Chapter - 22

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Ayesha's POV
Slowly I opened my eyes and saw we didn’t reach yet…
We are now on our way to home....Amaan is driving the car… I had not even realize when I had fallen asleep… I am in the front sit of the car…..
Why haven’t we reach yet? … I don’t understand….. we should have reached by now…
I looked outside of the window… it is already dark outside….. I don’t know why it is so dark in the evening…
I saw a milestone it  has just passed…it was written on it -
Wait… wait….. wait…
What did I just saw…
I was leaning on the seat…I sat up on it with a jerk after seeing the miles stone…
I checked my mobile phone it says it is now 1 am …
I look at Amaan with a wide eyes…
Sensing my gaze he looked at me with a questing gaze…..
But I still didn’t say anything…
AMAAN : what? Why are you looking at me like that?
AYESHA : Amaan it is now 1 am… .
AMAAN : yeah… so?.... Oh are you hungry?….. Don’t worry… I have already bought some food…you were sleeping so peacefully so I didn’t wake you up… it is in the backseat… have it….. You must be very hungry…
AYESHA : Amaan  why ‘Goa 250 km’ is written on the milestone which has just passed?
AMAAN : because it is the way to Goa… so of course it will show the remaining distance of Goa not Kashmir … ( chuckled) …
AYESHA : Amaan I am serious… I am not joking… .
AMAAN : so when did I joke?...
AYESHA : AMAAN….. Why are we on the way to Goa?
AMAAN : because I want to take you to the beach house…
AYESHA : why?
AMAAN : why ? Are you afraid…I will do something to you….Your faith in me has so broken that you can't  even trust me in this small matter… ( said this giving a sad smile )
AYESHA : Amaan, you know very well… I didn’t mean it like that … I am just normally asking…
AMAAN : Just trust me….
AYESHA : I really don’t understand… when we could have reached  our home just in one hour… why we are going so far away…..
AMAAN : ohh you talk so much… It is so better…it is so quiet when you are sleeping….. Just go to sleep again
AYESHA : Fine… I am not saying anything anymore… But I am not  going to sleep again… I have had more than enough sleep… hmmph!
Rest of the journey was quiet…we didn’t speak anything anymore…..Amaan had played old hindi romantic songs on the music system… we enjoyed the rest of the journey listening  the songs…
When we reached the beach house it was almost  dawn…
I have many memories with this beach house… this has many… many good memories with my father…..and it is also the same house where I had gotten married… I have a complicated feeling seeing the beach house…
When I got out of the car… Amaan took my hand and started dragging me towards the backside of the house where the sea is…..the sound of  waves can be heard  from here…
AYESHA : Hey.. Where are you dragging me…
AMAAN : To throw you into the sea…
I rolled my eyes…
I don’t know when  the solemn Amaan…my Akhru…starts making jokes……
We reach in front of the sea……
Suddenly Amaan pulled my hand and make me sit on the sand… and then I realized he is already sitting on the sand…
AMAAN : The sun is about rise fully in a few minutes… let’s enjoy the sunrise…
I was enjoying the beautiful scenery….when suddenly Amaan took my hand in his hand and started speaking…
AMAAN : I know Ayesha… you have many questions in your mind… I will give you the answers of your all questions…..I will tell you everything But before all of that I want to tell you something…
I looked at him… he was already looking at me….. I didn’t said anything… he continued…
AMAAN : In this place we had gotten married…..yes the way I married to you was a cheating ,lie ….but the marriage… it was not a lie … my love, my care for you it is also not lie ……lets start a new… like this sun is rising with a new day, new hope….. Lets start our marriage again in this same place… with love and truth….there will be no lie between us anymore….. I promise… (said this with hopeful eyes)
I didn’t said anything… I took my face near his and started kissing him… after a second he also response back..…
Yes… I am afraid to know the answer of all my questions… I am still confused about their actions…
But in spite of all this… I know his love is really true… there is no lie in our love… Only truth....
After breaking the kiss I kept my head on his shoulder….. Kissing over my head he engulfed me close to him by his one arm…
We were enjoying the beautiful view and the sounds of the waves  with love…

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