Stargazing is a Good Way to Deal with Embarrassment

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side note: I realized Tubbo didn't tell Ranboo he was staying the night so I added that part in the last chapter in case you are confused

Tubbo pov:

I didn't have much time to react before the door was opened, I resisted the urge to turn around so whoever was there wouldn't see that my bra was stuffed with tissues. Instead I grab the shirt from Ranboo (who's frozen still in fear) as the person who opened the door says,

"Hello you two- OH!"

Shit. It was the worst possible person to walk in on us, Ranboos mom. I quickly throw the shirt over my head and turn to face his mom who's standing at the doorway, shocked.

"I-It's not what you think!"
I try to say, but she pushes past me towards Ranboo.

"RANBOO! You two are still WAY too young for this! You should know better, this is exactly why I don't want you two sleeping in the same room!" She turns to me, "Tanya, I hold nothing against you! It's fine if your parents have different rules," Phew, I got off easy. I should consider myself lucky that she doesn't hate me now, but Ranboo isn't as lucky, "but there will be NO funny business before marriage in this castle!" She continues now facing Ranboo, "Now show her to one of the guest rooms PLEASE!"

I was already shown which guest room I'd be staying at but I suppose she wants any excuse for Ranboo to take me somewhere other than here. Although I don't know how going to a guest room would make much of a difference...

Ranboo just nods in response to her, my face is a bit red from embarrassment but his is much worse. He stares at the ground while she walks away, and closes the door when she's gone.

Ranboo and I look at each other, I try to fight back a smile but fail immediately and burst into laughter.

"Oh my goooood..."
He mumbles out through his hands which were covering his face.

I'm practically rolling on the floor at this point, it felt good to have a rush of adrenaline like this.

And although me and Ranboo are beyond embarrassed, I still laugh and he smiles.

"Jesus CHRIST dude that was funny!"

"Yeah I'm glad you found that entertaining!"

"Oh please, you have to admit it was pretty funny!"

He says smiliing and rolling his eyes.

After I've completely calmed down, we head to my guest room and chat there for a bit. But looking back at the situation, I noticed something strange about the way Ranboo reacted. I decide I should ask him about it,

"Hey Ranboo?"


"Why didn't you try and tell your mom that it was a misunderstanding?"
Ranboo let out a small sigh as he thought of a response,

"Well...knowing her she wouldn't have listened to me. And either way she'd still be upset that I let you change in the same room as me since she thinks you're a girl. Plus, I know from experience that it's easier to listen to her yell for a bit instead of try and fight back."

"That seems a bit problematic."

Ranboo shrugs in response.

It was getting late, and knowing Ranboo he probably wanted to go to bed at a reasonable time. I can tell I'm correct when he looks at the clock and opens his mouth to speak, but I talk before he can.

"Hey Ranboo?"


"I'm not tired like, at all. We should do something!!!"

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