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I woke up with a massive headache hammering my head. Holding My head as I positioned myself to sit on the bed and I tried to recall the missing pieces of my memories when a sharp knife went to my heart.

"Jin" though my entire body felt heavy in disappointment, I dismissed my thoughts after all there was no reason for him to call me. Even if he did, why would he hand up without speaking a word?

"Good morning little troublemaker" Hina entered with a bowl of soup and then I noticed I was not in my room.

"How am I here?" I asked curiously because the last thing I remembered was taking a tequila shot wailing my heart over my ex-boyfriend.

"You don't remember all the trouble you gave to us?" Hina narrowed her eyes and I shook my head signaling "No".

I pressed my lips into a thin line when the rest of my memories after taking shots started coming back to me in pieces.

"I'm sorry" I spoke in an apologizing tone.

"No, it's not me that you should be sorry for. It's Irene and Taehyung. Poor they had to spend entire night Saya haunting"

"Taehyung?" I blinked twice in disbelief and feeling touched.

"Yes, he was there for you the whole night, taking care of you after the party drama" She laughed.

"He did?"  I was blushing now, even the thought of him taking care of me made my stomach grumble in giddy feelings

"Anyway have this soup, freshen and come down to the living room. I have kept few spare clothes out for you to wear. We will be waiting" saying that Hina left the room.

After taking a long bubble bath, I changed into clothes and walked out of the guest room wandering my eyes all over the hallway. I was astonished by the polished floors and furniture which looked like were on the display in a luxury furniture shop that costed a fortune. 

I made my way into the living room and found Jimin and Taehyung playing overwatch in a huge flat-screen TV 

"Hey," I smiled at Jimin and he immediately responded with a big grin on his face 

"Morning beautiful" he made me giggle and I shifted my gaze at Tahyung who still had his eyes glued to the screen. For some reason, I felt he was a bit hostile towards me.

"Umm Taehyung tha....."

"I need to leave" he threw his joystick on the table then he stood up and left without even giving me a glance

My heart felt uneasy due to his sudden change of attitude and I turned my head to Jimin who was equally shocked at Taehyung's cold behavior.

"Did I do anything wrong yesterday?"  I asked and Jimin shrugged his shoulder having no idea what was going on.

A week passed and I still was clueless on what had suddenly gone wrong between us as Taehyung never bothered to mention it. In fact,  he no longer would return my morning greetings and every time I tried to make a conversation he would just ignore my existence.

At first, I was hurt and tried my best to figure out what went wrong but eventually, I gave up getting tired of people treating me like a doormat.


Irene shook me by my shoulder snapping me back to the real world.

"You alright?"

"I'm so sorry, What were you saying??"  I refocused my attention on her as she began.

"I heard Taehyung got into a fight and this is the fifth fight he got into this week, After the party night, something about him seems to be off. Did something happen between you two?" she asked me in a serious tone.

"I have no idea" I replied truthfully hanging my head low.

She stayed quiet for a couple of minutes and then spoke," Don't you think you should at least go and check if he is fine?"

"I should?" I was a bit unsure.

"Yes, of course, you should," she said as the matter of fact.

Taking Irene's advice I went to their private suite, I was quite nervous and revising what to say in my head. I reached the gaming room and saw Jimin and Taehyung resting on the couch and playing games on their phone. As soon as Taehyung sensed my presence his expression was cold and distant, making my heart flinch.

"Saya?" Jimin spoke. I was looking at Taehyung when I didn't even realize Jimin was already before me.

"Hey ummm hi " I gave him a weak smile.

"Talk to him, everything will be fine"  he spoke in a low voice and quietly left the room leaving us alone.

Getting a bit of encouragement from Jimin I opened my mouth however before I could even start he interrupted me.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked coldly making the pain erupted in my heart.

"I'm just here to see if you are all right"  the bruises on his face made me want to run to him and aid him but I kept my urge to myself for now.

"Now that you have seen, leave"  He responded nonchalantly.

I feel offended by the way he was treating me. I actually thought we could be friends but my subconscious was right, I wanted to laugh at my stupidity. I huffed a joyless laugh and looked away trying my best to contain the emotion I was feeling.

"I'm sorry to bother you, I will go for now " I turned around to leave when his voice spoke in a deadpan tone.

"Don't ever come back here, this place is not for commoners like you and most importantly I don't want to see you ever again"  

His words made me freeze on my spot, tears were already forming in my eye but I didn't let him see my tears. I turned away from his hostile figure and heeded his request. I simply left without a word because I was tired of letting people enter my life and see them trample over my trust. I was already wounded enough so I decided that this friendship was just not worthy enough to try and fix.

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