Chapter - 19

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Third Person's POV

AYESHA : WHY MOM? WHY  YOU DID THIS? ( Asked Crying loudly)

Tears were continuously falling from her eyes… She looked very miserable…..
Her mom, Shalini was shocked seeing her here… she knew that her daughter was taking rest at home as she was not well….. She  has never expected Ayesha to listen her conversation…..she didn’t know how much she has heard….. So she was very afraid to say anything….. But seeing her daughter crying  hysterically she felt very sad…her heartache.

AMAAN : Ayesha, why are you here? … you are not well…please sit first.

AYESHA : stop…don’t you dare to  come near me…… ( stopped him showing her palm)

Amaan felt hurt… but he knew what Ayesha was feeling.

AYESHA : lie….. Every thing is a lie….. Mom you has made my life a joke….(sobbing)

SHALINI : No beta (child ) listen….. Don’t cry like this… I don’t like to see you crying….. Please honey… stop crying… ( she was also started crying)

AYESHA : you don’t care mom… you don’t care if I cry or not… You don’t care about me.

SHALINI : No no no… honey….. Of course I care about you….. You are my everything… how can I not care about you.

AYESHA : If you really had cared about me… you did not tell me such lies……mom … people are dying… they are suffering because of this disease….. and you lied about it…… every day…... Mom…… every day I have prayed in front of god  to make you well…….I don’t know mom…… I don’t understand…… should I be happy that you have no such disease….. Or should I be sad that you lied to me about such big thing for so many days.......I am confused mom.

SHALINI : Honey please understand I had no other option…..I want  you get to married... I know you will not listen normally….. So I had made this plan.

AYESHA : ok fine…… you made this plan to married me off….. you could have told me afterwards….. But no you still didn’t do that…… ok lets forget that…… Just say me one thing if I understand clearly... My marriage with Amaan was planned right???

Shalini and Amaan no one replied.


SHALINI : yes…

AYESHA : o god….. Why?? …..when you were so determined to marry me with Amaan… then why did you gave me the choice to find my partner.

SHALINI : I knew that you have no boy-friends….. So you will not come with anyone….but  one day you said you want to marry Akash… I was surprised… because… I know Akash was dating Tara.

AYESHA : wait? What… Akash was dating Tara before my marriage?? ( said with disbelief ) … then why did Tara had suggested me to marry  Akash??? And when you knew….why didn’t you tell me????

SHALINI : I still don’t know the reason why Tara had did this….. I didn’t say that to you  because I know I can use this to break the marriage.

AYESHA : As you did….. Mom you make my life a joke in front of so many people just to fulfil your wish … I was so sad… so ashamed… you can easily just said to me… without doing so much drama….
SHALINI : I knew you don’t have a very good impression of Amaan… and you will not accept this proposal…and rest of the family members will also support you… so I had made this plan.

AYESHA : wow… I can’t believe… my own mother did this with me… you know  what mom…..some parents force their children to marry someone they choose….. You actually did the same thing but smartly….they should learn it from you…..

SHALINI : Ayesha don’t say like this…..I did all this for you… there is something you don’t know and we don’t want to tell you now….. But trust me this is all for your good….. Look… you are happy with Amaan… you also realized that he is a good person.

AYESHA : I don’t know… I am feeling very confused…my mother cheated me….my sister cheated me …my husband also cheated me….I can only see Everything is lie…..only lie.

AMAAN : No… Ayesha everything is not lie….. I know our marriage is not like accident as you have thought in these days… it is all pre planned… but believe me Ayesha…my love for you is not a lie… please don’t doubt in my love… believe me.

AYESHA : I don’t know… my mind isn’t working… I don’t know whom to believe… I need time… I need time.

Said this she hurriedly left the room… tears were still falling from her eyes….. She just running she didn’t know where she was going…..

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