Chapter - 5

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Ayesha's POV

Kritika was coming out off the Airport with Mr. Amaan Khanna and with another person whom I didn't recognize.

NIKITA : hey who are those two person with Kri? Are you talking about them? Do you know them?

Before I could reply anything to Niki... Kri already came in front of us and hugged us.

KRITIKA : hey Niki... how are you... after so many days we met..... Where is your boyfriend? Didn't he come with you?

NIKITA : No... He will come on the marriage day... he has an important work to do..... By the way... who are they? ( pointing Mr. Aman and the other person)

KRITIKA : ohh guys... I had told you na that I have a crush on someone ...

"Yeeaahh" - we Both said together.

KRITIKA : so here meet with my crush, my boyfriend, my lover Mr. Dhruv Malhotra... he proposed me two days ago and I said yes..

Me and Niki first looked at each other and then "aaaaaaaaaaa" - we both shrieked in excitement...

DHRUV : hii guys.

AYESHA : Hii .. I am Ayesha ....kritika's best friend from childhood.

NIKITA : Hii... I am NiKita... Kritika's another best friend but not from childhood... but it doesn't matter... nice to meet you...and who is He?

DHRUV : ohh he... he is Amaan Khanna, my best friend.

NIKITA : hii... nice to meet you...

AMAAN : Hi. ( said with a very serious face)

What? Can't he say hii with a little smile? Akhru is a perfect name for him...

NIKITA : and that...our friend Ayesha ( pointing towards me)... she is ..

DHRUV : I don't think there is any need to introduce Ayesha..... Right Ayesha?

NIKITA : why? Do you know him Esha?

AYESHA : He is Akash's brother....

NIKITA : ohhh so he is the Akhru...oops ( she covered her mouth with her palm)

Now she is covering her mouth!!! What's the point now...I shouldn't have told her..... She has no control of her mouth... uff

AMAAN : what?

NIKITA : I.. I.. No.. Wo..

AYESHA : I...I think ....we should leave now.....

NIKITA : Yeah yeah.. Correct..

Nikita whispered in my ear "sorry, sorry... it has slipped out of my mouth"

DHRUV : Yaar... stay little longer na... we didn't even talk properly... lets got to a nearby coffee shop or any restaurant.....after that you can leave...

AYESHA : but.. Wo..

DHRUV : please..... It is first time we are meeting..... As your best friend's boyfriend...shouldn't we know each other better? ...This will be my treat for you guys..... Do you like seafood?

NIKITA : I love seafood... (said excitingly)

Wow!!! She forgot what she did just now... and now she was excited to eat seafood...

If looks can kill then Nikita would definitely have been killed by me...

I was trying to tell Kri through gestures to stop this plan to go to the restaurant..... But I think today god is not in my favour..... She didn't understand...

DHRUV : ok then... its final... I know there is a very good seafood restaurant near..... Lets go...

KRITIKA : yes lets go.....

Ohh god please save me from this Akhru..... Ugghh.....I should have listen to Nanu and shouldn't come here to pick up this two idots best friends of mine... who didn't even understand my sign... only excited about seafood..... I wanted to cry.

We reached the restaurant.... We came here in two cars... in one car it was Kri and Dhruv and in another car it was me, Nikita, and Mr. Akhru ..... No one has spoken a single word throughout the journey in our car... Niki was trying to say something to me but one stern look from me keep her mouth shut.

We all entered the restaurant... but after entering the restaurant... seeing two person on a table... I was quite surprised.

AYESHA : What are you guys doing here together?

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