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When Luz woke up, Clara was gone, which was to be expected. Anyway, Luz got out of bed, took her phone, opening it up. She called back a repeated caller, pressing the phone against her ear. "Luz--"

"Hola Mama..I'm sorry for not coming home last night..I stayed with a friend.."

Camilla let out a windy breath, "I'm just glad you're okay-- Luz please come home-- Estoy muy preocupada-"

"I'll be home after school..Amity's going to talk to me then I know it.." Luz mumbled. "If..If we don't get things sorted out by then, can you get me ice cream?"

Camilla let out a light laugh, "Okay. Ten cuidado.."

"I will.."


Luz walked to school, and waited. She waited where she'd always be when waiting for Amity. She sat at the bench, patiently. After, ten, maybe fifteen minutes, she saw Amity. Luz stood, "Amity.."


"I think I should apologize--" Luz began.

"I should apologize-" Amity cut in. "Luz I'm really sorry-" Amity wiped her cheek. "I've spent way too long trying to get you to even say my name- A-And I want it to be said with I love you..- B..But I don't want you to stop saying it-"

Luz gently took her hand, "Amity, I'm sorry for not telling you about Kennedy and Poppy. I know I should have sooner, I know I should have went after you to sort things out the second it happened. But, I..I don't feel safe around your home anymore..And I don't..I don't think this is working o-"

"Please don't say it-" Amity blurted out, quickly wiping her tears. "I don't want to hear it yet--"

Luz covered her mouth, "I don't think this is working out. I wish to sleep somewhere else at night if we're going to cuddle." Luz caressed Amity's cheek. "Can we talk about that?"

Amity lowered her head, Luz hushing her before she started sobbing. Luz picked Amity up, the human relaxing at the touch she so desperately needed. "I'm sorry..- I'm so sorr.." Amity hiccuped, gripping Luz's shirt.

"Todo está bein.." Luz hushed, kissing Amity's head. "No llores mi amor.."

Amity perked up a bit, sniffling quietly, "You've..Said that before.."

"I have.." Luz rubbed Amity's back, sitting down at the bench. "When I got jealous at the trust training thing.."

Amity let out a shaky breath, squeezing Luz, "Can we sort things out before classes..?"

"Of course..Just don't be mad if I stop rubbing your back hm?"


Well, that's back to normal. Collector was pissed though, Luz was literally crying her eyes out the past two days and now she's forgiving the threat. Suffice to say, Luz struggled to keep him back. "Alright that's it." Luz closed her door, lighting a candle. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Collector snarled, circling the room, "I have no idea why you're still with her! Not only did she hurt your feelings, allow her father to treat you horribly, and got mad at you for saying you'd give her pigs to someone who could care for them!!! SHE BROKE UP WITH YOU!"

Luz growled, Collector stopping in his place, "Her feelings were hurt too, she didn't allow Alad- Mr.Blight to act like that, and she grew attached! The pigs were hers, it wasn't my choice to send them away, so they're staying with her til she can work through it." Luz glared at the candle. "I know she broke up with me. And I know it's stupid to run back to a semi-toxic relationship, but I.."

"You what? Need toxins to live? Require her love? Open your eyes! There's so much more out there!" Collector yelled.

*I re-did this part with so much angst, but I hated how it came out so I sided with light fluff

Luz let out a mixture of a bark and snarl, glaring up at Collector. Her hair turned a ghost white, the blue and yellow creeping up her neck. "Don't talk about her like that!"

Collector jerked back, his shadow shrinking, "Fine. Don't ask me for help when she finds this out."

Luz sighed, falling to her knees. "I just want her to be happy.." Luz mumbled, the blue and yellow receding.

"Then you'll know what to do."


"Well." Luz took off her shirt, looking in the mirror. "Went better than I expected it to not going to lie-"

She blinked, her left cheek turning blue, her eye turning a deep orange, her hair dividing and turning white. "Stupid, but I'm at ease."

"Yeah? That's good." Luz sighed, looking at her shirt. "I have to get rid of it now. I'm going to think of snot and tears looking at this, but it did heal my relationship, so.."

"Rip off the part that isn't covered in snot. Or you know, wash it in a separate cycle. Cut out the print, keep it somewhere safe."

Luz looked in the mirror, "You think?"

"Seems like a decent idea."

Luz lightly slapped the sink, "Great. So I'm going to shower, I'll light the candle. Where do you want it."

"Under the-"


"..Over th-"



"It'll blow out."

"Just leave it on the desk."

"Yep." Luz paused. "I need control of the-"

"Oops sorry, heh, forget I have to share a body now!"

"Same, thought I was going insane for talking to myself!"

They both paused, then Collector started cackling, "You really are an idiot!"

"Quiet, shut up."

"You're so sane Luz it's hilarious when you finally aren't!" They sighed, smiling and doing a cartwheel.

Only to fail and cause Luz to fall face first on the floor. "Ouch."

"Hehe..I'm not going to be let out for awhile am I?"

Luz growled, "Out!"

                  To be continued.

Witch Luz x Human Amity [Lumity Fanfiction AU 2]Where stories live. Discover now