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Camilla, went to Church. Forcing Luz to come with, who ultimately hated the idea of praising a man who died and let people eat him and drink his blood. Luz enjoyed the story, but hated the time it mentioned Adam and Eve, apparently the first humans to live.

She tried not to curse out anyone with the story, some people believed in it and she didn't want to ruin it for them so she stayed silent. Once it was over, Camilla and Luz went to get flowers for Eda, then returned home. Luz was stuck in the middle of their love, hated it but it was cute.

Camilla left to go out on another date, and the three kids were left home alone. "It's so hot.." Luz whined. "I wish it was colder.."

Hooty fell forward, trying to move closer to the fan, "Hooooot...Ugh.." He hung his tounge out, whining.

King licked his paw, wiping his skull with both and shaking off. "Don't humans have pools?"

"I'd take you two if magic was allowed here.." Luz drew another spell circle, snow slowly falling.

Then it turned to water and splashed the trio. As they were all about to start dissing the fall heat, a knock interrupted them. "Who is it.." Luz muttered.

"Your favorite person."

Luz perked up, "Hi Amity! Come in, we're kinda lazy right now."

The door opened, the humans smiling and waving, "Hi Hooty, King, my love~" Amity giggled, entering the house and closing the door. "I came to ask if you wanted to go to the pool with me."

"Hence the reason you look hot?" Luz signaled to Amity's attire. "I would, I really would. But I'm in charge and these two idiots are hot too. I don't want them to suffer." She lightly hit King's skull.

He huffed, waving her off, "Rude--" He hissed.

Amity hummed, then snapped, "I know!"


"Oh poor baby.." The old woman pat King's head. "What's he in for?"

"He ran head first through a glass door." Luz answered, not like it was a complete lie, King has done it several times. "Getting carob ice cream to help him feel a little better."

The old woman lightly chuckled, pinching Luz's cheek, "Such a good girl." She smiled before patting her shoulder and walking off.

Luz smiled, looking towards Amity who was quietly talking to Hooty about ice cream. "Women here are so nice, I would love to get know a few of the older folk."

"Hm?" Amity turned back. "You can do that for community service at school. Forty hours to meet graduation standards."

"What a weird backpack!" A little boy exclaimed.

King snarled quietly at the sudden scream, two seconds away from scratching the living daylights out of this little son of-- "Hush." Luz poked his back. "He didn't mean it."

"Grrr--" King huffed, turning in his makeshift blanket bed and lying down.

"Don't touch my bag." Amity turned to face the boy, dodging him once he tried to poke Hooty's eyes. "Cut it out!"

"It's just a bag, let him touch it!" A man, frankly buff- Uttered.

The boy pounced, swiping at port-a-Hooty. "I'm warning you now I don't hit people-- I throw-" Amity jerked back.

He screamed and tackled Amity, the Blight hitting the shelf, Hooty taking part of the hit. He chirped quietly, the boy scrambling to stand and clambering over Amity to touch Hooty. Luz grabbed him by his collar, gripping his chin, "Touch her again and I'll risk getting arrested."

Witch Luz x Human Amity [Lumity Fanfiction AU 2]Where stories live. Discover now