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When Luz woke up, she wasn't-- Well okay she was herself before we start, but she wasn't alone in the room with Parker and Collector anymore. She was nuzzling in to someone's chest, a chest she, that pervert, remembered. "Amity..?"

"Mm..?" The Blight yawned, combing her fingers through Luz's hair tiredly.

The witch pulled back a bit, pushing herself up, "There he is.."

Parker flipped over, accidentally slapping himself with his arm. He winced before snoring quietly. Luz nuzzled back in to Amity's chest, her thoughts circling on two words. Words Collector has gotten so, so tired of hearing. 'Amity's ----- Amity's ------ STOP OH MY TITAN YOU'RE A PERVERT-- Quiet. She knows I think this, I've asked several times if it's an okay thought.'

Amity yawned, quietly purring as her body warmed up again, "Are you still awake..?"

"Mhm." Luz purred, nuzzling Amity's chest.

"Kay.." Amity yawned again. "Love you Witchy.."

"I love you too my Human. Oh, odd question, is it okay--"

"To think about my chest? Luz for the love of Titan you've asked this a hundred times..It's normal.." Amity stretched slightly. "I've been awake too long..Now I have to get up.."

She pushed herself up, yawning loudly. '..I hate you. For peace of mind, Luz. For peace of mind.'

Amity huffed, lying back down, relaxing. She let out a soft snore, Luz moving closer, holding her human. Now it was her turn. Amity nuzzled in to Luz's chest, purring quietly at the warmth. "Luz..?"

"Yes Parker?"

"Why are you cuddling a girl.."

"Cause she's my girlfriend, and I love her very much." Luz kissed Amity's head. "And she has me under a spell."

Amity rudely slapped her hand on to Luz's face, the witch snickering as her girlfriend tried to convince Parker otherwise. "It's called true love, dear child." Amity rubbed her eyes. "And when two people love eachother very much, one has to do everything, and the other is for moral support."

"That's toxic Honey." Luz sat up, wrapping an arm around Amity's waist, pulling her closer. "And something Clara would do for Lucky."

Amity cupped Luz's cheek, turning back slightly and kissing her nose. The witch drew back a bit, it felt, sticky? "Do you have chapstick on?"

"Yes I do~ It's cherry."

"Oh?~" Luz grabbed Amity's chin. "Can I try?"

"Ewww!" Parker giggled, crawling over and pushing them away. "You two are so gross. And way too close!"

Luz grinned, Amity facepalming, "We can be closer!" Luz smiled.

"I knew it."

Luz gently took Amity's chin again, "A kiss for the Goddess?~"

Amity playfully rolled her eyes, closing the gap between herself and Luz. The witch caressed Amity's cheek, feeling Parker try to push them away. She pulled back from the kiss, licking her lips, kissing Amity's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too Luz." Amity smiled, leaning in to Luz's palm.

The witch covered her face, keeping herself from cursing out the gods for giving Amity such a short lifespan. She thought it though. Collector had to agree. Sadly. "Luz? Is it time for me to go home?" Parker asked, gently shaking Luz's leg.

She took a peek, kissing Amity's head before pulling back and standing. "If you want, yeah. Your mom didn't tell me to take care of you the whole night, but I didn't want to wake you, so I told her you were staying. So I'm sure your mom misses you."

Parker glanced down, nodding, "I miss Mommy too.."

Luz held her hand out, Parker taking it and standing. "Go get ready then. I'll walk you home."


"Mommy!!" Parker smiled brightly as he rammed into her knees. "Hi Mommy!"

She yawned, patting his head, "Hey Parker..Thanks Luz, he wasn't any trouble was he?"

Luz shook her head, "Besides the snoring, he was perfect."

Parker nuzzled his mom's legs, "I missed you Mommy.."

"Missed you too hon." She leaned down, picking him up, hoisting him on her hip. "He ate dinner right?"

Luz nodded, "He loved it. So I sent a recipe to you if he asks for it. I'll probably be at the park tomorrow, or maybe later tonight, but I have a date, so maybe not tonight."

She nodded, "Okay. Well, thank you so much, I needed the night to myself." She set Parker down. "Go feed the birds."

Parker saluted, running inside the house, going to the back. "Birds?" Luz asked.

"Parker feeds the birds outside. They're just random birds. But, thank you for your time Luz. I'll call you for another sit hm?"

Luz nodded, "Have a good day."

The woman nodded, closing the door, Luz turning on her heel. She followed the curved path, walking back to her house. Once she saw the car, Amity was leaning against it, reading. "What are you doing~" Luz walked over, kneeling down in front of Amity.

"Reading." The Blight raised the book, continuing to read even when she pulled Luz down.

The witch adjusted how she lied, nuzzling in to Amity's chest, "Why are you outside?"

"Your mom is going to drive me home. She told me to wait outside. It's been like, seven minutes." Amity turned the page in her book, lowering it.

Luz drew a small spell circle, a mini candle popping out, Luz sliding it away, shooting a tiny flame at the wick. It ignited, the witch allowing her thoughts to roam free. "Such a pervert." Collector uttered. "Such. A pervert."


Luz squeezed the squishy in her hand, trembling lightly as she looked at the person ahead of her. "Yep- I can't-" Luz lowered her head, stepping back. "Sorry.."

Amity sighed, hugging Luz, "It's okay. I'm sorry you can't stay the night though. You can take your time Luz, I promise."

The witch frowned, and whispered, "But..-----..."

Amity snorted, gripping Luz's shirt to keep herself from laughing too loud. "Tommorow I promise. I'll let you sleep."

Luz nodded, handing Amity the squishy, "..I don't think I can say it in front of him.." Luz mumbled.

"Mm. Well, you can say it triple the amount tomorrow. I love you Luz, careful on your way home." Amity kissed her head.

Luz nodded, "..He's staring at me and it's making me really nervous.."

Amity glanced back, narrowing her eyes at Alador. He flinched, stepping back and walking away. "I love you, buenas noches mi Amor." Luz lifted Amity's chin up, pressing her lips against the humans.

The Blight pulled back a bit, giggling quietly. "Goodnight Luz. You'll be alright on your way back?"

"Mhm, I promise."

To be continued.

Witch Luz x Human Amity [Lumity Fanfiction AU 2]Where stories live. Discover now