Chapter - 9

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Third Person’s POV

A continuous ringing of a mobile phone disturbed the sleep of Ayesha…

AYESHA : uhhuuuh… huuu…

Opening her sleepy eyes when she saw the caller id she became wide awake and quickly picked up her phone..

AYESHA : Mom? Is everything alright? Are you ok? Do you felling unwell?

SHALINI : calm down honey… everything is alright… I am totally fit and fine….. I call you to wake you up.

AYESHA : whaaat??? ( whining) mom, it’s only 7 O’clock in morning….. Why do you want to wake me up so early… you know na I don’t like to wake up early.

SHALINI : Then you have to change your habit… now you are married… you are someone’s wife… and today is your first Rasoi.

AYESHA : what’s that?

SHALINI : First rasoi is when you  will cook for your in-laws for the first time in their house after marriage…

AYESHA : what??? Mom you know I don’t know cooking…

SHALINI : I know but you have to learn… and don’t worry you don’t have to cook a whole meal… you just have to cook one simple dish....someone will help you… you are a smart girl… nowadays everything is easy….use your mobile phone and you will know how to cook..

AYESHA : Mom, it’s not easy… how can you expect me to learn cooking with only help of online in  just one day…

SHALINI : I don’t know anything… you have to… be my good daughter and make mom proud…

AYESHA : Mmoooommm (whining)

SHALINI : don’t behave like a child… and yeah remember when you see Tara don’t argue with her… ok just forget about everything…

AYESHA : Mom, how can you...

SHALINI : let me finish first… I didn’t say that you have to forgive her so easily … I am just saying  don’t quarrel with her… if she says anything just ignore her… now she is not only your cousin …  now you have another relationship with her… now she is your devar’s ( younger brother-in-law)  wife, your devrani ( younger sister-in-law) … so you have to tolerate them.. Ok honey… be a good daughter-in-law … I know that you still didn’t get up from bed so now get up and freshen up fast so that you can go to kitchen to make something nice for your in-laws….best of luck… bye…love you.

AYESHA : bye mom, love you too. ( sigh)

Ayesha’s POV

‘Ufff… now I have to cook ohh god!!! Save me and also save my in-laws !!!!’
Then I noticed that the sofa was empty and there is no trace of Amaan in the room.

‘Huuuu where have he gone so early in the morning? … whatever…ohh I shouldn’t waste anymore time… I have to get ready for the first Rasoi ritual… ohh god please help me’.

I got up from the bed and entered the bathroom to freshen up…

I started getting ready…I have worn a saare… I am not very used to it but as a new daughter-in-law I thought it will be good…

“Ahem Ahem” – coughing sound attracted my attention… turning my face I saw Amaan in his jogging attire…
Ohh he must have for  jogging …

AYESHA : Good morning .

AMAAN : hmm…morning..

Can’t he say good morning in a normal face… still so serious….

AMAAN : Ahem ahem…

Why is he clearing his throat so much..

AYESHA : do you have a sore throat?


AYESHA : Is your throat itchy?

AMAAN : No..

AYESHA : Then why are you making the sounds like clearing throat?

AMAAN : (sigh) Don’t kept your wet towel on the bed … there is a stand in bathroom for  keeping wet towels… remember next time…

Said this he pick up the towel from the bed and entered into the bathroom…
I stand there dumbfounded.

Ohh god… just because of this small reason he pressured his throat so much... It’s just a wet towel…he was behaving like it was something dirty…uff..

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