Wounds Reopened

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(Saya pov)

(A week after the trip)

"This is mine, this is mine too" I giggled as Taehyung peppered me with kisses all over my face.

"Tae stop! I want to pee" I moved away from him in an attempt to get out of the bed but before I could do so, Taehyung grabbed by my arms, pulled me back into the bed slamming my bare body against his. He snuggled closer to me burying his face at the crook of my neck.

"Just stay with me for a little while" He whispered in his deep sexy voice. I could feel his hot breath against my neck making me feel millions of things but the feeling of my bladder about to burst forced me not to act upon my desires.

"Seriously Tae my bladder is about to blast"  I finally managed to push him away and rushed inside the bathroom.

"Andwaeee!!(no)" He outstretched his hand in a dramatic way as I slammed the door shut.

"I'm missing you already!!!" He shouted loud enough for me to hear and I couldn't help but laugh at his childish behavior.

Ever since we returned from the trip, Taehyung has been stuck by my side like he has been glued to me. He has been practically living with me because Aunt Rose and the rest of my family along with Yoongi Oppa were on a trip to Europe for a month. Sadly I couldn't go with them, I couldn't miss any more of my classes.

Maybe because Taehyung was the one who had broken the shell I was living on and brought me back to them, all of my family members started to trust him hence they left me in Taehyung's care.

I was delighted that my boyfriend and family were getting along together. I wished I could say the same for his family and me but that was not the case. To my dismay, after that incident on the beach, his brother acted distantly and didn't even bother to bid me farewell as we left.

"Yah why are you taking so long, I'm already up for round three" Taehyung was rapidly knocking on the bathroom doors. I let out a huff wondering how did he have such stamina. For the guy who was a virgin until a week ago, he was a bull in the bed. I wondered how would I handle him for the rest of my life.


"I'm not a kid that you have to babysit me twenty-four hours" I protested Taehyung with a pout.

"But I promised..."

"I know, I know you promised my Aunt and my mom to take care of me blahh blahh" I interrupted him.

"It's okay to leave me for a day Tae, it's not that I will disappear or somthing," I assured him as I looked at Jimin who looked like puppies trying to beg Taehyung to go with him to the club. They wanted to have a boy's night out but Tae was not agreeing since he had taken my responsibility.

I wanted my boyfriend to spend time with friends rather than staying home taking care of me. He barely had time for himself and his friends, fulfilling his responsibility as my guardian, therefore, I wanted him to take some rest and have fun this weekend which he deserves for being such a sweetheart.

"Without you, it won't be fun" Jimin whined in a childish tone earning a chuckle from Taehuyng.

"Come on, It's weekend !!! let's have some fun" Jimin added trying to persuade him as well.

"Go! I will call Irene to stay with me for the night" I took his hand on my hand playing with his fingers.

He was in deep thought before he let out a long sigh "Fine!" Taehyung finally surrendered to our stubbornness.

"Yeahhh" Jimin squealed in excitement, jumping around the room like a kid who got his Christmas present.

"I will text Irene and ask her to accompany you," I nodded my head.

"Lock all the doors before you go to sleep, call me if anything comes up " He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Let's go then!" saying that he grabbed his jacket then blew me a flying kiss before heading out of the room.

"Thanks" Jimin did the same before following Tae and a broad smile crept across my face seeing their sweet gestures.


The clock struck at 7:30 pm, It had only been half an hour since they left and I was already bored to death. I looked at the clock on the wall of my living room for the hundredth time wondering how long would it take for Irene to reach my house.

"I need some air" I walked out of the house to get some fresh air as the weather was perfect. My eyes were fixed on the road ahead waiting for Irene to appear when I spotted a cat just opposite the street from my house.

"Hey kitty kitty" with happiness shimmering in my eyes, I gradually approached the cat realizing it was friendly.

The cat laid on the grass exposing it belly for me to rub and like a devotee I continued to pamper it when suddenly it jumped to it four paw and rushed away from my reach.

"Nooo" My heart sank in my chest seeing the cat disappearing from my view and with a disappointing feeling, I turned around to walk back to the house.

"Saya" the voice made my body go stiff, I stood still at my spot without moving an inch. My heart accelerated at a rapid pace as I heard the footsteps getting closer to me. I didn't turn around to face the owner of the voice, there was no point in doing so.

"Saya" he called me again, the internal emotional conflict made my brain stop working at that time. It took me a while to compose myself and with great courage, I swirled around to face him.

Seeing him appear quite opposite than I expected him to be, made me grow more frustrated. He looked thinner and paler than before, the dark circle and eye bags under his eyes made him look exhausted.

He was supposed to look happy and content. I clenched my fits and jaw giving him a glare filled with hatred.

"The eyes that only looked at me with care and love have changed so much" He gave me a painful smile.

"Fuck off," I said harshly and stomped away from him but he quickly made his way in front of me blocking my way.

"Saya..." Seokjin spoke in a whisper with longing eyes.

"Stop taking my name from that mouth" I shouted, my chest was heaving up and down as rage was taking over my body.

"Why are you here?? To see if I'm still broken ?? Sorry to disappoint you Jin but I'm not" I dashed past him but he immediately grabbed my hand to stop me from walking away.

"Saya I'm sorry... I know what I did has hurt you but I had my reasons for doing so, I had to bear the pain too" after years of abandoning me, he was here talking about his reasons, his pain and it made my blood boil.

"reasons, pain..." I jerked my hand away and turned to face him "you don't have the right to talk about it after what you made me go through" I spat at him with the voice laced in hatred.

"Saya please try to understand my situation, I had no choice " I gave out a bitter laugh hearing him. "Understand you?" I crossed my arms against my chest "go on tell me your situation, your reason, and all of your bullshit" I ordered him.

"I can't... I can't tell you! " He ran his hand through his hair in frustration " Sorry Saya, can't you just trust me for once and come with me" He was almost begging me but I found it hilarious. After breaking up with me without any reason, after tossing me away like I was trash he was here asking me to trust him.

"You are unbelievable! I don't ever want to see you again" I walked away without turning back.

"Saya, please! You got to understand, please you are in danger, listen to me!!!" He was screaming my name in an attempt to stop me but I ignored his pleas. Tears were already welling making my vision blurry because I could feel my heart in pain.

It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' but that is not the truth. The wound always remains. In time, It's just that pain lessens. But it is never gone and with Jin return's my wound had reopened.

"I love you! I never stopped loving you" His voice pierced the soundless atmosphere from where he stood. I slammed the main door shut then slumped in the ground bursting into tears, hitting my chest with my fists as each breath I took felt suffocating.


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