Chapter 3

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Steve and I didn't sleep last night. We both ended up tossing and turning.

At about four am I finally said something.


"Yeah?" He asked. I sat up a bit. My body rested against the headboard and Steve stayed laying down.

"Why did Ross pick me?" I asked. Steve looked up at me.

He rolled over onto his stomach and grabbed my hand. I flinched but kept my hand in his.

"Some things are better not said." He said.

"Steven I'm serious." I said. He intertwined his fingers into mine. Something wasn't right.
"Tell me." 

"Ross thinks that you will be one of the only suitable people to carry my children because you were tortured so much and it turned into strength. The average person can't do it." He said.

I looked out the window and shook my head.

"Perfect." I said. I bit on my inner cheek.

"I knew you wouldn't have wanted to know." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Why me Rogers? Why me." I said.

Steve said nothing and laid his head on my stomach. I tensed up.

I couldn't tell if he was comforting me or him,  but it was okay.

His fingers traced the curve of my waist. I flinched a little.

"Why don't you like touch?" Steve asked.

"Because I was used at hydra. In case you forgot cause you were playing leader." I said sarcastically.

He looked up at me.

"Don't play that way." He said.

"I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at this situation." I said.

"Me too. Trust me I didn't want to put you through this. Honestly I wanted a stranger. Someone that wasn't in my life before." Steve said.

I hummed. He put his head back down.

I hesitated at first, but put my hand in his hair.

I played with his slightly longer hair. It was fluffy from not having gel in. It was quite soft.

"Y/n you don't have to-"

"Let me get to know my future husband. My life is gonna be spent with you." I whispered.

He nodded softly.

I laid down a bit more and rubbed Steve's back lightly.

"So your love language is physical touch." I said to him. He nodded.

"Yours is?"

"I don't know. I think I could say physical touch but I'm not sure." I said.

Steve caressed my waist again.

"I think it could be." He said.

I smiled softly.

"Steve I don't want us to change this because of- tomorrow." I whispered.

"You're my soon to be wife. I won't change it."  He said. "And I know that this is weird and it seems fast. But know that I'm doing it cause you're my wife- fiancée- soon to be wife."

I chuckled lightly.

"Good." I said.

"Do you remember when we went out on a mission and you got so drunk that I had to bring you to bed and you asked me to stay in your room?" Steve asked.

My face turned red.

"No? When was this?" I asked and giggled.

"Uhh like I don't know? One of starts parties. What it's 2025 now. So I'm gonna say 2014." He said.

"I was like 19 why was I drinking?" I asked.

"Tony stark found you as a kid. He definitely didn't care if you drank." Steve whispered.

I hummed in agreement.

"Did you stay with me?" I asked.

"I stayed in your room until you fell asleep." Steve said.

"Steve did you help pick me? For this? I'm not mad if you did but I need to know." I said.

"No. I wouldn't ever wish this on you cause I know what's in store." Steve said.

I nodded.
"Okay. You ready for tomorrow?" I asked.

"No." He whispered.

"Me either." I said.

"Let's actually try to get some sleep though okay?" Steve asked.

"Yes." I whispered.

Steve tried getting off of me but I whined a little.

"Y/n you need sleep." He said and got off of me.

I turned to him in the big bed and wrapped the blankets over me more.

And for the first time that entire night, I felt safe enough to sleep.

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Arranged: a Steve Rogers story Where stories live. Discover now