Chapter - 3

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Ayesha’s POV
We all  have reached the beach house sometime ago…
I am now in my room looking at the sea through the glass wall….in this room one wall is made of glass ….this is the best room of this house… papa had made this house for me…And we  used to spend  a lot of time  here on weekends… .
‘I miss you papa’
“I also miss him very much”
Hearing the sentence I turned and see mom is standing at the entrance of door with a box in her hand.
AYESHA : Mom? What are you doing here? Do you need anything? You could have just called me.. If you need anything….. Did you take your medicine?
Mom has just looked  at me and smiled…
AYESHA : Mom why are you smiling?
SHALINI ( Mom) : I was just thinking if your father was still alive and  see you behave so maturely… he would have been definitely get shocked……
I also smiled…
AYESHA : mom sit… and what  is in this box? ( pointing at the box in mom’s hand)
SHALINI : It is a necklace your father had made for you…..he had thought to give you this on your wedding but…
I hugged my mother… we were crying….we both miss him very much….
SHALINI : ok ok stop crying ( Caressing my back) …umm honey I have something to ask you….
AYESHA : Yes mom say… what do you want to ask me?
SHALINI : do you love Akash?
AYESHA : what kind of question is this mom? ( chuckled a little) In two days I am going to marry him….. Why are you asking me this now? Did anyone tell you anything??
SHALINI : No honey… no one has told me anything….. I know you very well…you didn’t have a boyfriend…I never heard you are dating Akash.. But after I told you about my wish… suddenly you came and said you want to marry Akash….. Are you doing some kind of contract marriage ? Ashu if this is true… I will ....
AYESHA : Ohh god mom… I think you have been watching too much tv serials…don’t think too much…… This is not any kind of contract marriage… know me very well ….. I am not that kind of person who takes marriage as a game…… for me marriage is a sacred bond between two people….. If I marry someone weather I love him or not… I will respect him….. I will give my 100% to maintain the marriage… and I think I will also try to love him.... I have never thought this kind of contract marriage….. Mom do you think of me like that?
AYESHA : No honey….. I know … I was just afraid that just to fulfil my wish you will ruin your life….. I am sorry honey… because of me… you will have to marry… I just want you to be settle and safe… so that I can die in peace… .
AYESHA : MOM…please don’t talk like this… nothing will happen to you….. And also stop blaming yourself… I have to marry one day or another so  there is no problem if I do it  little early …..
SHALINI : you know honey… if you had not  choose  Akash for your life partner then I would have married you with Amaan…
AYESHA : WHAT? AMAAN? The Amaan Khanna? Oh my god!!!
SHALINI : why are you saying like this? Because of his scar on the face….
AYESHA : NO Mom….. Don’t you know your daughter? Am I that mean?
SHALINI : Yes I know my daughter… that’s why I  am confuse…you never give priority to looks… so then why are you reacting like this?? He is such a good person… I don’t find any flaws in him except that scar which doesn’t matter to me..
AYESHA : Mom, the scar on his face  doesn’t matter to me also…..
AYESHA :Mom, who will want to marry such an arrogant man? I never saw him smiling….. He always speak like he is the boss of everyone….. I will be happy if I stay far away from him….. And mom, he is 8 years older than me… how could you think of my marriage with him ??
SHALINI : He is a good person Ashu, maybe he looks very arrogant but he is not he is a gentleman …I like him very much ….. And about age… it is just a number… your father was also 8 years older than me… it doesn’t matter…
AYESHA : oh mom please… your and father marriage is a love marriage… and why are we discussing about this  topic… there is no use of this…I am going to marry Akash after two days…I think we should talk about that…
SHALINI : yesh…
Mom murmured something… I didn’t hear clearly…
AYESHA : Mom, what did you say?
SHALINI : nothing… I was just saying… now you should take some rest because from tomorrow you will not get a chance to take rest…
AYESHA : yes mom, you should also take some rest…
SHALINI : yes… l love you honey…you are my everything… everything I do is for your good… I always want you to be safe and happy…
AYESHA : I know mom… I also love you..
We hugged each other….. Kissing on my forehead mom left the room…
Thank god I have considered Akash words and chosen him otherwise I  would had to marry the Amaan akhru….. O god!!!!

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