Sandwich of love

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Saya closed the door of her room slowly and made her way to the bed. She then placed the paper bag Taehyung gave to her before he went to the guest room, on the table beside her bed.

She quietly sat on her bed folding her leg fixing her eyes at the bag. She still couldn't comprehend that Taehyung had confessed to her. She slowly took the bag to look inside and a smile spread across her lips.

The bag contained all of her favorites snacks and chocolates. She wondered how did he figured out about her favorites snacks and more importantly how did he learn the ultimate trick to please her. Only her family and close friends knew about it.

She let out a sigh and laid flat on her back on the bed. She would not deny the fact she had fallen for Taehyung but she was not sure if she was ready to accept his feelings as she was not completely over Seokjin.

She turned to her side when she noticed her phone blinking. She quickly took her phone and opened it to see a notification of a message.

1 New Message
Without a second thought, she opened the message.

If you are free then can we hang out tomorrow??


Saya raised her brows in suspicion. 

"Why is he being so nice all of a sudden? Is it because he feels pity for me??"

She remembered the times when they couldn't see each other in the eye. Since elementary school, they fought every time their path crossed. For some reason, everything Jungkook did use to get on her nerves. Maybe it was because of the way he acted and treated people around him or it was because of Jennie.

She quickly shrugged her thoughts away and replied

umm sure !! time and place?


she got an instant reply

1 pm at the central park.


"Okay will be there"  

After replying she kept her cell phone under the pillow and drifted to the land of dreams.

Saya lazily woke up from the bed, went to the bathroom to fix herself then wore comfortable clothes and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Mrs. Yun was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Morning princess" Mrs. Yun greeted her daughter with a warm smile.

"Morning mom! You should have woke me up" Saya approached to help her mother preparing food.

"I didn't want to disturb you since you were very tired yesterday and moreover I already had a helping hand" Mrs. Yun winked at her.

Saya looked at her mother with a confused expression just then Taehyung appeared with plastic bags in his hand.

"Mom I brought all the stuff that you had asked me to buy" He placed the bags on the kitchen counter.

Taehyung was helping her mother, Saya just stared at him in disbelief with her jaw slightly open.

"Good morning Beautiful" he whispered in her ear as he passed by making her heart go wild.

"Does he even know how to cook?" Saya questioned her mom in low voice making sure he would not listen.

"No ! not at all, yesterday when he insisted on helping me cook, I thought he knew but.." Mrs. Yun Whispered "He is worst than you can imagine" She chuckled looking at Taehyung who was trying to figure out how to peel an onion.

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