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Stay up, episode.

After school, Luz had once again teased Amity with a fake kiss. The Blight went home without a kiss and very upset. Luz arrived home to a package, Amity arrived home to her parents being lovey dovey.

Suffice to say, one girl had a better day. But if it was a guy, Hooty would have won the happiest day. So, next day at school. Hooty had the biggest grin, eyes filled with love and wonder, and a Blueberry costume on his birdhouse.

Students gave him looks, others actually liking the fact that Luz was decorating her backpack. Luz liked it, some students did too, and Hooty loved it. But sometimes, good things come to an end. "Luz!"

The witch looked back, holding her arms out, expecting a hug, but she didn't receive one. "Oh? No hugs today either?" Luz frowned. "What else am I banned from?"

"Everything." Amity scowled. "I wanted like three hundred kisses yesterday and I didn't get that many!"

Luz nodded slowly, "Because I didn't get consent."

"When do you ask for consent when giving me kisses???"

"Since yesterday. Because you didn't want kisses. So I was like, 'Sure honey I'll wait til we've both relaxed and we can kiss then.' But apparently trying to be polite has gotten my girlfriend upset." Luz sighed. "Okay, come here I'll give you your kisses."

Amity grumbled quietly, stomping over and hugging Luz. The witch kissed her head, rubbing Amity's back to soothe her rage. Thankfully, it worked, since Luz heard purring and felt her Goddess relax. "Better?" Luz asked, carefully picking Amity up.

The human nodded slowly, "A little, but this is a start." Amity mumbled.

Luz smiled, "I'm glad. Do you want to get breakfast or want to go cuddle where no one will care?"

Amity hummed, nuzzling Luz cheek "Cuddling, it will make up for two kisses."

"How much do actual kisses go for?"

"Uh. Two. No wait-- Half a kiss." Amity grinned. "Two kisses equals one kiss."

"Then is it cheaper to cuddle for an hour?" Luz lightly scoffed, kissing Amity's cheek.

"No. No it is not. Cuddling will take ten kisses an hour. You know how many kisses I can recieve in an hour?? Probably like a thousand from you. It's much easier for you to kiss me." Amity pulled back a bit, kissing Luz's head. "But either way I'm still getting love so both is good."

Luz hummed proudly, "You're so cute I love you so much~" Luz kissed Amity's cheek repeatedly.

Words; 418, dammit Ark. Ahem, continuing..

The human purred, allowing Luz to give out as much love as possible before the bell rang. "Carry me to class." Amity kissed Luz's head. "I'll give you kisses now."

Luz purred quietly as Amity kissed her cheek, then over her eye, nose, cheek again, she honestly just loved the feeling. "Luz you're going to bunk into a wall if you don't open your eyes."

The witch took a peek and put her foot against the wall to stop herself from hurting Amity if she did make contact with it. "Ah-- Sorry-- Your kisses make me so happy-"

Amity hummed, placing more kisses on her face before nuzzling her cheek, "Your kisses make me happy too Luz."

"Mehehe~" The witch purred loudly, nuzzling Amity profusely. "I looooove you sooooooooooo much~~~"

"Luz, the bell." Amity giggled.

It rung, the witch shrugging and nuzzling in to the crook of Amity's neck, sighing contentedly. "I love you so much~~"

Witch Luz x Human Amity [Lumity Fanfiction AU 2]Where stories live. Discover now