Chapter - 10

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Ayesha’s POV

I came downstairs and directly went into the kitchen…and started talking with the maids… who may help me…

LALITA ( MIL) : good morning beta…

After some time my mother-in-law  entered into the kitchen…..

AYESHA : Good morning Mummy..

LALITA : you are in the kitchen so early in the morning… is it because of first rosoi ritual?


LALITA : good….You make whatever you want… maids will help you .. Ok?

AYESHA : yeah…

Said this She left the kitchen….when yesterday I first called her mummy… it was little awkward… because though I am still her daughter-in-law but I am now not the wife of her own son… she is very upset with Akash … (sigh) ..

Now what will I make? Ummm…mom has said it will be good if it is a sweet dish… but how can I make a sweet dish…when I don’t know anything about cooking.


I don’t need to turn around to see who it is…..I didn’t replied...because I don’t want to talk with her… I am still angry at her..

TARA : Ashu… I know you are still angry with me… but can you please forgive me… I didn’t want anything like this to happen… really I am really sorry… Please forgive me…

I didn’t replied her… I ignored her…

TARA : Ashu… I know You don’t know how to cook… let me help you…so you can impress them…no one will know about it…

After I heard this I couldn’t control anymore…

AYESHA : No no Tara… you have already help me enough… I think in this life I will never want your help anymore… I have had enough ( said sarcastically)… and yeah… I don’t like to deceive people… like some people do… So If I will not able to make anything then I will tell them the truth… you don’t have to worry about me…

Said this I left  from the kitchen…
Breakfast time…when everyone has settled down in the dining table …

NILIMA ( Grandma) : Today is first rasoi of both of you ( indicating me and Tara) ….. Have my granddaughter-in-laws   made anything?

Grandma and grandpa both have accepted Tara wholeheartedly as their granddaughter-in-law.

TARA : yes grandma … I have made gajar ka halwa ( it is a sweet dish, makes with carrot) .

NILIMA : bah… it is Akash's favourite dish… ok then serve this to everyone..
LALITA :  Don’t give me… I hate carrots…

I know my mother-in-law said this thing because she doesn’t like Tara… I was feeling little sad for her… oh no… I shouldn’t feel sad for her… I am still angry with her…

LALITA : Ayesha…What did you make dear?

AYESHA : yes… I.. I have made… chocolate sandwich..

Everyone looked at me…

MANOHAR ( Grandpa) : Sounds interesting… what is that?? It must be very tasty…

AYESHA : Grandpa… actually… wo.. I don’t know cooking… and mom told me that I should make something sweet... So I  have just melted the chocolate  and spread it on bread… so that’s how I invented this  chocolate sandwich.. ( said very proudly like she achieved something big)..

When I looked at them I saw everyone was trying to suppress their laugh… even that Akhru was also smiling..
Huuh…when he is smiling at my dish… then why isn’t  he making a dish himself… huuuh Akhru.

NILIMA : good ... Don’t worry child it is great… you tried to make something… that’s matter… and it is really good…
I felt good.

After breakfast grandpa even gave us gifts for our first rasoi..

I am very happy….Amaan entered into the room.

AMAAN : Take it.

I looked at him confusedly and took the box  which wrapped with a gift rapper.

Opening the box I was surprised… it was my favourite chocolates.

AYESHA : This??

AMAAN : It is your first rasoi gift…though you are not a good cook but you are smart…you have used your brain smartly … I am leaving for the office… If you have anywhere to go you can… you don’t need to ask anyone.

Said this he left the room…

Wait did he mock me or praise me??
Whatever… now I don’t care about it  because I got my favourite chocolate … I am very happy…

Wait did he know that it’s my favourite chocolate? Noo... How would he know… it must be coincidence.

But he is really nice … I will not call him Akhru anymore.

Mom is right… just because he behaves cold that doesn’t mean.. He is like that..
He is actually a very  good man.

Unknowingly a big smile slid across my face.

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