Chapter - 21

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Ayesha's POV
AYESHA : Puja Mami (aunt)? What are you doing here?
Puja mami sat beside me on the bench….took my hand in his hand…
PUJA Mami : why are you crying like this baccha ( child) ….. Do you think your dad will be happy in haven to see you like this?
AYESHA : I… I am missing my dad… why did he leave me….( crying)
PUJA Mami : we all miss him… he was a nice man….. You know  Ashu, In relation he was my brother-in-law… but I treated him as my brother and he also used to see me as his sister….. I never had a brother… he became my brother…..On  every Raksha bandhan ( It is a popular Hinu annual ceremony….where on this day sisters tie a amulet called Rakhi around the wrists of their brothers, symbolically protecting them)….I used to tie Rakhi on  his hand…..and prayed for his long life.… but to my bad luck ….look it still couldn’t protect him from the evil….I have lost my brother … ( silent tears started fall  from her eyes)…
PUJA mami looked at me…..wiped my tears with her hand… and cupped my face in her hand…
PUJA Mami : Ashu, I know you are my obedient baccha (child)… listen to me… ok….. I also knew all the things that you have come to know about today…
I was very shocked to hear this  from  Puja Mami…… how many people are actually lying to me ….. Everyone knows everything except me… why… why couldn’t they tell me.… why they all lied to me….why… don’t they trust me?….. Everyone knows everything except me…..
PUJA Mami : Ashu, we didn’t  tell you  because we know how innocent you are… we don’t want to hurt you…but as you have already come to know… so we will tell you everything…..Amaan will tell you gradually… There are many things that you don’t know….. Just trust us beta (child) …we all love you…
Tears were continuously falling from my eyes…
PUJA mami : beta (child) … your mother is very worried about you…every one is worried about you….. I know you are feeling betrayal….trust me beta… everything will be alright…. go  home with Amaan.... (Said this she looked behind me)
Turning my head I saw  Amaan was standing far away  with a concern face…
AYESHA : I don’t want to go… I'd like to be alone for a while  … please… you go…
PUJA Mami : Ashu, you are my good child… listen to me… ok…let me ask you one thing… do you love Amaan?
I nodded my head without hesitation …
PUJA Mami : Then start this in new way…
AYESHA : hun?
PUJA Mami : Before today you knew that Amaan has married you just for the sake of saving your reputation… and you  accepted this wholeheartedly… but now you know he has not married you just for that… it was already planned….. Maybe you’re thinking everything is lie… everyone lied to you….. But in all of these lies… one thing is very  true… that is his love… his care… for you….. so start your marriage in a new way with love…… he needs you… you need him…..go beta… go home with him…..I know you are very confused now….. But just go with him.
Yeah… mami is right… I am confused… but of course I will go with him… I was just angry and upset… that’s why I was not answering anyone’s calls… I wanted to spend some alone time…..but I am feeling very lonely….. Yes I need him… I need him….I don’t like this loneliness feeling… it’s remind me the time of my dad’s death…….Then also I was very lonely….. My mom was ill… but My bare mamu play the role of my  father in my life…. he had given me solace and safety….My chote mamu was also there for me…but I was more close to bare mamu….I gave him the place of my father in my heart…he filled the void of my father’s love….…..and my Puja mami (wife of chote mamu) had taken care of me as a mother… when my mother was ill… she became another mother of me….. Yes I know they love me very much….. For my mom I am her everything….. My mom loves me more than her life….. Yes… they will never do anything which is not good for me….. And I will definitely know the reason… but now I need someone to comfort me …I need my husband….yes..
I get up from the bench and went near my husband….. I didn’t have to say anything….. Without saying anything he engulfed me in his arms....... Yes I need this…… I need this hug which is saying to me that… no I am not alone…..I have many questions in my mind…..I will ask… but not now….. I am very exhausted….. I just want to enjoy this ...
So I am just enjoying this…

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