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Saya scrolled the car's window down inhaling the fresh air. It had been more than a year since she had left Busan. She hated to admit but she had immensely missed her hometown where she had gained so much and lost even more.

She closed her eyes remembering the conversation she had with Hina just before she left Hangkuk. Hina had made her realize her feelings towards Taehyung and also ensured everything would be fine but she didn't want to acknowledge the fact that someone was able to stir her heart again.

"Running away has always been your choice, Saya," said her inner self.

"I'm just trying to minimize casualty and pain" she replied to herself.

" You have made yourself so weak, in spite of facing what destiny has given to you, you are running off. It's your second chance at happiness but you just want it to slip away. You are not just weak but a fool too"

"Is it wrong to try to protect me after what I have gone through? Feelings, emotions, love, affection will only make me liable, weak." said her other self.

"We are here" The car stopped in front of her house interrupting the battle with her inner self and Aunt Rose shrieked in excitement as Saya smiled at her.

They stepped out of the car to find her mother standing in front of the door waiting for them with the biggest smile.

"Honey! I am so happy to see you " She came running and squealing toward Saya and enveloped her in a bear hug.

"I missed you Mom" Saya hugged her back, all of her internal dispute clammed down in the embrace filled with tenderness. She was the only person who would not betray her, abandon her, or wrong her in any sort of way and that made her feel safe.

After meeting up with Yeona, Saya finally got into her old room to find everything to be the same as before and that made her genuinely smile.

"I noticed my baby sister is not wearing the worthless pendant" Yeona stood leaning by the door.

Saya touched her bare neck where once her precious pendant laid and the painful memory of losing it struck her mind. Putting up a brave face and a fake smile Saya replied.

"I realized it, that I don't need it anymore"

Yeona shook her head and took a deep breath "Why would you even bother lying to me?"

She walked into the room to Saya's bed "I know you are lying"

"What makes you think like that?" Saya blurted out.

"Do you take me for idiots like Mia? You seriously thought I would not see past your lies? I'm your sister," she stretched her hands to hold Saya who was numbly staring at her sister's face. She pulled Saya close and enclosed her in her arms.

"When I visited you to Hangkuk you were troubled, I could tell by looking at your face but decided not to speak thinking you would eventually share but.." Yeona hesitated for a while.

"You have always stayed strong Saya, you never opened up thinking you might just be dragging others into your problems but I'm no others, I'm your sister when you are in pain, I'm in pain" she gently stroked her hair.

"Do you understand little sister??"Saya snuggled close to her beloved sister "Uh" was the only response she gave.

"So I want to know from the beginning,"

Saya proceeded and told her the entire story. She felt pain at the tip of her stomach when she told the painful parts, She had to pause to swallow the lumps in her throat a few times.

"You really have no idea why he is acting so different since the day of the party?" Saya nodded her head as yes.

" You might have done something offensive when you were drunk, which made him treat you so indifferently than before" Yeona gave Saya her opinion regarding the matter.

"Maybe you said something rude or vomited all over him! You know when you are drunk you do all sorts of nasty things" Yeona stated with a frown of disgust on her face.

Saya gulped nervously and questioned, "Do you think so?"

"Don't you remember what you did to Jungkook when you were drunk??" Saya tried to recall the moment but she couldn't, she was too drunk at that time.

"Come on! you said all the nasty things to him and not only that when he tried to carry you! you puked all over him" Yeona giggled reminiscing about the old days.

"He used to be your arch-enemy and you two used to fight all the time until.." Yeona paused "Until I started dating his elder brother" Saya completed Yeona's sentence for her.

Saya kept her head down and remained quiet. Yeona took a deep breath and cupped Saya's face in her hands.

"Do you know when I had my first breakup, I too felt miserable like you! Then I meet Yoongi." Yeona had a pleasant smile on her face talking about her beloved.

"At first, I was reluctant, I didn't want to go through the same pain so I kept pushing him away but slowly I couldn't help but open my heart to him." she let out a baby giggle.

"look at me now, I'm happier than ever, he is the best part of my life" Yeona held her baby sister in her arms and continued.

"When you let go, you make space for better things in life"

"When you get back to Hangkuk be your old self, confront him directly! if everything sorts out, open your heart to him but if he still behaves like an ass punch him again." hearing what Yeona had to say made Saya chuckle.

"Now take rest" Yeona placed Saya in her bed and kissed her forehead.

"And yes we have a festival at your old school after a few days. You will get to meet all of your friends there" She informed her before closing the door leaving Saya alone in her room.

Saya wasn't sure if she wanted to attend the festival and meet all the people there, especially  Jungkook, Jeon Seokjin's little brother.

He was one of the reasons she decided to leave Busan, being in the same year as him, seeing him was extremely torturing for her. They had the same facial features and, the same deep eyes. Looking at him reminded her of Jin so much that it almost suffocated her.

"Am I even ready to face him again," she thought to her then slowly drifted away in dreams.


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