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Thursday, after school.

"I mean, it's okay." Luz began, biting in to her ice cream. "You don't have to like someone forever."

Clara sighed, "But I want to. Lucky is.. Perfect-"

Luz glared at her, growling softly. "For me. Geez." Clara rolled her eyes. "Your girlfriend can't be the only perfect one."

The witch bit into her cone, shaking her head slowly, "Just because Lucky is perfect to you, doesn't mean she is for you." Luz looked over. "I was blinded by Skara's affection a year ago, all I wanted was her. Then Amity came along. I thought she was stupid, a waste of my time, til I got to know her. Now she's all I want. She's.. Imperfectly perfect."

Clara rose a brow, "And, what do you mean by that?"

"Amity has many flaws, she's imperfect. But I see those flaws as.. Who she really is, and she's perfect." Luz smiled. "Her excitement compared to my seriousness brings out the best in us when we're together. We share a bit of eachother when looking at things."

"You mean..Without you, she's overly excited, and with you, she's just right?" Clara clarified- Uh. Clara, uhm, made sure.

Luz nodded, "If I was alone I'd just stare, but with her I know I can get even a little excited. I've done my research, and we're perfectly balanced. Ying and Yang. You and Lucky, are Ying and Yang, but as friends. It's platonic, it's.."

"Normal.." Clara finished, sighing. "I won't get with her, will I..?"

Luz sighed, "With that attitude you won't. Come on, let's get you a date."


Fridge. Pancakes on cheese. Rats. FRIDGE.

Lucky had understood it was a date. Lucky had understood it was romantically. Lucky understood it was serious. Lucky, was nervous. Clara, was nervous. Luz and Amity, were stalking them.

Clara and Lucky first went out to lunch, it wasn't awkward, no silent pauses, the conversation was a constant flow. A+ from Luz, B- from Amity. After lunch, the two went to the large pond, sat, held hands and talked softly.

Luz had to illusion a bush to stay close, almost got snitched by a dog cause it needed to pee. Luz had.. Accidentally..Sort of..Maybe.. ThrownItWithAnAbomination? SHE PAID THE OWNER, ALL IS FORGIVEN. She still got smacked upside the head by Amity for abusing her magic.

The two missed the bus Clara and Lucky hopped on, and one of the stalkers had to switch forms in an alleyway to follow the bus. Not saying names on who switched, but a witch had to spit out feathers while rushing to catch up.

Clara and Lucky stopped for ice cream, Clara recieving another kiss for paying for the ice cream, and..Luz felt..Like this happened before.."Uhm, Amity..?"

"Hm?-" She looked over. "Yeah?"

"I don't think..It's going to work out.." Luz mumbled.

"What do you mean? Luz it's going amazing-"

"I'll explain later, this date has gone on long enough.." Luz stood, walking over to the stand.

"Luz?" Clara rose a brow.

"Luz!" Lucky smiled. "How are you?"

The witch waved, pulling Clara down a bit, whispering in her ear. The human stayed silent to listen, and, nodded. "I kind of figured after lunch.." Clara smiled sadly, looking to Lucky. "Thank you for coming Lucky, but you don't like me, do you?"

. . . Lucky shook her head, "I do wish to hang out with you more..I do wish to hold your hand..And I do wish to reward you with kisses..But.."

"You don't see me with you like Luz and Amity see eachother.." The human said softly.

The basilisk squeezed her cup, "I'm really sorry Clara-"

"No, don't worry about it. I understand, I get it." Clara pat her head. "It happens. Don't cry, you did nothing wrong."

Amity came over, looking over to Luz, confused. "Take Lucky home, I'll call you later." Luz kissed Amity's head, nudging Clara aside.

"Okay.." Amity hesitantly linked her arm around Lucky's. "Let's go catch the next bus.."

The two walked off quietly, Luz and Clara cruising through the park. "How did you know?" Clara asked. "Were you stalking us??"

"Yes, we were. And I knew, because the same thing happened to me." Luz smiled sadly. "Skara played me. I was used as a credit card, a..Krampus. Santa for you guys right? I was the giver, I provided and was given kisses and her time. But she never loved me. Then when she actually cared, I already moved on, and wanted Amity's affection."

Clara nodded slowly, "You never explained the kiss incident, by the way."

Luz sighed, "Skara kissed me when we were studying, Amity saw but I didn't know. She didn't stay long enough to hear me reject her, and.. That was the first time I made her cry.."

Clara pat her head, "The last time?"

"When I propose." Luz grinned.

"Oh you-" Clara pushed her away. "Idiot."

Luz snickered, elbowing Clara gently, "How do you feel?"

Clara sighed, "Better. Thanks for helping me get rejected on the first date I actually wanted."

"I'll help you for the next one." Luz teased. "But hey, we're still young. You might not even love Lucky in a year. I would, cause she's my future sister in law."

Clara rolled her eyes, "What about Amity?"

"It's like those human relationships I see on Nerdflix. Here's a tricky one; I've been fed oatmeal for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. I like it, but I've been eating it for years nonstop, and I haven't tried anything else. Then I was fed pancakes. Then eggs. Bacon and more..Amity gave me the opportunity to try something new. What I've already eaten, it's what I know about her. What I haven't, it's what I'm yet to learn."

Clara stayed silent as she processed it, nodding slowly, "...."

"I might like it. I might hate it. But I don't have to try it again. If it's..A hidden trauma, let's say it's wasabi, at times it's amazing at others, disgusting. The first time, it's..Sour, and I don't like it. But after a few more times..I get used to it, and if I'm granted the opportunity, I'd eat it." Luz stopped in front of the Winchester. "So, Clara. Are you hiding shrimp from me?"

"..Hicc-" Clara choked on a sob, lowering her head and crying in to her palms.

Luz stepped forward, hugging the human, patting her back, "You don't have to worry, Clara. Shrimp isn't for everyone..If someone holds it against you, they deserve to stub their toe and the day before it heals they stub their toe again."

Clara laughed through tears, hugging Luz back tightly, "I should've seen it coming Luz- I don't k...w..why- Why I-I t..tried!"

"You were granted the opportunity, Clara." Luz rubbed her back. "And when you get the chance to pass by it again with someone new.." Luz hummed softly.

"You can try again."

To be continued.

Witch Luz x Human Amity [Lumity Fanfiction AU 2]Where stories live. Discover now