Chapter - 25

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Third Person's POV
Amaan entered into the house from outside…
AMAAN : AYESHA??? Ayesha??? … (he shouted Ayesha’s name)
But there was no response….. Amaan started looking for her at the  kitchen, drawing room, bedroom, balcony… but didn’t find her anywhere…
“Where did she go??”- Amaan said in his mind…
AMAAN : Ayesha?? AYESHA??Where are you???? ( Amaan again shouted her name)
But still he didn’t get any response…he started panic…..he started searching for her backyard of the house….….. he heard the sound of the swing… when he went near the swing… he saw… Ayesha was swinging happily…
AMAAN : seriously? I am searching for you in the whole house and here you are enjoying swinging….( said with folded arms )
Ayesha got startled and abruptly stopped the swing because of that she was going to fall but Amaan catch her in time…
Ayesha jerked free herself from his hold and without saying anything went into the house…
Amaan stood there bewildered…
“what have I done ? I just helped her… why did she behave like this?” – Amaan said to himself..
Amaan followed Ayesha into the house..
AMAAN : Ayesha,  Come… look I have brought some sea food … let’s eat this…
Amaan started serving the dishes but realised Ayesha has not gotten up from the sofa or response him anything….. with a very confused face Amaan went near Ayesha… and sat beside her…
AMAAN : Hey! What happened??
Ayesha didn’t said anything and turned her face another side….. Seeing this…Amaan got even more confused …
AMAAN : Hey Ayesha, what happened? Why aren’t you talking to me ??? Did I do anything???
Ayesha nodded her head like a child fuming in anger…
AMAAN : what did I do… say… I will correct it… if I can… don’t be angry na..
AYESHA : you have broken your promise…
AMAAN : Promise? Which promise?
AYESHA : ohh.. So now you didn’t remember your promise….. You have promised me you will tell me everything… but you didn’t…
Amaan then realized what Ayesha was talking about… he started smile..
AYESHA : look even now you are smiling like a fool…
AMAAN : ok... Let’s eat first then I will tell you… otherwise the dishes would be get cold…
AYESHA : no… first I want to know…
AMAAN : okk… then lets talk while eating… .
AYESHA : umm.. Okk
They went near the dinner table…
AYESHA : umm… Amaan, isn’t it the same restaurant where we had eaten the day before our wedding with Dhruv and my friends…
After said this Ayesha suddenly became sad..
AMAAN : Yesss… I remembered that how much you had loved the dishes so I have bought this for you.… but why are you looking upset?? Are you not happy seeing these dishes?? Don’t you like it??
AYESHA : I like it… actually I remember that I didn’t talk with my friends and mother till now after that day….. I am such a bad friend and a bad daughter…
AMAAN : Noo….they know you are the best ….. They know you very well… they understand you… so don’t think like that…
AYESHA : I will call them tonight…
AMAAN : okk…
AYESHA : so now tell me…the whole reason… which you had not complete ..
AMAAN : you still didn’t forgot...
AMAAN : because your mother loves me more than you(chuckled and Ayesha frowned her face)… and maybe she thought  this is the chance when her godson can fulfil his wish by marrying you…
AYESHA : mom’s godson?? Means YOU? you had a wish to marry me???… (asked raising one eyebrow)
AMAAN : umm… yeahh
AYESHA : Why??? When??
AMAAN : it’s a long story… maybe you will think me  a pervert
AYESHA : No…I will not…I want to know
Amaan looked at Ayesha
AMAAN : When I was only 9years years old and you were only 1 …
Ayesha looked at him with a wide eyes…
AMAAN : I knew it… you will judge me…
AYESHA : No no no... I am not judging you… I am just shocked…..How can a 9 year old child wish to marry just seeing a one year old child… (said with a amused expression)
AMAAN : because you are special…
Hearing this Ayesha smile shyly…
AMAAN : you were very special….. You brought joy into everyone’s life…
Ayesha gave a confused look..
AMAAN : you know… just a year before you born… My mother had given birth to a son, my little brother whom I had promised to protect… promised to love…but he didn’t give me the chance… he died two days after his birth… my mother became very depressed… she couldn’t believed this… she used to say it was not his son who died…..she believed my brother was alive… she used to behave like a mad woman….. She was very upset… I was very sad seeing my mom  behaving like that….. But then one day… Shalini ma announced that she was pregnant….. You know… your parents were trying many years to conceive a child but there was no results….. They had lost their all hope to be a parent… but then they  conceived you … you came as an angel into our life….. gradually my mother started behaving normal….. She knew how much her best friend, Shalini ma and Ashish uncle was waiting for this day…… she started forgetting her grief because of their happiness…..I still remember the smile on my mother’s face when she had hold you in her arms for the first time…....
Amaan has a genuine smile on his face while telling all these….. Seeing Amaan's smile Ayesha also smiled…
AMAAN : you know one day.....I said that I wanted to keep you in my house forever….. Then Ashish uncle (Ayesha’s father) said that… for that I have to marry you when we grow up otherwise someone will snatch you from me….. So this is the reason why I had this wish on such a young age....
AYESHA : But you never did anything to impress me…or try to be friend with me…you used to behave so coldly....if you had the wish to marry me… then why didn’t you tried anything before?? If this incident had not happened maybe I would have never married you…why you never even tried to talk to me??
AMAAN : Because everything had changed after that….. (Amaan's face suddenly became serious)… ‘that woman’( Lalita, Akash's mom) entered into our life with his son…….My mom had broken down completely….. You know if my little brother had survived , he would have been the same age as Akash…… My mom became even more devastated thinking that when she was actually grieving over his second son's death….her husband, Mr Mohit Khanna actually enjoying his another son's birth with other woman…..He had said to my mom that it was an accident…if it was an accident why he hide his son from us for two years….I hate him…he is the one who had hurt my mother the most..…
Ayesha started to rub Amaan's hand with her palm… Ayesha could see only anger and hatred in his eyes....
AMAAN : you know Ayesha, my mom was a very kind woman….. She even gave sheltered to 'that woman' in our house as they had no place to go… mom never had hated Akash….as Akash was very little so she had allowed them to stay in our house……everything was going normal… but one day that incident happened….. Some says she  committed suicide… some says it was an accident… but I think it was a murder……But I had no proof….I had asked my father to investigate that but he didn’t listen……I believe my mom could never commit suicide by burning herself like that….. But because I had no proof… I had to accept that as an accident…
Amaan and Ayesha were both quiet for some time… Ayesha didn’t understand what to say….
AMAAN : ( said pointing at the scar on his face) This scar was fresh then and it was worse to see….. You were afraid to come near me…
Hearing this Ayesha was feeling very guilty…
AYESHA : Amaan…..
AMAAN : shush… you don’t have to say anything… and don’t feel guilty… you were just a little girl then……..
AYESHA : still I am sorry…
AMAAN : uhu… you don’t have to be sorry……..Ayesha… could you answer my one question?
AYESHA : yes… ask…
AMAAN : do …love me? ( Said this with a very afraid voice… like he is afraid to know the answer)
Ayesha hugged him tightly….
AYESHA : of course… I love you… love you very much… Mr. Amaan Khanna… My Akhru (giggled)
Amaan pecked on her lips…..
AMAAN : I also love you very much...Ayesha… I promise you today… I will not spare anyone  whoever has  murdered Ashish uncle…I will find them…
AYESHA : Yes I trust you……..
Hearing this Amaan hugged Ayesha more tightly in his embrace…
AYESHA : Amaan..
AMAAN : hmm?
AYESHA : Amaan… let’s go back tomorrow….. I have some question to ask Tara… I want to talk with her… and also I want to meet with mom and my friends …and talk with them face to face…
AMAAN : ok… as you wish…
AYESHA : Thank you…… Aahh
Amaan suddenly picked up Ayesha in a bridal style…and went into the bedroom…
AMAAN : Then let’s not waste our last night here…..
On the full moon night the whole house was filled with the sound of waves along with the sound of their moaning in pleasure…

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