Chapter 22

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I found Steve in the bedroom laying on the floor with Oliver. I had just finished getting ready for the day in the bathroom. Steve had his button up and dress pants on. He was tickling Ollie's belly on the floor.

"Oooooh and mommy looks pretty." Steve said to him. I rolled my eyes.

"Steven it's a black slutty dress." I said.

(Your dress)

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(Your dress)

I slipped my heels on and went to go put ny perfume on. Steve got up with the baby.

He looked at me in the mirror and kissed my cheek. The winter months were starting, especially for it being early November. I wanted to cuddle up next to a fireplace with a thousand layers on and read a book. Not sit in Steve's office and look like a little slave.

I knew Steve just wanted to lay with our son. I would too.

The way he looked at him made me so happy. They were practically twins. Both so gentle and kind. Same eyes and hair color. Same rosy cheeks.

I smiled at them as Steve held him up. Oliver's little giggles made me melt.

I turned around and watched them. Steve rubbed his nose against Ollie's.

Steve turned to me and sighed.

"Y/n your perfume smells so good." Steve said. He bent down and pecked my lips. Ollie squealed and laughed.

"What are you squealing about mister? Are you squealing about daddy and I?" I asked and tickled his tummy. He squirmed around in Steve's arms.

I laid my head on Steve's chest and watched our baby.

"God you look just like your dad." I said to him.

"I see lots of you." Steve said.

I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Admit that he is your twin Steve." I said and laughed.

Steve looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah." He said.

I smiled at him and pulled him into a kiss.

"We gotta go." I whispered on his lips. He pecked mine one last time.


I walked through the hallway. Everyone could hear my heels so they knew I was coming. I hated that people immediately thought that I was gonna yell at them after the party.

I handed my letters to be sent out to the post office to our receptionist.

Everyone looked at me in the office.

"Okay I have an announcement. I will not hurt anyone. I am literally unarmed. I have past problems with the guy I threatened. I would never hurt anyone for no reason. I wouldn't hurt any of you." I said. It was quiet in the room.

"Why did you threaten him?" One asked. "Was it something big or little? I'm not trying to pry I'm just wondering."

"No it's okay. Umm. Basically the man that I threatened admitted to watching Captain Rogers and I on secret cameras. I know he isn't here and he's in his office. But uhh... he would watch and study us having intercourse. He also threatened to kill the captain. I did what I had to." I said, looking down.

Gasps and murmurs.

I sighed.
Steve came out of his office and down the hall.

"What's going on Sarah?" Steve asked the receptionist.

He looked over at me. I gave Sarah a look and she backed off.

"Okay I'm tired of these looks. Everyone looks at me like I'm gonna kill them. Yes. I was working for hydra at one point but I wasn't even awake I was brain dead. Walking around brain dead. I am harmless. I have a family to look after and my husband is the god damn leader I would not do anything to hurt anyone. I did not hurt that man at the party. I kicked him out. Do we agree?" I asked.

Everyone agreed.

"Is it true you shot Ross? Is that why he died?" One man in the back asked.

"I didn't lay a hand on him as he died. No more questions." I said.

Steve led me out.
"What the fuck is going on?" Steve asked as he shut the door to his office.

"I am so sick and tired of people getting quiet and being scared of me when I walk in the room. I did nothing to Theodore. Nothing. I did not lay a hand on him." I said.

"Okay. Let's breathe okay?" He said.

"No Steve I will not breathe. I am so sick and tired of being looked at and judged and whispered about and on the front of every magazine. I wanna fake sick so that I don't have to be in the public eye. I wanna go away." I said. I was pacing around the room.

Steve sighed and pressed me up against the wall. I winced as he looked at me.

"I won't be all sweet if it gets through your head. We can not change how people react. Okay? This is how it goes. People are fucking rude. They feed off of what they see and hear. You need to keep yourself collected. You are always and I mean always in the public eye." He said.

I nodded lightly. I knew he wasn't trying to scare me. I was just so stubborn.

He pulled me into him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay. Trust me I went through all of these stages." Steve said.

His phone rang. He pulled it out but I stayed in his chest.

"Yeah. Banner! Umm hi. Wait I'm sorry? Yeah we keep in touch with the Parker boy. Wanda....?"

So little nit picky thing. Basically mysterio isn't real. Peter Parker lived his life normally. He's didn't go through everything that he did in the last two movies. Steve keeps in touch with Peter. :)

Arranged: a Steve Rogers story Where stories live. Discover now