The accomplice

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Jungkook violently pressed his lustful lips against her, he removed his hand that was around Saya's throat and forcefully grabbed a handful of Saya's womanly curves. He squeezed it, hard making her whimper and struggle under him.

"Get off me!" She screamed as she tried to push him off her but it was of no use.

"You're Mine!" Jungkook growled angrily against her ear, his arms tightened their hold on her, pressing his body roughly against her.

She cried helplessly under him, pleading for him to stop the sinful act.

Taehyung save me

She mentally screamed for help.

At that moment, every cell inside her could feel the dread however the poor girl had no escape.

"Getaway!" She screamed, slamming her little fist against his chest but her insistence was ignored by Jungkook who was drowning in the sea of lust and Jealousy. The bile boiled at the pit of her stomach as she felt sick the way he was touching her.

"...Kill me" her voice was husky, weak, and breakable like she was.

At that moment, she stopped struggling "Better than this, kill me because, after ,ouou are done, I will do it anyway " the words that came out of her mouth managed to freeze Jungkook at his spot and as more tears escape from the corner of her eyes, his grip on her wrist tightened.

Her words had managed to knock some senses on Jungkook and he kept his face buried in the crook of her neck while he battled with his inner demons. He loved her and nothing in this world could deny that fact and he didn't wish to harm her.  But then, he couldn't stand how the only thing that he wanted so desperately could never be his.

Saya felt something wet dripping down on her neck and soon enough she realized it was Jungkook's tears. Saya had always seen Jungkook as a headstrong, arrogant brat doing whatever he wanted, never had she ever witnessed his weak and vulnerable self hence it was quite of a shock for Saya.

"What should I do for you to love me back?" he whispered in a trembling voice.

"How can I make you look at me in the way you look at him?" He choked on his own tears. He abruptly pulled himself away from Saya, distancing himself from her as though even his shadow on her could burn her. Just when his back hit the wall he plummeted down to the ground.

"Why is my fate so cruel, I have loved you for so long but the only thing I got in return was pain and suffering?" He looked at her with eyes filled with emotions.

"No man in this world can love a woman the way I love you so Why? Why don't you look at me?" He covered his eyes with the back of his hands letting the emotions he had kept within him for ten years burst out.

Saya slowly got out from the bed pulling her clothes to cover herself up. Even though she was quite shaken by the recent event she couldn't help but sympathize with the man who was breaking down like a child in front of her.

She gradually strolled toward Jungkook then settled herself beside the sobbing guy. So many thoughts were flooding her head putting her in dilemma however she decided to shrug all the thoughts away and empathize with the man beside her. After all, it was dangerous to fight fire with fire.

Saya gradually raised her shaking hand and placed it on his head. She began to stroke his hair gently in an attempt to hush him down.


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