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When Luz woke up, she was still tired, but managed to get out of the nest. She sat up, glancing to the very comfortable Lucky, patting her head. Luz yawned, groggily standing up, stumbling towards her bathroom. Then she fell face first on to the floor. "Yep-- Not time to walk yet-"

After a few minutes of struggling, her legs returned with sensation and she went to take a shower. A little later she came out fully dressed, her hair dried, and still tired. "Time to make breakfast.."

She ruffled her hair slightly, yawning as she left the room. She walked downstairs, being wrapped quickly by Hooty. "Luz! You're back!!"

"I am." Luz nuzzled his cheek. "How are you Hooty?"

"Feeling better--" He chirped softly, preening Luz's hair. "How was it?"

"Great. I saw my girlfriend which in my opinion, was the best part." Luz scratched Hooty's chin. "But I brought you back some seeds to try."

Hooty slumped, becoming a pile of owl tube around Luz, chirping quietly. "Currip~"

"You make me miss Amity more." Luz mumbled. "You dummy-" Luz shook his head. "You going to keep me trapped here?"

Hooty glanced at Luz, "What if I will? Hoot?"

"No breakfast."

That got him up right quick. Hooty returned to the door, closing it and chirping to himself. "You didn't mess up. Luz will give you French toast like you'll expect. Two slices. Blueberry syrup? No no. Hoot Hoot hoot..She doesn't like blurberries.."

Luz sighed, ruffling her hair slightly, going in to the kitchen, "Regrets. Will have regrets." She clapped, taking in a deep breath. "Let's do this."


Luz fell to the floor, sobbing quietly, her back being lightly pat. "There there Luz.." Lucky hushed. "You will return in a month! You will survive without Amity for that long won't you?"

The witch snarled, glaring at Lucky, "Easy for you to say. You go back in a week and you'll return to that blonde idiot."

"Clara and I have taken a break til she can get a therapist. Once I return, I might not even see Clara." Lucky roughly shook Luz. "Hey you know where my therapist is right?--"

Luz nodded slowly, "I do."

"Can you take me? I have a call, but my scroll won't charge so I have to fix it first-"

Luz whined, "But I miss my love-- I miss Amity--"

"You'll see her soon.."

Luz sighed, "I know..But Amity's hurting..And I don't want her to.." Luz sat up. "I can't stay with her, because my family is here and they might hurt if I'm gone..But I only have one chance with Amity..And she's fragile, I want to care for her like she did me."

Lucky nodded, "Do you want to pick a side..?"

The witch took in a small breath, "No I don't.."

"You don't have to."

The two looked towards the stairs, Camilla walking down. "Mama.." Luz stood, hugging the woman. "I missed you.."

Camilla gave Luz a tight squeeze, feeling the witch relax in her grasp. "You don't have to pick sides Amor.." Camilla rubbed Luz's back. "I was just like you. After I left El pendejo, I planned to go home with you."

Luz pulled back a bit, "Home..?"

"Earth." Camilla nodded. "We were going to be with your grandma, my mom. But I didn't want to leave Eda, it was still our second date so we weren't serious." Camilla moved Luz's hair back. "Yet it still hurt to say goodbye. So I gave up the human realm and stayed here. Best decision."

Luz nodded slowly, "So, basically, what I understood from that--"

"Is that you should stay in the human realm with Amity."

Luz hesitated, "But I don't have anything there-- The air is so polluted even shellgulls won't go. I can't just live with the Blight's for six, seven years til I move out with Amity--"

Camilla hushed Luz, "Okay okay. Then I guess we'll just stay in the human realm with you."

"Excuse me?" Eda peeked around the corner.


"Oooooo?~" Hooty creaked the door open, smiling at the Clawthornes.

King tumbled down the stairs, Lucky picking him up, "You okay?"

"No--" He scrambled to stand, going over to Camilla and tugging at her pants. "What do you mean stay in the human realm???"

Camilla picked him up, "Exactly what I mean. We'll just do what Amity does for Luz. Come during Summer to learn." Camilla looked to Luz. "I do have a house you know."

Luz glanced around, "But what about our house? Hooty? We can't just leave everything here--"

"We don't have to! Hoot!" Hooty extended, joining the group. "Way back when you were younger, when it was just Eda and me.." He smiled to Edalyn. "She did a moonlight conjuring with her ex, and got the house to grow legs!!"

Eda paused, looking to Camilla, then to Hooty. "We don't talk about that Hooty--"

"Okay then to the point again!" Hooty chirped. "I can grow legs~"

The house quaked, sending everyone to the ground including a few pots and cups. "EEEEEE--" Lucky hugged the wall.

King hid under her leg, Eda and Camilla just cursing quietly under their breaths. "W..What about our friends though..?" Luz hesitantly sat up, looking around the room.

The house stopped shaking, creaking softly. "You'll be fine with out them for awhile. Luz. We care more about you making permanent relationships with someone." Camilla stood, helping Eda up. "I know I left my mom. But she assured me it was okay, because I found someone who actually loved me."

"But Abuela-"

"Is gone, I know.." Camilla held her hand out. "And I still visit her. I always leave early enough some Saturdays to visit her, and leave flowers. It's okay to leave."

Luz took the hand, being pulled up, "But I like my home here.." Luz mumbled.

"I thought you liked Amity more." Eda teased, pulling Lucky up.

Luz looked up at her mother, offended that she'd say Luz simply liked Amity. "I love Amity. Do you like my mom?" Luz sassed.

"Touche." Eda nodded slowly.

Camilla lightly hit the both of them, hushing Eda, "Luz. Do you want to stay in the human realm, til you can care for yourself and Amity in the future?"


"Querida, I will support you through everything you go through. I was a terrible mother years ago, and I'm going to make up for it by helping you be a better person." Camilla hugged Luz. "You just say the word, and I'll help you."

Luz took a breath, opened her mouth, and-

To be continued.

Witch Luz x Human Amity [Lumity Fanfiction AU 2]Where stories live. Discover now