloak with the hood up, if we were riding on my horse he'd only be facing my back so no one would be able to clearly see his face.

"Perfect, follow me. Oh do the guards care if I take you to Ranboos castle?"

"Nope! It'll be fine."

With that, I lead him outside the front gates. Thanking the guard who held onto the reigns of my horse for me as I hop on. Tubbo hops on as well, wrapping his arms around my waist as we gallop away. Judging from how tightly he's holding onto me, I'm guessing he's never had to ride on a horse with someone else before.

" you know about Ranboo and I?"
He asks cautiously.

"Yep, Ranboo told me and made me swear not to tell his parents."

"Really? He trusted you with that? Oh uh no offense."

"You're good, I used to babysit Ranboo and then as he got older we kind of just continued talking. Besides you, I'm his closest friend."


"So how do you know Ranboo?"

"Oh, did he not tell you?"

"He just said you guys met at the ball which is pretty vague."

"Pfft, yeah. I wanted to avoid the whole party since they aren't my favorite, so I snuck out of the garden into the forest. It looked like there was a path, like where all the grass had been stepped on and the plants moved to the side kind of thing. And when I walked through I found this beautiful clearing with this cool pond and everything! So I sat down at the edge of the dock thing that was there and a bit after Ranboo walked in. We talked and we really just...clicked. Then the last song came on and we danced and messed around, eventually Ranboo um gave me a kiss on the top of my head."

"Wouldn't have expected Ranboo to be so bold."
I giggle, and Tubbo laughs as well, clearly embarrassed.

"Yeah...But we got caught and he ran off to try and stop them from telling his parents. So I ran back through the garden to find my parents. I told them I wasn't feeling well so that we could leave the ball before the guard saw me."

"Ranboo said you two met up last night as well."

"Y-yeah...I wanted to know what happened so I went to see him."

"And you missed him."

"That too."

He giggled, I chuckled at the amount of love and want they have for each other after such a short amount of time.

Tubbo seemed nice, and he clearly cares about Ranboo a lot. I'm glad I got to talk to him.

All too soon though, we arrived back at Ranboos castle.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

deciding Ranboos kingdoms name is The End cause it makes sense.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! And I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story.

Have a good morning afternoon or night :D

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