Chapter - 6

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Ayesha’s  POV

AYESHA : What are you guys doing here?

I was surprised to see my cousin Tara and Akash here…

AKASH : we.. wo… we are..

TARA : we actually can’t tell you…

AYESHA : what? Why?

TARA : we are here to plan a surprise for you.

AYESHA : Surprise? What surprise?

TARA : Ashu, if we tell you the surprise then how come it will be a surprise?

AYESHA : yeah that’s true… but I am curious.

TARA : you just forget that you see us here… then it will be not a problem…
AKASH : yes sweetheart, don’t ask anything more or it will ruin my surprise for you…


AKASH : Hii brother…


Uff… again… how can someone always talks  so seriously…..just like a machine….even with his brother.

AYESHA : Ohh yeah … meet Nikita… you see her on video calls.. Remember?

AKASH : yes of course… hii.. Nikita… nice to meet you…

NIKITA : Hiii… nice to meet you too brother-in-law … you don’t mind me calling  you brother-in-law, right?

AKASH : problem

TARA : Hii.. Niki nice to meet you again…

NIKITA : Hi… and please call me Nikita… only my best friends can call me Niki... (Said seriously)

O god I don’t know why Niki doesn’t like Tara….and Kri also doesn’t doesn’t like her much.... Uff why Niki has to said such thing… it is so awkward… uff I have to do something… or  else Tara will be upset…

AYESHA : Tara don’t mind her… she is always like this….. Why don’t you guys also join us….. Oops sorry Dhruv Ji( ji is basically use after name to give someone respect) … you don’t mind.. Right? It is actually Dhruv Ji's treat..

DHRUV : No no of course not… and please stop calling me Dhruv Ji , it’s make me feel old… call me just DHRUV.
AYESHA : ok Dhruv… so let’s sit together…

TARA : No no … Ashu.. We can’t… we still have something to plan for the surprise… we have to go now… I will see you at home…

AKASH : yeah Ayesha… bye…you enjoy
They both left the restaurant…


AYESHA : what? Kri , she is my cousin… don’t say such word… I don’t understand why do you dislike her?

NIKITA : Yeah… I also don’t like her….. Okay lets not waste our time talking about her.

KRITIKA : yeah.

We all settled in a table at the corner… we ordered a lot…. After some time our order came…..we were  all eating and  talking but Amaan was quiet.

NIKITA : why Mr. Amaan isn’t talking ?

AMAAN : I don’t like talking while eating… you also shouldn’t talk… it is not a good habit…

And we all became quiet….. I glare at Nikita… always she talks unnecessary…..
So we all finish our food silently.
After finishing our food …saying goodbye to Dhruv and Amaan we left the restaurant…

That Akhru didn’t even wish us back… huunh arrogant.

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