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A little over a week later..

Amity hummed quietly as she walked downstairs, finally. Friday once again. Last day to struggle before the weekend. "Dad I'm ready!" Amity called out.

Cups clattered, Amity peeking in to the kitchen, "I'm coming I'm coming." Alador downed the rest of his coffee before placing it in the sink and jogging towards the front. "Lucky! Come on!"

The basilisk ran down, adjusting her backpack and picking up her skateboard before she grabbed her keys and phone. "Ready!"

Alador opened the door, taking his keys and stepping out, "Odalia! I'll be back in a few minutes I'm dropping off the girls!"

"Technically not a girl!" Lucky whispered.

"Oh yes I'm sorry--" Alador pat her head. "I'm dropping off the kids!"

"Okay! Bring back ice cream!"

Alador agreed, closing the door and walking towards the car with Amity and Lucky. "I forget the reasons, but why do you say that?" Amity asked, opening her door.

"That I'm technically not a girl?" Lucky clarified, opening her door and sliding in to her spot, setting her skateboard and bag on the middle seat. "Because technically I'm not."

"But why?" Amity sat, closing her door and clipping on her seatbelt.

Lucky hummed, then switched forms. She looked just like Eddie. "I can change forms, I possess everything that person has. Birthmarks, hair color, height and weight! And since I can do that, technically I'm not any gender." Lucky returned to her original form.

Amity ohed, "Are you sure you don't want to use they them pronouns Luckster?"

"I'm sure. I'm more comfortable being referred to as she, but if I'm in a group of people and there's more shes, I get uncomfortable and prefer using a more neutral term when the group is referred." Lucky fixed her seatbelt. "Does that explain it?"

Amity nodded, "Yeah, my mind is a bit more at ease."

"You two want to grab something to eat? Donuts?" Alador glanced at them through the rear view mirror. "We still have time."

Lucky and Amity shared a look, nodded, and leaned back in their seats. "We want takeout."


"A-And then she snorted it out--" Lucky wheezed, laughing with Amity before she jerked forward and hit her nose on the passenger chair.

Amity laughed out, patting the middle seat while pointing to Lucky. But she was next to hit the chair. She winced, rubbing her nose, glaring at Lucky who began laughing. "Shut up!" Amity threw a paper from a straw at Lucky.

"Pfft--" Lucky covered her mouth, looking away.

"Dad, why'd you stop so suddenly?" Amity asked.

"Kid booked it across the street. Then that pulled up." He pointed to a fancy car.

It pulled up in the lot, no one in the Blight family car being able to see who got out. "Oh well. Thanks for the ride and breakfast papa." Amity kissed his cheek, unbuckling herself and gathering her things.

"Yes thank you Dad," Lucky blew him a kiss, swinging her bag over her shoulder, taking her skateboard. "Get Orio ice cream!"

"Will do! Good luck kids! Love ya!" He winked, driving off when the doors closed and the two were safely across the street.

Lucky fixed her bag, unclipping her helmet from the side, putting it on. "I'll see you at break, Clara and I have to trade books with Eddie." Lucky set her board down. "You'll be alright on your own won't you?"

Witch Luz x Human Amity [Lumity Fanfiction AU 2]Where stories live. Discover now