Chapter - 15

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Third Person's POV

Standing in front of a five star hotel…

AYESHA : why  have you brought me here?

TARA : Because Akash is here.

AYESHA : Here? In a hotel?

TARA : yes… He always comes here whenever we quarrel.

AYESHA : ohhh

TARA : so lets go inside.

AYESHA : umm… Tara… I think I should talk with him when he will return home.. Let him spend some time alone.


AYESHA : huu?

TARA : I mean to say… he will not return home maybe in two three days… he always does that… but after two… three days… if he really returns home with divorce papers… then what will I do… he has already told me… if I don’t abort this child in two days… then he will divorce me… (started crying)

AYESHA : ok ok… don’t cry… calm down… it’s not good for baby's health … now you have child in your belly you have to think about it… don’t cry always…

TARA : look Ashu… when we have already come here then why don’t we go inside and talk with him…

AYESHA : umm.. Ok

They both entered into the hotel…and reached on the 5th  floor by lift.

They both came in front of the door of room no 503 .

AYESHA : Tara, we didn’t even ask the receptionist about Akash's room number… how can you sure… he is in this room…

TARA : I know… he always stays in this room.

AYESHA : but still…

TARA : don’t worry he is in this room.

Tara pressed the calling bell of  room 503 …

After some moments the door of the room opened and Akash came out…

AKASH : Ayesha? Tara? What are you doing here? Please come in.

They both entered into the room.

AYESHA : uhu… cough cough… there is so much smell of smoke and even smell of alcohol….. O god

TARA : yeah… Ashu it will be not good for baby’s health…I am waiting outside… you talk with him…

AYESHA : Hey… wait… I think I will also talk with him later… I think he is drunk…

AKASH : No I am not drunk… I am perfectly fine… look I have spread room freshman in the room ( spread room freshener)…now there is no smell of smoke.

TARA : yeah Ayesha please talk with him.


before she could finish her sentence Tara already left the room closing the door.

AYESHA : hey why do you closed the door?

Ayesha was going to open the door at this moment Akash grab her wrist and pulled her in his arms.... Akash cage Ayesha in his arms  tightly  so that she couldn’t break free from it.

AYESHA : Akash… what are you doing?? Please leave me……Akash… you are drunk… please leave me ( she started panic)

AKASH : I am sorry Ayesha… please forgive me… I didn’t want this… but I have no option… please forgive me…

AYESHA : Akash… what are you saying… I have already forgotten about the past… I forgive you … please leave me… you are drunk… you have no sense now… please leave me…

Ayesha tried her best to break free from his grab but in this process they both fell on the bed…

At this moment the door of the hotel room opened…

TARA : Look bhaiya I have told you…

Getting up from the bed Ayesha saw it was Amaan standing with a very cold face…

AYESHA : Noooo it’s not like this…

Tears were continuously falling from Ayesha's eyes… Ayesha was telling Amaan all the things… that had actually happened… but Amaan didn’t said a single word….. Even when they were in the car on their way home…  also then  he didn’t said a word to her.

Amaan came near Ayesha and squatted in front of her.

AYESHA : Ama…an be……me ( hiccup) ….. I… di… (said crying)

AMAAN : shhhh….. Stop crying… why are crying.. ( wiped her tears with his thumbs) ….. Don’t cry love… please don’t cry…( said very gently)

Ayesha has never heard him speak so gently…he has spoken with her gently many times but not like this…

AMAAN : I believe you… you don’t need to give me any explanation … I love you…seeing you like this it gives me heartache…please don’t cry love ( said cupping her face in his palm)

Ayesha again started crying hugging him tightly…

AMAAN : shhh… every thing is fine… don’t cry.

Amaan consoled her by caressing her back… and kissed her temple….gradually Ayesha fell asleep in his arms….. Amaan very carefully picked her up from the sofa and gently placed her on the bed like a precious thing…as if he is not careful enough then it will break.....
Amaan sit besides Ayesha and caressing her hair for some time then kissing on her forehead and covered her with a blanket… he got up from the bed.

Then he went into the balcony with his mobile phone and dial a number…

AMAAN : The time has arrived to take action…

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